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Identifier: UVa-Darwin-Evolution-3314-1.49
Date: 1867
Name: Darwin Charles Robert, Sclater Philip Lutley
Attributed title: Queries about Expression compiled by Charles Darwin, [1867]. ANsS, 4 pp. on 1 l. A series of numbered queries about a variety of facial and bodily expressions, containing entries on astonishment, shame, excitement, sneering, contempt, head nodding, and others. Mentions that observations of natives who had had little contact with Europeans would be most valuable. Darwin also claims that general remarks on expression are of comparatively little value, and that memory is so deceptive in subjects like these that he hopes it may not be trusted to.
Description: Queries about Expression compiled by Charles Darwin, [1867]. ANsS, 4 pp. on 1 l. A series of numbered queries about a variety of facial and bodily expressions, containing entries on astonishment, shame, excitement, sneering, contempt, head nodding, and others. Mentions that observations of natives who had had little contact with Europeans would be most valuable. Darwin also claims that general remarks on expression are of comparatively little value, and that memory is so deceptive in subjects like these that he hopes it may not be trusted to. The Paul Victorius Evolution Collection
Document type: Printed


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