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Results 341-360 of 1567 for « +text:ants »
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A855    Beagle Library:     Swainson, William. 1822. The naturalist's guide for collecting and preserving all subjects of natural history and botany, intended for the use of students and travellers. London: W.Wood, and Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, and Liverpool: W. Grapel.   Text
countries by a gentle fire, and in tropical regions by exposure to the heat of the sun, without any fear of being attacked by ants or other [page] 2
A855    Beagle Library:     Swainson, William. 1822. The naturalist's guide for collecting and preserving all subjects of natural history and botany, intended for the use of students and travellers. London: W.Wood, and Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, and Liverpool: W. Grapel.   Text
attracted by light, and in this manner I have caught more than 200 in one night, without quitting the chair. The insects of China, when perfect, and those from all parts of India, are much wanted. The scientific naturalist should direct his attention to the economy of the different kinds of Ants found in warm climates, each species having, in general, some peculiarity of its own: he should also distinguish those insects which inhabit the low tracts, from such as are found only on mountainous
A773.01    Beagle Library:     Fleming, John. 1822. The philosophy of zoology; or, A general view of the structure, functions, and classification of animals. 2 vols. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable & Co. vol. 1.   Text
properties to the two acids which have been enumerated. Dr PROUT did not succeed in finding this substance in the uterus of a cow slaughtered in an early period of her gestation . D. Formic Acid. This acid is obtained by infusing ants in water, and drawing it off by distillation. The water in the receiver contains the formic acid. By some, it is regarded as analogous to the acetic acid, and by others, as a mixture of the acetic and malic acids. The preceding acids are peculiar to the animal kingdom
A773.02    Beagle Library:     Fleming, John. 1822. The philosophy of zoology; or, A general view of the structure, functions, and classification of animals. 2 vols. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable & Co. vol. 2.   Text
may have acquired; then whitened by lime or alum-water, and dried in frames, or otherwise as may be most convenient. In country places, I have sometimes employed wasps for this purpose, placing the subject near one of their nests, or in any empty sugar cask where they resort in great plenty; they perform the dissection with much greater expedition, and equally as well as the ants. I have seen them clean the skeleton of a mouse in two or three hours, when the ants would require a week. P. 105
A751.01    Beagle Library:     Burchell, William John. 1822-4. Travels in the interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. vol. 1.   Text
. Of this Silurus I completed two coloured drawings on the spot; of one of which, an engraving is given at the end of the chapter. I also finished a drawing of a whole tree of the Red-leaf; its growth and appearance being remarkable, and exhibiting a character very different from that of the other trees of the country. In selecting a position for making this drawing, I was unable to find a single yard of ground that did not swarm with large black ants. It was, therefore, impossible to sit down
A751.01    Beagle Library:     Burchell, William John. 1822-4. Travels in the interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. vol. 1.   Text
manner in which the ant-eater (see page 342) scratches holes in them in order to disturb and get at the ants. It has also been attempted, as well as this style of engraving admits of, to represent the picturesque effect of journeying over a country without roads, and the deep track of the waggon wheels over an untravelled soil. A species of the genus Formica of Linn us, and of the sub-genus Polyergus of Latreille. Nigrescens. Abdomen rufo-pilosum, maculis tribus nudis nigris. Maxill septemdentat
A751.01    Beagle Library:     Burchell, William John. 1822-4. Travels in the interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. vol. 1.   Text
not even a hut, or a few mats, like most of their countrymen. Neither beads, nor any thing intended as ornament, were to be seen upon them: their persons, meagre and filthy, too plainly bespoke that hunger had often been their lot. Except when any game was caught in their pitfalls, which, they complained, seldom happened, the only procurable support of life, was the wild roots which they daily dug up in the plains; and these, not found but by long and wearisome search: the eggs of ants, the
