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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN1.34
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: Other Beaglers Manuscript document detailing the subsequent careers of officers and other people on board the Beagle. These include — Robert McCormick who dismissed his time on the Beagle in a few sentences. Who in 1839, in the company of the botanist Joseph Hooker a life long friend of Darwin, made his first scientific trip to the Antartic as surgeon and zoologist returning again in 1852. Failing to obtain promotion on his return, he settled in Wimbledon publishing 2 volumes of memoirs at the age of 84. He died in 1890. In 1837 Benjamin Bynoe signed up as sugeon and naturalist on the Beagle's third voyage to the southern continents returning in 1843 after which he served as sugeon on convict ships. He returned home in 1859, retired in 1863 and died in 1865. The artist Augustus Earle returned to England in 1834 after many years in Australia and New Zealnd exhibiting some of his work at the Royal Academy in 1837. He died in 1838 but none of his Beagle sketches have survived. His successor Conrad Martin became an established artist in Sydney working up many of his sketches from the Beagle journey for which he had kept careful notes. . His customers included Darwin with whom he corresponded, FitzRoy and several officers from the Beagle. He exhibited in London and Paris and died in 1862. Thomas Burgess was the only member of the crew who left a record of his regard for Darwin in a series of letters written in 1875. Syms Covington remained in Darwin's service until 1839 when he emigrated to Australia taking with him a generous testimonial from Darwin. He settled in Sydney as a clerk marrying in 184. A series of letters written by Darwin to to Covington between 1843 and 1858 survive. He died in 1861. The Fuegians, York Minster and his wife Fuegia Basket had been on board the Beagle for nearly a year before they were returned to Woollya in 1843. York Minster died iin a fight but Fuegia Basket was heard of several times spending a night aborad sealing vessels in the area. She was last heard of in 1883 extremely frail living with her daughters. Jeremy Button reappears in 1852 when Captain Parker Snow on a missonary venture to Woollya gives an account of his meeting with him. By this time he had 2 wives and 3 children.
Description: Christ's College, Cambridge
Document type: Note


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