RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1975. [Letter to Edward Lumb, 1834]. In J. H. Winslow, Mr Lumb and Masters Megatherium: an unpublished letter by Charles Darwin from the Falklands. Journal of Historical Geography 1: 347-60, pp. 348, 350.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2022. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Freeman Bibliographical Database, enter its Identifier here. See the fully annotated letter in Correspondence vol. 1.

[page] 348

Mr. Lumb

36 Calle de la Paz

B. Ayres

March 30th 1834

E. Falkland Island

My dear Lumb

There is a French Whaler lying here which sails to day for M. Video and I take this opportunity of writing to you.- am very anxious that the Megatherium head, which Mr. Keen procured for me should not be lost. You will be, I am sure, be glad to hear that the fossil relics of olden days, which I found at B. Blanca, have been of preeminent interest tothose few, who in England care about such things.-Prof. Henslow &c begs of me to collect

[page] 350

every scrap of the bones of the head of the greater monster; for this reason, the specimens which Mr. Keen intended to forward from the R. Negro are the more valuable.- daresay you have already sent them to the Admiral at Rio.-You will very much oblige me, by sending a line to Valparaiso to state time & Ship, by which they were conveyed there so that, if they fail to arrive, I can write to Sir Michael Seymour.-

Since the Beagle left the Plata, we have had a pleasant cruise; we spent some time on the coast of Patagonia; the country swarms with Guanaco several were killed, but besides these, there were few living creatures. For my own part, I found some interesting work for the Geological hammer.- trust, with what I saw to the North, to be able to draw up a tolerable sketch of the geology of this eastern side of S. America. We then entered the Straits & passed on to Famine & returned to survey the East coast of Tierra del F.-The entrance of the Straits are found to be much narrower than drawn in the Charts.-After the coast was finished we ran down to near Cape Horn & returned & beat up the Beagle Channel to J. Button's country. Poor Jemmy was quite naked excepting a rag round his waist; he was however very happy; did not wish to return to England; had not forgotten his English & lastly, but not least, he had married a young, and for a Feugian, a beautiful Squaw.-

From thence, we sailed to this land; this seat of discord for the elements, as well as for Human affairs.-You will have heard of the murder of poor Brisbane &c &c; Such scenes of fierce revenge,cold-blooded treachery, & villainy in every form, have been here transacted as few can equal it.- shall be curious to hear what the wise Government of B. Ayres says on the occasion. I suppose 'a just revolt' 'their poor subjects groaning under the tyranny of England' &c &c. When you write you must tell me all the gossip. How goes our M' Griffith and your new minister?-How fare the Indians against the Caesar-like Rosas??-You must not forget to write to me under charge of British Consul, Valparaiso. Remember me most kindly to Mrs Lumb & with my best thanks for all your kindness.

Believe me Yours very truly.-

Charles Darwin


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File last updated 25 September, 2022