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Results 901-950 of 3108 for « +(documenttype:Book) +(+name:darwin +name:charles +name:robert) +published:true +type:item »
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F482    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray.   Image
F483    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray.   Image
F486    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: Grant Richards (World's Classics no. 11).
F487    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London, Unit Library (No.3).
F489    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. New York: D. Appleton.
F685    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. Die Entstehung der Arten durch natürliche Zuchtwahl. Leipzig: Bibliograph. Institut.
F1004.2    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. New York: P. F. Collier.   PDF
F100    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. New York: D. Appleton.
F1261    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom. New York: D. Appleton.
F102    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. New York: American Home Library.   Image
F480    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray.   Image
F481    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray.   Image
F484    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray.   Image
F485    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: Grant Richards (World's Classics no. 11. Works of Charles Darwin vol. 1).   PDF
F480b    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray.   Image
F1544    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. Autobiography [in Spanish]. Translated by Ciro Bayo. Madrid: B. Rodriquez Serra.   Image
F1074    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. The descent of man [in German]. Translated by Paul Seliger. 2 vols. Leipzig: Bibliograph. Institut.
F1471    Book:     Darwin, Francis ed. 1902. Charles Darwin: his life told in an autobiographical chapter, and in a selected series of his published letters [abridged edition]. London: John Murray.   PDF
F1473    Book:     Darwin, Francis ed. 1902. Charles Darwin: his life told in an autobiographical chapter, and in a selected series of his published letters [abridged edition]. London: John Murray.   PDF
F1474    Book:     Darwin, Francis ed. 1902. The life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical chapter. New York: D. Appleton.
F1472    Book:     Darwin, Francis ed. 1902. Charles Darwin: his life told in an autobiographical chapter, and in a selected series of his published letters [abridged edition]. London: John Murray.
F231    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. Journal of researches [in Russian]. Translated, edited and with a foreword by K. Z. Yaput. St. Petersburg: I. I. Coikii.
F1846    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. On the origin of species. [in Chinese]. Translated by Ma Jun-wu. (Historical sketch only). Yokohama: Xin Min Shang Bao.
F1124    Book:     Darwin, C. R. [1902]. The descent of man [in Spanish]. Translated by A. López White. Valencia: J. Sempere.
F310    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1902. Observations géologiques sur les iles volcaniques: explorées par l'expédition du "Beagle" et notes sure la géologie de l'Australie et du Cap de Bonne-Espérance. Trans. by A. F. Renard. Paris: C. Reinwald.   Text   Image   PDF
F1292    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1903. The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. New York: D. Appleton.
F250    Book:     Darwin, C. R. [1903]. Journal of researches/ Mi viaje alrededor del mondo [in Spanish]. 2 vols. Translated by Constantino Piquer. Valencia: F. Sempere y Co. [BGJ3]
F1115    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1903. The descent of man [in Russian]. St. Petersburg: V. I. Gubinskii.
F815    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1903. The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. New York: D. Appleton.
F103    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1903. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: Thomas Nelson.
F1004a    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1903. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. New York, D. Appleton.
F491    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1903. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: Watts for the Rationalist Press Association (Cheap Reprints no. 11).   Image   PDF
F1214.1    Book:     Darwin, C. R. [c. 1903]. La expresión de las emociones en el hombre y en los animales. Translated by Eusebio Heras. Valencia: F. Sempere. Volume 1.   Text   Image   PDF
F1214.2    Book:     Darwin, C. R. [c. 1903]. La expresión de las emociones en el hombre y en los animales. Translated by Eusebio Heras. Valencia: F. Sempere. Volume 2.   PDF
F634    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1903. On the origin of species. [in Chinese]. Translated by Ma Jun-wu. Shanghai: Guangyi publishing.
F1847    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1903. On the origin of species. [in Chinese]. Translated by Ma Jun-wu. Yokohama: Xin Min Shang Bao.
F773    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1903. The origin of species [in Spanish]. Translated by A. López White. Valencia: Francisco Sempere.
F1389    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1904. The formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms, with observations on their habits. Thirteenth thousand. London: John Murray.   Image
F2667    Book:     Darwin, C. R. El origen del hombre. La selección natural y la sexual. 2d ed.Traducción de A. López White. Valencia: F. Sempere y Campañia. [BGJ128]
F104    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1904. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. New York: Harper and Brothers.
F1157    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1904. The expression of the emotions in man and animals. London: John Murray.   PDF
F493    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1904. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. New York: D. Appleton.
F494    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1904. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. New York: J. A. Hill (Popular Science Library no. 4).
F3219    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1904. The power of movement in plants. New York: D. Appleton and Co.
F3235    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1904. The formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms, with observations on their habits. New York: D. Appleton and Co.
F1389a    Book:     Barrington D `Phil Trans' 1773: 164   Image
F1005    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1904. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. New York: J. A. Hill.
F492    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1904. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: Grant Richards (World's Classics no. 11).
F816    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1904. The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. London: John Murray.
F1475    Book:     Darwin, Francis ed. 1904. The life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical chapter. New York: D. Appleton.
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