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Identifier: CUL-DAR73.125-127
Date: [Undated]
Name: [unidentified] amenuensis for Darwin Charles Robert
Attributed title: 11 / [reference incomplete] `Zoologist' 1-2 1843-1844
Description: Smith, F. 1843. Descriptions of British wasps. Zoologist 1: 161-171 Duncan, R.D. 1843. Notes on the nests of birds. Zoologist 1: 380-384 Hepburn, A. 1843. Notes on the habits of certain birds. Zoologist 1: 185-188 Heppenstall, J. 1843. Appearance of migratory birds near Sheffield. Zoologist 1: 13-14 Hewett, W. 1843. Anecdote of a woodcock. Zoologist 1: 362 Holme, F. 1843. Notes on the British species of Carabus. Zoologist 1: 338-339 Jordan, W.R. 1843. Notes on the migrations of birds. Zoologist 1: 313-315 Knox, A.E. 1843. Notes on the birds of Sussex. Zoologist 1: 137-140 Saul, M. 1843. Notes on the blue titmouse or blue mope. Zoologist 1: 309-311 Smith, F. 1843. Notes on entomological captures in Hampshire (Formica sanguinea, etc.). Zoologist 1: 262-265 Thompson, W. 1843. Notes on a species of toad. Zoologist 1: 321-322 Waterton, C. 1843. Anecdote of a combat betwixt two hares. Zoologist 1: 211-212 E.E.B. 1844. Note on the bullfinch breeding on confinement. Zoologist 2: 453 Banister, J.D. 1844. Note on the black-headed gull. Zoologist 2: 577-578 Bartlett, J.P. 1844. Note on a guinea-hen's eggs being found in a partridge's nest. Zoologist 2: 454 Bold, T.J. 1844. Note on the habits of a pigeon etc. Zoologist 2: 659 Bond, F. 1844. Anecdote of a hen periodically changing the colour of her plumage. Zoologist 2: 667 Bury, C.A. 1844. Notes on the mammalia of the Isle of Wight. Zoologist 2: 776-790 Haslam, S.H. 1844. Anecdote of the common wren. Zoologist 2: 564 Knox, A.E. 1844. Notes on the cause of the nudity of the throat, etc. and of the absence of nasal bristles in the adult rook. Zoologist 2: 628-633 Poole, J. 1844. Note on the habits of the great tit. Zoologist 2: 726
Document type: Abstract
Cross reference: [Marginalia vol.3]

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