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Identifier: F1843
Date: 1957
Concise reference: Darwin, C. R. 1957. Journal of Researches. [in Chinese]. Translated with preface by Zhou Bang-li. Preface and introduction by S. L. Sobol'. Peking: Peking Science Press.
Detailed reference: 1957 Peking, Science Press, 676 pp., portr., 13 maps, text figures. Translated with preface by Chou Pang-li. Preface and introduction by S. L. Sobol'. Translated from Russian F241, the English original being Oxford University Press, World's Classics 1930, F136. Copy R. B. F. 查尔斯·达尔文. 1957. 达尔文日记 乘军舰比格尔号环航世界一周考察博物地质记. 676页. 周邦立译. 北京: 北京科学出版社.


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