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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.5
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: Beagle Voyage Scenes 1833/4 mainly Tierra Del Fuego: Photos of Sketches assumed to be by Conrad Martens of; Monte Video Harbour x 2 ; Beagle in Murray Narrows — March 1834; Beagle in Beagle Channel x 2 & Portrait Cove — March 1834; Andes from Santa Cruz River x 3 May 1834; Chiloe — July 1834; Islands off Rio Harbour — July 1833; Monte Video from Beagle — Dec 1833; Port Desire x 4 — Dec 1833; Patagonian Indians Gregory Bay — Jan 1834; Mount Tarn from Port Famine — Feb 1834; Mount Sarmiento — June 1834
Description: Christ's College, Cambridge
Document type: Photo


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