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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN1.23
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: Shipwreck 33 page account of the wreck of HMS Challenger. Robert FitzRoy pilots HMS Blonde to the bay of Conception off Talcahuano while the Beagle travelled north to Callao to prepare for her crossing of the Pacific. FitzRoy rides inland to find the wreck of the Challenger to inspect the damaged crew and frigate and returns to HMS Blonde to organise a rescue party. . Details of the failed attempts by Captain Seymour to save the Challenger which was driven onto offshore rocks, builing of a camp on shore and the rescue and protection of stores. Rescuers and stricken sailors reached Valparaiso on 13 July 1835. Captain Syemour was court marshalled for his loss of the ship but at his trial Robert FitzRoy pointed out that new paaterns of ocean currents had arisen since the earthquake giving rise to much navigational confusion. Captain Seymour was aquitted. The Beagle meanwhile had collected Charles Darwin at Copiapo
Description: Christ's College, Cambridge
Document type: Note


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