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Results 251-300 of 1549 for « +(documenttype:Review) +published:true +type:item »
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A1872    Review:     Barnard, M. R. 1862. [Darwin on Instinct]. Sketches of eminent English authors with extracts from their works. Peter Tidemand Malling (Christiania): 448-52.   PDF
A1949    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Fertilisation of Orchids. The Critic (15 July): 10-12.   PDF
A1983    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Darwin on natural history. Literary Churchman (16 July). [CUL-DAR226_124-125]   PDF
A2337    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Dublin Medical Press (3 December): 560.   Text
A2338    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. John Bull (31 May): 12.   Text
A2529    Review:     Bentham, G. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Anniversary meeting- President in the chair (24th May 1862). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (1855-1863): lxxxi-lxxxiii.   Text   PDF
A2576    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of] On the formation of mould. The earth-worm –its use. Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste, 17 (August): 349-350. [From the Scottish Farmer]   Text   PDF
A2581    Review:     Clarke, Lane, L. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Spiranthes Autumnalis. Intellectual Observer, 2 (October): 195-198.   PDF
A2802    Review:     W. H. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Ueber die verschiedenen Einrichtungen, vermöge deren britische und ausländische Orchideen durch Insekten befruchtet werden, und über die nützlichen Wirkungen der Kreuzung. Flora; oder, Allgemeine Botanische Zeitung 58, no. 33 (13 December): 558-560.   PDF
A1356    Review:     Anon. 1862. [The Rev. W. N. Molesworth on the Origin of species]. The Standard (3 October): 6.   Text   PDF
A1429    Review:     Acts. V. 39. 1862. [Letter to the editor on Origin]. The Caledonian Mercury, (Edinburgh), (4 February): 3.   Text   PDF
A1444    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Banffshire Journal and General Advertiser (17 June): 5.   Text   PDF
A1447    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Die Orchideenzucht in England und Charles Darwins Forschungen ueber diese Pflanzen-Ordnung. (From the Athenaeum). Das Ausland Wochenschrift für Erd-und Völkerkunde, 35: 681-85.   PDF
A1450    Review:     Hooker, J. D. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Natural History Review, (October): 371-76.   PDF
A1453    Review:     Masters, M. T. 1862. [Review of Origin]. Vegetable morphology: its history and present condition. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 29, no. 57 (January): 202-218.   PDF
A2149    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of the Memoir] Memoir of Professor Henslow. Saturday Review, 14 (12 July): 58-59.   PDF
A2464    Review:     J. R. G. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Quarterly journal of microscopical science, 2, n.s.: 291.   Text
A2549    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Primula]. Magazine of horticulture, botany etc. (Boston), 28 (February): 77.   Text
A2580    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. On the fertilization of orchids. Intellectual Observer, 1 (3 April): 320-321.   Text
A602    Review:     Lütken, Chr. Fr. 1863. Darwins theori om Arternes Oprindelse 1-3. Tidsskrift for populære fremstillinger af naturvidenskaben: 1-33, 131-162, 217-243.   Text   Image
A2096    Review:     Treviranus, L. C. 1863. Nachträgliche Bemerkungen über die Befruchtung einiger Orchideen. Botanische Zeitung, 21 Jahrgang, no. 32, (7 August): 241-243.   PDF
A1250    Review:     Schleicher, A. 1863. Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft. Weimar: Hermann Böhlau. 28pp.   PDF
A1251    Review:     Virchow, R. 1863. Die Theorie Darwin's. Berlin. Deutsche Jahrbücher für Politik und Literatur, 6: 339-58.   PDF
A1253    Review:     Gray, A. 1863. Species considered as to variation, geographical distribution, and succession. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 12, 3rd series (August): 81-97.   PDF
