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Identifier: LINSOC-SP.57
Date: 1869.05.10
Name: Barber Mary Elizabeth, Darwin Charles Robert
Attributed title: On the fertilization and dissemination of Duvernoia adhatoides / M.E. Barber. Read 15 Apr.1869. With a watercolour drawing and a pencil sketch. With a report on the paper by Charles Darwin, dated 10 May 1869
Description: On the fertilization and dissemination of Duvernoia adhatoides / M.E. Barber. Read 15 Apr.1869. With a watercolour drawing and a pencil sketch. With a report on the paper by Charles Darwin, dated 10 May 1869 Later published as: Barber, Mary Elizabeth. 1869. On the fertilization and dissemination of Duvernoia adhatodoides. Journal of the Linnean Society: Botany 11 (1871): 469-72.
Document type: Note

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