A751.02    Beagle Library:     Burchell, William John. 1822-4. Travels in the interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. vol. 2.   Text
natives respecting kh ak , is, that by day it lives generally in holes in the ground, in the same manner as the Takkar *, but does not burrow so deep, and is more easily unearthed. It has a long tail, and which it uses in digging its hole; (a fact so extraordinary, that it may, I think, be doubted: one person informed me that it does not dig its own burrow, but lives in that of another animal). It has a long snout, and a tongue which it can extend far out of its mouth. It lives upon ants; and
A743.09    Beagle Library:     Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Georges Marie, ed. 1822-31. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. 17 vols. Paris: Rey & Gravier. vol. 9.   Text
Coix ont t quelquefois tendus aux graines du Staphylier. V. ce mot. (B.) LARME DE LA VIERGE. BOT. PHAN. Nom vulgaire de l'Ornithogalum arabicum, Plante africaine que nous avons retrouv e dans l'Andalousie m ridionale. (B.) * LARMES DE G ANTS. POLYP. FOSS. Ce nom a t donn par d'anciens auteurs des articulations de la colonne de Crino des ou Encrinc. V CRINO DE. (E. D..L.) LARMES MARINES. ANNEL. Nom sous lequel l'abb Dicquemare a d crit et figur dans le Journal de Physique pour l'ann e 1776 de
A743.12    Beagle Library:     Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Georges Marie, ed. 1822-31. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. 17 vols. Paris: Rey & Gravier. vol. 12.   Text
sommet de la coque calcaire est perc d'un trou plus ou moins grand; pendant la vie, il est bouch par une membrane couverte de pi ces calcaires qui ne se joignent pas aussi exactement que celles du corps; aussi manquent - elles souvent dans les chantillons dess ch s et conserv s avec peu de soin. Au centre de cette membrane existe une ouverture o vient aboutir l'intestin, et sa circonf rence cinq petits trous b ants auxquels se terminent les ovaires. Au milieu de la base ou face inf rieure du
A751.02    Beagle Library:     Burchell, William John. 1822-4. Travels in the interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. vol. 2.   Text
. Amygdaloid II. 213. Amygdaloidal greenstone. II. 213. Anderson, Mr.: a missionary. 49. 64. 351. II. 223. 231. 243. Andries, a Hottentot of the author's party. II. 166. 233. 330. 379. 383. 422. 457. Animal matter: its mutations. II. 327. Animals; wild: the possibility of taming them 487. Animated nature: a picture of. II. 328. Ants: a black species of them, very troublesome 425. Ant-hills, and a large species of Ant; described 448. Anteater 342. 448. II. 97. Antelopes: nature of the meat of. 187
A743.01    Beagle Library:     Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Georges Marie, ed. 1822-31. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. 17 vols. Paris: Rey & Gravier. vol. 1.   Text
rence: entre ces extr mes se trouvent des interm diaires sans nombre. C'est dans les mers australes que l'on doit chercher les g ants du r gne V g tal marin: en Europe les plus grandes Plantes marines d passent rarement quinze m tres de longueur, sur un tr s-petit diam tre. (LAM..X.) ACCROISSEMENT DANS LES MINERAUX. Dans les Min raux, l'accroissement a lieu par juxta-position et non par intus-susception, comme dans les Animaux et les V g taux. La masse d'un Min ral s'accro t par l'addition de
A743.05    Beagle Library:     Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Georges Marie, ed. 1822-31. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. 17 vols. Paris: Rey & Gravier. vol. 5.   Text
qui frappe d' tonnement observateur attentif. Dans un escarpement que nous nous sommes complus d crire, et que nous avons soigneusement figure (Voyage souterrain, p. 183, pl. 11), ces assises siliceuses sont d'autant plus rapproch es que, form es dans la Craie ramollie par l'humidit , le poids des parties sup rieures du plateau semble les avoir comprim es les unes contre les autres; on dirait un mur immense construit par des g ants. C'est au point o la barque de Li ge tourne en suivant un coude
A743.11    Beagle Library:     Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Georges Marie, ed. 1822-31. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. 17 vols. Paris: Rey & Gravier. vol. 11.   Text
plac e ant rieurement, garnie de l vres fort courtes qui se continuent deux paires de palpes labiaux, une de chaque c t . Cette ouverture communique sans interm diaire avec l'estomac, qui est plus ou moins pyriforme, tr s-mince, envelopp de toute part par le foie, qui est d pourvu de canaux biliaires; il verse dans l'estomac le produit de la s cr tion par des pores b ants assez nombreux; l'estomac se termine post rieurement en un cul-de-sac, audessus duquel se trouve l'ouverture pylorique o