A1254    Review:     Snell, K. 1863. Die Schöpfung des Menschen. Leipzig: Arnoldische Buchhandlung. 161pp.   PDF
A1358    Review:     Anon. 1863. [Review of Origin] Causes of the phenomena in organic nature: The Origin of species. Scientific American, 8:18 (2 May): 282.   PDF
A1373    Review:     Bentham, G. 1863. [Review of Origin] [Anniversary meeting on 25 May: President's Address]. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, (May): 11-29.   PDF
A1428    Review:     Anon. 1863. [Review of Origin] The origin of species. The Oskaloosa Independent, (Kansas): 1.   PDF
A1458    Review:     Gray, Asa. 1863. [Review of]. Dimorphism in the flowers of Linum. American Journal of Science, 36, series 2, (September): 279-84.   PDF
A1801    Review:     Trèviranus, L. C. 1863. [Review of]. On the existence of two forms, and on their reciprocal relation, in several species of the genus Linum. Botanische Zeitung, no. 24, (12 June): 188-90.   PDF
A1825    Review:     Anon. 1863. [Review of Orchids]. Popular Science Review, 2 (January): 104-05.   PDF
A2325    Review:     Anon. 1863. [Review of Origin]. Evening Courier and Republic (Buffalo, New York), (10 April): 3.   Text
A2582    Review:     Anon. 1863. [Review of]. On the existence of the two forms in some species on linum. Intellectual Observer, 3 (February): 143-144.   Text   PDF
A2668    Review:     Anon. 1863. [Review of Haughton's review of Origin]. Annals and magazine of natural history, vol. 11, 3rd series:   PDF
A1373    Review:     Bentham, G. 1863. [Review of Origin] [Anniversary meeting on 25 May: President's Address.] Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, (May), pp. 11-29.   PDF
A1417    Review:     Anon. 1863. [Review of Origin] Darwin "On the origin of specie," John Murray, London. pp. 538. The Wrexham (and Denbighshire) Weekly Advertiser (25 April): 4.   PDF
A2628    Review:     Wagner, Rudolph. 1863. Bericht über die Arbeiten in der allgemeinen Zoologie und der Naturgeschichte des Menschen im Jahre 1862. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Jahrg 29, Bd. 2: 1.   PDF
A1249    Review:     Anon. 1863. The origin and age of man: A sad case. Dublin Medical Press (20 May): 510-11.   PDF
A1252    Review:     Rolle, F. 1863. Chs. Darwin's Lehre von der entstehung der arten im pflanzen-und thierreich in ihrer anwendung auf die schöpfungsgeschichte. Frankfurt am Main, J.C. Herman. 282pp.   PDF
A1255    Review:     Janet, Paul. 1863. [Review of Origin]. Le matérialisme contemporain. Une Theorie Anglaise Sur les Causes Finales., Revue des deux mondes, Paris (1st ed.): 556-586.   PDF
A1417    Review:     Anon. 1863. [Review of Origin] Darwin "On the origin of species," John Murray, London. p.p. 538. The Wrexham (and Denbighshire) Weekly Advertiser (25 April): 4.   PDF
A1459    Review:     Anon. 1863. [Review of Orchids]. Reproduction of orchids. Annual of Scientific Discovery: 290-93.   PDF
A2443    Review:     Gray, Asa. 1863. [Review of Primula]. Dimorphism in the genitalia of flowers. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 1: 147-149. [From the American Journal of Science, with corrections]   Text   PDF
A2455    Review:     [Hardwicke, R]. 1863. [Review of Origin and T. H. Huxley's lecture 'On our Knowledge of the Causes of the Phenomena of Organic Nature']. The origin of species. (Mr. Darwin and his commentators.) Popular Science Review, 2: 385-404.   Text   PDF
A2303    Review:     Owen, Richard. 1863. [Review of Origin]. In the Monograph on the Aye-aye. London: Taylor and Francis. Pp. 65-68.   PDF
A878    Review:     WH. 1863. [Review of] The origin of species. Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art (N.S.) 8 (47): 390-404.   Image   PDF
A1457    Review:     [Anderson, James]. 1863. [Review of Orchids]. Fertilisation of orchids. West of Scotland Horticultural Magazine, Florist's Companion, 1, (September): 65-7.   Text   PDF
A502    Review:     Flourens, P. 1864. Examen du livre de M. Darwin sur l'origine des espèces. Paris: Garnier Frères.   Text   Image   PDF
A63    Review:     [Huxley, T. H.] 1864. Criticisms on "The origin of species." Natural History Review. n.s. 4: 566-580.   Text   Image
A1256    Review:     Weidenhammer, R. 1864. Der Darwin'schen Theorie. Stuttgart, Schweizerbart. 54pp.   PDF
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