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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN1.30
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: Cape Observations This document describes the voyage from Mauritius to Cape Town arriving there on 31 May 1836 and comments on Darwin's continuing sea-sickness. Details of family letters Darwin received there. . Description of the scientifc work carried out with the help of Thomas Maclear, the resident Astronomer Royal at Cape Good Hope and contemporary entries in his wife's diary. Details of Darwin's meeting with Dr Andrew Smith, founder of the South African Museum in 1825, and their discussions on the geology and natural hsitory of the area. And of Darwin's expedition inland. An account of John Frederick Herschel and his observatory at Cape Town, his meeting with and influence on Darwin and FitzRoy. Accounts of letters FitzRoy wrote to Sir John and Lady Herschel during the Beagle's journey north after leaving Cape Town 18 June 1836.
Description: Cape Observations This document describes the voyage from Mauritius to Cape Town arriving there on 31 May 1836 and comments on Darwin's continuing sea-sickness. Details of family letters Darwin received there. . Description of the scientifc work carried out with the help of Thomas Maclear, the resident Astronomer Royal at Cape Good Hope and contemporary entries in his wife's diary. Details of Darwin's meeting with Dr Andrew Smith, founder of the South African Museum in 1825, and their discussions on the geology and natural hsitory of the area. And of Darwin's expedition inland. An account of John Frederick Herschel and his observatory at Cape Town, his meeting with and influence on Darwin and FitzRoy. Accounts of letters FitzRoy wrote to Sir John and Lady Herschel during the Beagle's journey north after leaving Cape Town 18 June 1836.
Document type: Note


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