A743.13    Beagle Library:     Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Georges Marie, ed. 1822-31. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. 17 vols. Paris: Rey & Gravier. vol. 13.   Text
taille, ces Oiseaux suivraient imm diatement les Autruches et les Rh as, car ils sont v ritablement les plus grandes esp ces apr s ces g ants emplum s de l'Afrique et de l'Am rique. Ils l'emportent sur eux par l'immense avantage de pouvoir s' lever et planer dans les hautes r gions atmosph riques, facult refus aux Oiseaux terrestres qui s'en d dommagent, il est vrai, par ane course tellement rapide, qu'on ne peut leur comparer celle du plus agile Quadrup de. Quoique les esp ces de Ph nicopt res
A743.15    Beagle Library:     Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Georges Marie, ed. 1822-31. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. 17 vols. Paris: Rey & Gravier. vol. 15.   Text
, d'autres sont presque les g ants de la conchyliologie: ces derniers servent l'ornement des cabinets non-seulement cause de leur grandeur et de leur forme assez bizarre, mais encore par la fra cheur, la beaut de la couleur rose incarnat, qui se voit l'int rieur. Tous marins et presque tous des mers intertropicales, les Strombes sont couverts d'un piderme mince, brun tre et assez facile d tacher. On les distingue facilement des Pt roc res en ce qu'ils n'ont pas le bord droit d coup et que le canal
A560    Beagle Library:     Spix, Johann Baptist von and Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von. 1824. Travels in Brazil, in the years 1817-1820. 2 vols. [Two volumes in one] London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green.   Text
, illumined by the dazzling beams of the sun, every hour of the day calls into action another race of animals. The morning is ushered in by the howling of the monkeys* the high and deep notes of the tree frogs and toads , the monotonous chirp of the grasshoppers and locusts. When the rising sun has dispelled the mists which preceded it, all creatures rejoice in the return of day. The wasps leave their lone nests which hang down from the branches; the ants issue from their dwellings, curiously built of
A560    Beagle Library:     Spix, Johann Baptist von and Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von. 1824. Travels in Brazil, in the years 1817-1820. 2 vols. [Two volumes in one] London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green.   Text
and melons, produce through the whole year, but most abundantly, however, during the wet season. The pisaug, guava, oranges, c., blossom in the rainy season from October to March, and produce fruit in the dry season. In this climate, as in all others, unfavourable influences are not wanting which are hurtful to the plants. The finest orange groves frequently fall a prey to the brown ants which gnaw off the bark, or to the mole-crickets which devour the roots. The young mandiocca and sugar
A560    Beagle Library:     Spix, Johann Baptist von and Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von. 1824. Travels in Brazil, in the years 1817-1820. 2 vols. [Two volumes in one] London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green.   Text
with the gum arabic, but is rather more astringent, is used in Brasil in the same manner. The bookbinders in the principal towns sometimes wash the books with a solution of it, which is said to keep off the moths and ants. The fresh acid juice of the flower-stalks is used in lemonade; wine and vinegar too are made of it by fermentation. The sympathetic effect is remarkable, which the nut, borne about the person, has upon chronical inflammations in the eyes, especially such as are of a scrophulous
A560    Beagle Library:     Spix, Johann Baptist von and Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von. 1824. Travels in Brazil, in the years 1817-1820. 2 vols. [Two volumes in one] London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green.   Text
by the sea. Insects too, particularly ants, are also found in the pieces of the Jatai gum, as in amber. The Cayap s, and other Indian tribes on the Rio Grande, on the banks of which the hymen a forms extensive woods, form this gum into ornaments, shaped like a club or a spindle, which they wear in holes, bored in the nose and underlip. Of the thick bark of the tree they make small canoes, which, on account of their lightness, are peculiarly adapted for land carriage from one river to another
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