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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.13
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: NZ (New Zealand) PX 294: 16 sketches on New Zealand: PXC 294 f 43 Augustus Earle Tetore, Bay of Islands 1835 ; PXC 294 p. 41 Conrad Martens Native Settlement in the Bay of Islands. 1835 x 4 ; PXC 294 p. 31 Conrad Martens Rarutoa — bearing N [and] Entrance to the Bay; of Islands. 1835 x3; PXC 294 p. 35 Conrad Martens Kororarika Bay of Island. 1835 x 3 ; PXC 294 p. 37 Conrad Martens Kororarika Bay of Island. 1835 x 3 ; PXC 294 p. 39 Conrad Martens Kororarika Bay of Island. 1835 x 2
Description: Christ's College, Cambridge
Document type: Photo


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