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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN1.27
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: Bay of Islands 2 (Convict Colonies) Document describing the Beagle's arrival in Port Jackson and life in Sydney in January 1836, its impact on Charles Darwin and various crew members. Meeting with Conrad Martens now living in Sydney and Darwin's purchase of some paintings. Darwin's account of his exploration of neighbouring countryside with Syms Covington,mand their meeting with Captain King. Extracts of letters written between Robert FitzRoy and Captain King and between Captain King and Francis Beaufort. Details of a visit to Hobart in Tasmania and Darwin's visits inland. Journey on to King George's Sound on the west coast and description of an aboriginal 'Corobbery'. Departure across the Indian Ocean for the Keeling Islands in March 1836. Artilce entitled "Darwin's Days" from The Indian Ocean Review Volume 1 March 1988 giving an acocunt of Darwin's visit to Western Australia.
Description: Christ's College, Cambridge
Document type: Note


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