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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.7
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: Beagle Voyage Scenes 1834 S America, Tierra del Fuego & Chile: Photos of Sketches by Conrad Martens of; Canaries x 2 — June 1833; Teneriffe & St Jago Cape Verde Islands — June 1833; Mount Aymond — Jan 1834; Port St Julian — Jan 1834; Patagoners in Gregory Bay — Jan 1834; Port Famine x 2 — Feb 1834; Mont Video x 2 1833; Lowes Channel — June 1834; Quebrada de San Augustine x 2 — July 1834; Quebrada Elias — July 1834; Valparaiso x 4 — July 1834; Condors at Santa Cruz — May 1834; FitzRoy's List of Sketches — 1865; The Adventure off Port Desire & the Bivouac — Dec 1833; Port Desire x 4 — Dec 1833; Patagonians at Gregory Bay — Jan 1834; Mount Felipe Port Famine — Feb 1834; Fuegians x 3 — Feb/March 1834; Port Louis E Falklands — March 1834; Santa Cruz River x 6 — April/May 1834; Cape Froward Port St Antonio — April 1833; Mr Sarmiento, Beagle and Adventure in Warp Bay ; Chiloe x 5 — July 1834
Description: Christ's College, Cambridge
Document type: Photo


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