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Identifier: F1764
Date: 1873.11.02
Concise reference: Darwin, C. R. 1873. [Note on Darwin's papers to the Plinian Society 27 March 1827]. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 9: 38.
Detailed reference: 1764. 1873 [Footnote to article on local natural history societies, giving titles of Darwin's two papers to the Plinian Society of Edinburgh, March 27, 1827.] Nature, London., vol. 9, p. 38. November 20. See Darwin's Journal, F1573, p. 5; also J. H. Ashworth Charles Darwin as a student in Edinburgh. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 55, pp. 97-113, especially pp. 103-104, 1935; also P. Helveg Jesperson Charles Darwin and Dr Grant. Lychnos, 1949, pp. 159-167. See also F935 & F1749.

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