RECORD: Darwin, C. R & Emma Darwin. 1956. [Correspondence extracts with Hooker, Huxley and Leonard Darwin, 1861, 1863, 1871, 1873.] In W. Irvine, Apes, Angels and Victorians. London, pp. 88, 93, 139, 216.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2019. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Freeman Bibliographical Database, enter its Identifier here.

[page] 88

Here is a good joke: H. C. Watson (who, I fancy and hope, is going to review new edition of the Origin) says that in first four paragraphs of the introduction, the words 'I' 'me', 'my' occur forty-three times! I was dimly conscious of this accursed fact. He says it can be explained phrenologically which I suppose civilly means, that I am the most egotistically self-sufficient man alive, perhaps so. I wonder whether he will print this pleasing fact; it beats hollow the parentheses in Wollaston's writing.

I am, my dear Hooker, ever yours.


PS. -Do not spread this pleasing joke; it is rather too biting.

[Hewett Cottrell Watson (1804-1881), Botanist and phrenologist. This letter was published in Correspondence vol 9, pp. 70-71. The letter is dated 27 March, 1861.]    

[page] 93

Down, Brownley [sic], Kent, Nov. 13, 1863.

My dear Lenny,

You cannot write as small as this I know. It is done with your crow-quill. Your last letter was not interesting, but very well spelt, which I care more about.

We have a new horse on trial, very spirited and pleasant and nice-looking, but I am afraid too cheap. Papa is much better than when Frank was here. We have some stamps for you: one Horace says is new Am. 5 cent.

Yours, my dear old man,

E.D. [Emma Darwin]

[page] 139

Jermyn Street, Feb. 20, 1871 MY DEAR DARWIN - Best thanks for your new book, a copy of which I find awaiting me this morning. But I wish you would not bring your books out when I am so busy with all sorts of things. You know I can't show my face anywhere in society without having read them - and I consider it too bad.

[This letter was published in Correspondence vol. 19, p. 111.]

[page] 216

My dear Huxley – I have been asked by some of your friends (eighteen in number) in inform you that they have placed through Robarts, Lubbock and Company, the sum of £2100 to your account at your bankers. We have done this to enable you to get such complete rest as you may require for the re-establishment of your health; and in doing this we are convinced  that we act for the public interest, as well as in accordance with our most earnest desires.

Let me assure you that we are all your warm personal friends, and that there is not a stranger or mere acquaintance amongst us. If you could have regard what was said, or could have read what was, as I believe, our inmost thoughts, you would know that we all feel towards you, as we should to an honoured and much loved brother. I am sure that you will return this feeling, and will therefore be glad to give us the opportunity of aiding you in some degree, as this will be a happiness to us to the last day of our lives. Let me add that our plan occurred to several of your friends at nearly the same time and quite independently of one another. – My dear Huxley, your affectionate friend,


[See the introduction in Correspondence vol. 21. 1873, p. xx. The letter is dated 23 April 1873.]

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File last updated 28 November, 2022