Freeman Bibliographical Database

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Identifier: F3555
Date: 1858--2005
Concise reference: Darwin, C. R. 2005. Draft of Origin of species, Sect. VI, folio 214. Sotheby's The library of Irwin Silver: New York April 26, 2005. (N08094, Lot 29). New York: Sotheby's, frontispiece and pp. 45-7.
Detailed reference: See F3517 where this manuscript was previously published. "written on the recto only of a leaf of wove blue paper (13 1/16 x 8 3/8 in.; 332 x 213 mm), 159 words, with several deletions, emendations, and interlineations; remnant of album guard on verso. … (John van Wyhe, 2023)

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