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Identifier: UCL-GaltonPapers1.1.3.7
Date: 1842--1880
Name: Darwin Charles Robert
Attributed title: Portraits of Charles Darwin, photograph of Darwin's old study
Description: Photographs and drawings of Charles Darwin. Contains the following items:\r\n Portrait photograph of Charles Darwin seated in three quarter profile, with his autograph. Photograph has been dated to 1880. \r\n Portrait pencil drawing of Charles Darwin [undated]. \r\n Photograph of Darwin's study at Down, captioned \Where the Origin of Species was Written, Photographed in his Father's Life Time by Leonard Darwin\". \r\n Portrait photograph [daguerrotype] of Charles Darwin aged 32, with his eldest son, William Erasmus Darwin [1842]. \r\n Portrait photograph of Charles Darwin seated in three quarter profile, taken by Ernest Edwards of 20 Baker Street, London [undated]. \r\n Framed portrait photograph of Charles Darwin seated in three quarter profile, dated 22 February 1880. "
Document type: Photo


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