RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1882. [Three letters to Zacharias, 1875-7]. In Otto Zacharias, Charles R. Darwin und die culturhistorische Bedeutung seiner Theorie vom Ursprung der Arten. (Nebst Mittheilunegn aus Originalbriefen des berühmten Forschers). Berlin: Elwin Staude. 83pp.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2022. RN2


Only Darwin's letters are transcribed here. The entire work is available in Darwin Online as a PDF. An English translation of the recollection of Hans Richter and his visit to Darwin published in this pamphlet (pp. 5-7) is in Darwin Online as A673. The recollection of Ferdiand Cohn is on pp. 7-8. Zacharias's own recollections are on p. 12.

The copy scanned is from the collection of John van Wyhe.

[page] 76


[24 February 1877]

"Until the day of my death I shall look at this magnificent Album with the portraits of so many honoured German naturalists as by far the greatest honour, which ever has been or could possibly be conferred on me." Und über die geschmackvolle, von dem Dicther-Maler Arthur Fitger (Bremen) ausgeführte Titel-Vignette schrieb er: "How very kind it was of your distinguished artist to execute so beautiful a title-page for the Album!" […]

[The full letter is published in Correspondence vol. 25, p. 180. Apparently it was first published in Zacharias, 1882. Charles Darwin. Vom Fels zum Meer 2: 348-53, p. 353. In Darwin Online as A79 and F3508.]

[page] 77


26 April 1877

"My dear Sir! I am sorry to say that I have not osteological knowledge enough for my opinion to be of any value with respect to the anomalous foot of the pig, which you have been so good as to send me. — I do not know whether it has arrived at Down, for I am at present away from home; but when it arrives I will send it to Prof. Flower at the Royal College of Surgeons, who has made a special study of the limbs of the Ungulate and who is a most careful and and advised knower. I have asked him, to send me a note, if the foot presents any remarkable pecularity, and should I receive such note, I will forward it to you. I remain, dear Sir, yours faithfully Charles Darwin."


24 February 1877

8) S. 10. Brief Mr. Darwin's an mich vom 24. February 1877 aus Down: "When I was on board the Beagle I believed in the permanence of Species, but as far as I can remember, vague doubts occasionally flitted across my mind. On my return home in the autumn of 1836, I immediately began to prepare my Journal for publication, and then saw how many facts indicated the common descent of species, so that in July, 1837, I opened a note book to record any facts which might bear on the question. But I did not become convinced that species were mutable until, I think, two or three years had elapsed."


[page] 80


15) S. 45 "Nothing can be more convincing and clear than the conclusions of Malthus, and yet every now and then some foolish author tries to disprove them." (Brief Darwin's an mich vom 11. Juni 1875.)

[The editors of the Correspondence note: "The date is established from the printed source (Zacharias 1882, p. 80). The letter was probably CD's reply to the letter from Otto Zacharias, 3 June 1875."]


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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 28 November, 2022