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Results 61-80 of 1567 for « +text:ants »
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CUL-DAR75.44    Abstract:    [1809--1882.04.00]   [reference incomplete] `Linnean Journal' 10-13   Text   Image
— Whole paper on on G. Distribution. Benthams Adress 1870 (paper copy) p. LXXXV, excellent discussion on affinities aboriginal source of Proteaceae. Vol XI no 56 Fritz Müller p.472 on modification of stamen in Begonia, wild ― p. 475. on Hybridism in Dimorphic Cinchonae ― p. 492 Mr Moggridge on remarkable monstrosity often occurnng in Orchid vol XI. Zoolog. no 52. Trimen on occasional dispersal of Insects ― 53 on Workers of many differnt sizes of Ants Small to 100 in size! ― p. 301. on difference of
CUL-DAR75.45    Abstract:    [1809--1882.04.00]   [reference incomplete] `Linnean Journal' 11-16   Text   Image
Sheep. [Vol XIV. Bot] (no 77) On Algae living in Hot Springs. Azores [Vol XIV. Bot] (no 78) Hooker Phylica arborea on Tristan d'Acunha Amsterdam, 5000 miles apart. p. 479 also a Lycopodium near Hot spring, a tropical species; analogous cases. Vol. XII. Zoolog. p. 227. Lubbock on senses intellect of Bees Ants Vol. XIII. [Zoolog.] p. 152. Day, Distribution of F. Water Fishes in India c [Vol] XVI Bot. p. 24. Heteromorphic Plants of Rodriguez. [Vol XVI] p. 302. Geograph. Distrib. Atlas Mts— European
A142    Book:     Paley, W. 1809. Natural Theology: or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity. 12th ed. London: Printed for J. Faulder.   Text
fish, it is confined to the egg, and even, as to that, to the disposal of it in its proper element. Also, as there is generation without parental affection, so is there parental instinct, or what exactly resembles it, without generation. In the bee tribe, the grub is nurtured neither by the father nor the mother, but by the neutral bee. Probably the case is the same with ants.I am not ignorant of the theory which resolves instinct into sensation; which asserts, that what appears to have a view
CUL-DAR75.85    Abstract:    [1809--1882.04.00]   [references incomplete] `[G]946-[G]987'   Text   Image
distribution of. 959 Virchow reflex action imitation, passing into reason 960 Gaudry Palæozoic Batrachians. 961 Winkler Flora of the Nevada Sierra 962 Marshall D On ostrich feathers 963 Müller Dr Herman on gradational development of Bees, view disputed by Saunders Pres. of Ent. Soc. 964 Dohrn, The principle of change of function. – it is what I have insisted on, only he varies it to principle, with my illustrations. 965 Fozel on mixed hybrid colonies of ants (Instinct do) 966 Blytt – very good – on
CUL-DAR75.87    Abstract:    [1809--1882.04.00]   [references incomplete] `[G]1111-[G]1188'   Text   Image
1177 Young Birds with special plumage – retained colours of the group 1178 Wallace on colour various sexual Selection (with [illeg]) 1179 Brace shows Gratiolet all wrong abt brain of Gorilla 1183 L. Agassiz – Embryology of Fish – like ancient Forms 1185 Hyatt Law of acceleration - ammonites 1186 Hilgendorf on F. W. Shells in Steinbeim 1188 Lubbock -p. 128 [2 words illeg] of wings in ants of sting in Formic
CUL-DAR75.113-117    Abstract:    [1809--1882.04.00]   [index to references concerning] `Variation under Nature'   Text   Image
intermediate vars variability, important Sept. p. 457 Cones on great variability of Opossum, good sentence. 8vo pamphlets 849 Grote on closely allied moths 853 Saporta on the filiation of closely allied trees Review of me (238) Nicholson on flexible rigid types – bears on Prof. Jaegers views. 8vo. 870 Kerner quote Schlechte Artex. Very good on the effects of 884 Forel Var in important parts of ants 11
CUL-DAR75.127-135    Abstract:    [1809--1882.04.00]   [index to references concerning] `[Ch] 7 Variation under Nature'   Text   Image
