RECORD: Anon. 1839. [On the gradual uprising of the Earth in certain Places, by Charles Darwin.] The Literary Gazette, vol. 32, 1154 (2 March): 136.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2021. RN1

NOTE: See the record for this item in the Freeman Bibliographical Database by entering its Identifier here. The reporter who listened to this paper and wrote this report clearly did not understand it or heard only part of it. Darwin wrote no such paper. This instead refers to Darwin, C. R. 1839. Observations on the parallel roads of Glen Roy, and of other parts of Lochaber in Scotland, with an attempt to prove that they are of marine origin. [Read 7 February] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 129: 39-81.

[page] 136


Mr. Lubbock in the chair. –Read the conclusion of a paper, 'On the gradual uprising of the Earth in certain Places,' by Mr. Darwin.

The author of this communication follows out the subject taken up some time ago by that eminent geologist, Mr. Lyell. He refers to observations made in the district of Lochaber, in Scotland: -- portions of which, it appears, have been equably raised to an extent of 1278 feet above the level of the sea. He illustrates and proves his position, by noticing the equable elevation of what had evidently been the margin of ancient waters in the Lochaber district; and also by reference to the deposition of immense blocks of granite on particular parts of many of the hills in that country, as well as in the valleys. Those, he considers, could not have been so placed, or rolled into the localities they occupy, by the rushing of the waters, nor by irruptions of the earth. The blocks found in the valleys could not have been deposited there by the waters, inasmuch as the rush in such places must have been more impetuous than when the surface of the ground was level. These blocks, in many instances, from the slight elevation of the hills on which they are sometimes found could not have rolled or fallen from a higher part of the ground.

Mr. Darwin discusses the probability of these masses of granite having been transported from situations where their formation had taken place; he describes the positions in which they were found, shewing that they must have been removed considerable distances, by an undoubted elevation which takes place on the surface of the earth. The subject of the extraordinary parallel roads in Glenroy was discussed at great length in this paper.

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