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Identifier: CUL-DAR73.138-140
Date: [Undated]
Name: Darwin Emma née Wedgwood amenuensis for Darwin Charles Robert
Attributed title: [reference incomplete] `Zoologist' 7-8 1849-1850
Description: Atkinson, J.C. 1849. On reason and instinct. Zoologist 7: 2333-2343 Bridgman, W.K. 1849. On leaves adhering to the casts of worms. Zoologist 7: 2576-2577 Briggs, J.J. 1849. The birds of Melbourne. Zoologist 7: 2603-2611 Cooke, N. 1849. An extraordinary nest of the song thrush (Turdus musicus). Zoologist 7: 2453 Gurney, J.H. 1849. The eagle-owl (Strix bubo) breeding in confinement. Zoologist 7: 2566-2567 Hansell, P.E. 1849. Remarkable colour of the yolk in the eggs of the common duck. Zoologist 7: 2353 Hewett, W. 1849. The heronry on Coley Park, Bers. Zoologist 7: 2420-2421 Hulke, J.W. 1849. Migration of the common partridge. Zoologist 7: 2419 Logan, R.F. 1849. Glyceria fluitans attractive to moths. Zoologist 7: 2626 Stainton, H.T. 1849. Note on the interesting habits and economy of the larvae of Porrectariae (Coleophorae). Zoologist 7: 2436-2437 Duff, J. 1850. Varieties of the blackbird (Turdus merula). Zoologist 8: 2765 Jones, J.H. 1850. Note on the food of the woodpigeon. Zoologist 8: 2970 Morris, F.O. 1850. Kestrels breeding in confinement. Zoologist 8: 2648 Newton, A. 1850. Variety of the pink-footed goose (Anser brachyrhynchus). Zoologist 8: 2802
Document type: Abstract
Cross reference: [Marginalia vol.3]

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