Darwin Online Manuscript Catalogue

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Identifier: PC-California
Date: 1844--1846
Name: Darwin Charles Robert
Attributed title: [Catalogue of trees and plants at Down House.]
Description: List of trees and plants for the orchard, walks and gardens at Down House as planned by Charles Darwin. "The present manuscript contains lengthy lists of a wide array of trees and plants for his expanding grounds. He begins with a large selection of trees for his orchard including apple, pear, apricot and cherry trees. Subsequent pages include a list of vines, shrubs and fl owering plants to be situated against house beginning east side. The last two pages contain a list of plants, many flowering for the front of house garden and right or west side going along walk to garden." Aguttes 18 November 2019, Lot 41. 200 x 159 mm.
Document type: Note

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