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Identifier: CUL-DAR73.141-143
Date: [Undated]
Name: Darwin Emma née Wedgwood amenuensis for Darwin Charles Robert
Attributed title: `Zoologist' 9-10 1851-1852
Description: Bold, T.J. 1851. Tenacity of life in Calandra granaria. Zoologist 9: 3290 Chaumette, H.L. de la. 1851. Descriptions of larvae of Sphingidae, with occasional notes on some of the rarer European species. Zoologist 9: 3158-3160, 3241-3244 Chaumette, H.L. de la. 1851. Descriptions of larvae of Sphingidae, with occasional notes on some of the rarer European species. Zoologist 9: 3158-3160, 3241-3244 Gurney, J.H. 1851. Note on the nesting of the passerine owl in confinement. Zoologist 9: 3207 Murch, E. 1851. Winter dress of the ermine (Mustela erminea). Zoologist 9: 3171-3172 Newman, H.W. 1851. Habits of bees. Zoologist 9: 3292-3295 Newton, A. 1852. On the occurrence of the cedar bird (Ampelis carolinensis) in England. Zoologist 10: 3506-3511 Smith, F. 1852. Observations on the economy of Vespa norvegica and V. rufa. Zoologist 10: 3699-3703
Document type: Abstract
Cross reference: [Marginalia vol.3]

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