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Identifier: CUL-DAR73.152-153
Date: [Undated]
Name: Darwin Charles Robert
Attributed title: 13 / Crawfurd; Oxley; [reference incomplete]; [reference incomplete]; Zollinger; `Journal of the Indian Archipelago' 2 1848: 225; 645; 831; 4: 357; 5: 335, 691
Description: Oxley, T. 1848. Some account of the nutmeg and its cultivation. Journal of the Indian Archipelago 2: 641-670. Spreeuwenberg, M.A.F. van. 1848. A glance at Minahassa. Journal of the Indian Archipelago 2: 825-845. Zollinger, H. 1851. The island of Lombok. Journal of the Indian Archipelago 5: 323-344. Zollinger, H. 1851. The Lampongs and their present condition. Journal of the Indian Archipelago 5: 626-641, 691-703.
Document type: Abstract
Cross reference: [Marginalia vol.3]

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