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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.20
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: Tahiti PX 299: PX C299 f18 Conrad Martens Cap.Wallis lay off this bluff when he was attacked by the natives. 1835 (x 2); PX C299 f20 Conrad Martens Fall at Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C299 f21 Conrad Martens Ninita or Paw Paw Tahiti 1835? (x 2); PX C299 f14 Conrad Martens Tahiti from Afarcaitu — Moorea 1835? (x 4); PX C299 f15 Conrad Martens View of Tahiti Feb. 1835 (x 3); PX C299 f16 Conrad Martens Bunaavia [sic]or Bauder's Point Feb. 21 1835 (x 3); PX C299 f17 C. Martens
Description: Christ's College, Cambridge
Document type: Photo


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