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Identifier: F1884
Date: 1884
Concise reference: Darwin, C. R. 1884. [Quotation from a letter to Harrison Weir]. In Anon. Mr. Harrison Weir at Weirleigh. Celebrities at home. From The World. Kent & Sussex Courier (25 April): 7.
Detailed reference: …Among many interesting letters from some of the best-known men in art and literature, he may possibly show you a packet from Charles Darwin, which he values "more than his silver and gold," as he expresses himself. Here is a letter asking for corroborative facts on the subject of variations in domestication; another, discussing instances of natural selection in the mating of animals and the like. "Yes, I feel highly honoured," he will tell you, "in having possessed Darwin's friendship, and still more in having earned his appreciation. Hear this extract from one of his letters: "Your mother ought indeed to feel proud that she had two sons such true natural-ists as you and your brother." I consider that," continues Mr Weir, "the highest praise I ever had, and it is always present to my mind."… (John van Wyhe)


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