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Identifier: CUL-DAR73.82-83
Date: [Undated]
Name: Darwin Charles Robert
Attributed title: Luxford G; Watson H.C; Review of Babington `Phytologist' 2: 712; 765; 849
Description: Luxford, George. 1847. Supplementary note [on Rhizogens]. Phytologist 2: 711-723. Watson, Hewett C. 1847. Notes on some British specimens distributed by the Botanical Society of London, in 1847. Phytologist 2: 760-768. [Newman, Edward]. 1847. Notice of a 'Manual of British Botany. By Charles Cardale Babington, M.A. &c.' Second Edition. Phytologist 2: 843-851.
Document type: Abstract
Cross reference: [Marginalia vol.3]

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