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Identifier: F1744
Date: 1868
Concise reference: Darwin, C. R. 1868. On the specific difference between Primula veris, Brit. Fl. (var. officinalis, of Linn.), P. vulgaris, Brit. Fl. (var. acaulis, Linn.) and P. elatior, Jacq.; and on the hybrid nature of the common Oxlip. With supplementary remarks on naturally-produced Hybrids in the genus Verbascum. [Read 19 March] Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 10: 437-454.
Detailed reference: 1744. 1868 On the specific differences between Primula veris, Brit. Fl. (var. officinalis, of Linn.), P. vulgaris, Brit. Fl. (var. acaulis, Linn.) and P. elatior, Jacq.; and on the hybrid nature of the common oxslip. With supplementary remarks on naturally produced hybrids in the genus Verbascum. Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany), vol. 10, pp. 437-454. Read March 19. Volume dated 1869.

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