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Identifier: CUL-DAR73.93-94
Date: [Undated]
Name: Darwin Charles Robert
Attributed title: Watson H.C; Lees E; Coleman W.H; Gardeners & Farmers Journal extract `Phytologist' 3 1848-1850: 45; 54; 221; 319
Description: Watson, Hewett C. 1848. Explanations of some specimens for distribution by the Botanical Society of London, in 1847. Phytologist 3: 38-49. Lees, Edwin. 1848. On certain forms or species of fruticose brambles experimentally proved to be permanent. Phytologist 3: 53-55. Coleman, W. H. 1848. On the geographical distribution of British plants. Phytologist 3: 217-221. Watson, Hewett C. 1848. On the number of botanical species to a square mile of ground. Phytologist 3: 267-268. Anon. 1848. Hereditary variations of plants. Phytologist 3: 319.
Document type: Abstract
Cross reference: Calendar: 1468

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