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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.2.13-17
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: Tahiti Scheme Extracts from Check to your King by Robin Hyde; Typescript by Mrs Mabbett from 'The Letters and Journals of Joseph Matthews 1831-79'; Extracts entitled 'Darwin's Debt to Philosophy…' by Michael Ruse; 'Missionaries, whalers and traders 1830-40' from The Exploration of N. Z. BY Mc Clymont; 'The Cocos Islands' from the Nautical Magazine Jan-Dec. 1833; Extracts from The South African Journal of Science Dec.1959 'Charles Darwin and the Cape' by S.A. Rochlin; extracts from New Zealand a Short History by J. C. Beaglehole; from New Zealand's Naval Story by T. D. Taylor; from Darwin and Huxley in Australia by A. J. Marshall; Photocopies of correspondence to the Herschels; A copy of bets on the Beagle; A photocopy of the 'Official Account of the Meeting at Tahiti Nov. 1835'; Notes on Augustus Earle
Description: Christ's College, Cambridge
Document type: Note


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