RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstracts of journals. CUL-DAR91.74-76. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2022. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR91 contains early notes on guns & shooting. Darwin's draft of recollections of Henslow, 1861. Notes on the moral sense. Wallace pension. 'a sketch of the principal events in my life' & list of Darwin's works. Loose notes found with Text CUL-DAR119 'Books to be read'.


annal. des Sciences. Nat. vol 12. vol 14. layers.

⸮ Mustel Traité de la Vegetation vol 4. / on sterility from long continued propag. by

In Gaertner

Flora. 1837. p. 214 disputes above doctrine.—

― 1835 p. 561, 573 on Iris variation (I have ordered a pamphlet

Mem. de la Soc. d' Hist. Nat. de Paris vol. I. p. 91 — (on Hybrid Canaries)

E. v. Berg Flora 1833 B. I on variation of Iris ordered a Pamphlet on do

Beibl. zur Flora Nr. I. p. 1. 48 (p. 39) on do.

Flora — 1835 — p. 561. on do.

⸮ Unger Ueber den Einfluss des Bodens. Wien 1836 (opposed to much variation.)

Sageret in Annal des Sc. nat vol 8. p. 300.

Decandolle Prodromus vol X. p 327. on variation of Penstemon pubescens.

Tausch in ? no separate Book Flora 1833 p 255 on variability of Lychnis diurna & [ respetine]

I do not know whether periodical


Theophrastus on crossing plants in garden. Is there any Translation of do. (Gærtner p. 757)


(⸮) Flora 1836. p. 86 Link on grafting. Not in can it be in Band 2.

Flora 1848 p. 376 {Most curious case of sport of Laburnum

L' Institut No 155. p 116. on sporting of Grape Berries.

(Hooker say Flora at Kew) (not Isis)

Froriep Neue Notizen 1837. Nr. 13. p. 200 merely for references to Blyth on Hybrids.

arthur adams on sport in Œnothera in Froriep Neue Notizen 1840 Nr. 319. p. 166.

Flora 1821. B. 1. p. 15 on vars. of Anagallis

Flora des Osterreich. separate work Kaisereichs. p. 129 on do}

Flora 1826. p 339. read Zuccarini on sterility of oxalis from C. of Good Hope

Girou de Buz in Annales de Sc. vol 24. p. 174

[Charles Girou de Buzareignues, Mémoire sur les rapports des sexes dans le règne végétal. Annales des sciences naturelles 24: 156-76.]

Annales de Sc. vol 12. vol 14. — on sterility from long cult. Thouin.

Flora 1837. p 214. on Sterility from long cultivation. Reichenbach


From Gærtners work on Hybridisation

Berg on variation of PeasFlora 1848. p.72.

Goss & Seton on crossing of Peas Furst Allg. (⸮) Frauendorf Gartenzeiglt. 1837 Nr. 27 p. 213

Flora 1843 Meyer on Geogrp. Distrib of Plant of S. Africa see p. 512. Decandolle important calculation to be corrected read

Sagert. Annal. des Sc. Nat. vol 8. p. 314 on crossing varieties being fertile

Girou de. Buz. vol 30. p. 401.

Bure on varieties of Iris important no references (quoted by Lecoq)

Not in Pritzel Thesaurus ask Lindley I dare say misprint for Von. Berg which I have ordered.

Graham-Jameson. Eding. Phil. Journal 1828 p 139. p 183 on crossing of Azalea & Calceolaria. —

Salzb. Med. Chir. Zeitung 1811 p. 169 on ⸮ variation of Vinca rosea & alba keeping true. (p 743 of Gærtner)

Puvis de la Degeneration p. 36 (read)

[Darwin recorded reading this work on 1 September 1855. "Puvis de la Degeneration 1837". Text CUL-DAR128.-.]

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File last updated 9 October, 2023