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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN1.29
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: Isle of France Document detailing the seventeen day passage to the island of Mauritius and the time spent ashore on arrival. During the journey Darwin rewrote his geological notes and ideas and Captain FitzRoy wrote an account of the voyage. On arrival at Port Louis Syms Covington gives a detailed description of the town and Darwin visited various people. He and Covington explore inland climbing La Pouce — the rime of an ancient volcano. Darwin meets and stays with Captain Lloyd a Surveyor Genral and friend of Sir John Herschel. During a walk on the island Darwin experienced a ride on Captain Lloyd's elephant and was able to study the coral reefs during a calm sea boat trip.
Description: Christ's College, Cambridge
Document type: Note


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