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Identifier: McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110[.13]
Date: 1878--1909
Name: Darwin Charles Robert, William Erasmus Darwin, Darwin Leonard
Attributed title: photo of Darwin framed, endorsed by William Erasmus Darwin
Description: L. Darwin 1878a.2 in the iconography by John van Wyhe. A copy in the J.C. Simpson Collection, Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University has written on verso: "For J.C. Simpson June 1909 / Photograph of Ch. Darwin taken about 1875 at Basset Southampton by Leonard Darwin. C. Darwin considered it a very good photograph of himself. [signed] WE Darwin". Accompanying note card by Simpson: "This photograph of Charles Darwin by his son Major Darwin....in 1875. This copy belong to Charles Darwin himself".
Document type: Photo


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