/38 Sardinian Mustela var. 2/261 Variation of important parts in Birds 3/160 Squirrels, marmoset [illeg] vars. of colours p 332 some not variable 3/475 on increase of black Hamsters 4/327 on vars. of colour in wild plant, even on same individual St John 232 Mountain Fox Westwood 2/228 var in [presence] of cocoon in ants 2/356 Nymphalidæ polymorphous Darwins J. 39 Calthates changing range 490 changed Habit of Dung-Beetles 13
CUL-DAR75.137-144    Abstract:    [1809--1882.04.00]   [index to references concerning] `Laws of Variation: Nature'   Text   Image
(curious correlation of var. with abnormal structure) 97 Species varying more in one country than other — or not varies in one vars [combined to own] p. 116 important case of do. p. 288 do p. 306. Huxley on Ants 85 hairy cocoons are not variable in individuals in different species My Journal 381 Effect of climate on vars species at Galapagos 14
CUL-DAR75.82    Abstract:    [1809--1882.04.00]   [references incomplete] `[G]791-[G]840'   Text   Image
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online [82] (20 Abstract of 8vo Pamphlets 791 Czerny, sort of nat. selection of the elements fit for [illeg] winds 794 Maw. Mammals distributing stones of fruit - p. 19 Glacial phenomena in Mexico 796 Marsh, metamorphosis of [Sizedon] 799 Krefft. hist of mammals Birds of Australia. p. 37 fossil Diversive - p. 93 snort of Saw-fish are incipient structure in allied Rep.gradation 802 Delpino on ants protecting aphides cicada; on [illeg] of antennæ when sucking
CUL-DAR75.95    Abstract:    [1809--1882.04.00]   [references incomplete] `Q54-Q90'   Text   Image
Fish for newts ants 75  Jones – Gryphæa intermediate forms 78 Naudin. Carcarl. p. 5 increased petals – Hybrids p. 8 do. p. 15. p 19 on Hyla 25. 79 Haast. N. Zealand p. 5 Geology of. p. 6 Zoology of Frogs p 7 Glacial period.  p. 129 Glacial action in second paper. 80 Trevinarus on Dichogamy 81 - on do in Linum. mistakes of [illeg]. 82 Lubbock – p. 64 causes of metamorphoses in Insects 83 Lesquereus p. 15 Range of mosses E. W. of America Japan. 85 G. Planchon on naturalisation of Jussiaea in F. W
CUL-DAR75.41    Abstract:    [1809--1882.04.00]   [reference incomplete] `Linnean Journal' 2-5   Text   Image
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online 41 (2 Linnean Journal [Zoology, 1858] vol. 2. continued p. 52, 59 Ants [F. Smith. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. (Read 16 June 1857): 42-130] - p. 136 Sclater on Distribution of Birds, important Vol. 2 continued p. 137 Sclater (see Back) [P. L. Sclater. On the general geographical distribution of the members of Aves. (Read 16 June 1857): 130-170] p 181
CUL-DAR87.187    Abstract:    [Undated]   Moggridge `Man's mental powers': [pp?]   Text   Image
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online [187] Moggridge on Ant. Man's Mental Power add when I specify intellect of ants - Bringing up seed to dry out damp Belt - make Bridges over water by clinged tight – Apparent [few words illeg
CUL-DAR68.24    Note:    [Undated]   11h 30 Hundreds of Ants at work at all the plants   Text   Image
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online [24] 11° 30'— Hundreds of Ants at work at all the plants — 2 or 3 Elaters — Day rainy so do not go for mere drink. — One group of ferns somewhat more advanced in growth, — glands all dry or nearly dry. If secretion only during growth, this wd agree with serration-glands in buds.— — You ought to go to Holwood. — Ants all same genus I believe species, viz Myrmica. — I daresay full-grown plants do not secrete — [24v
CUL-DAR68.27    Note:    [Undated]   P.S 2d 3h pm / Have looked at 1/2 dozen groups of fern in the big wood   Text   Image
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online [27] P. S. 2° 3° P.m. Have looked at 1/2 dozen groups of fern in the big wood all with myrmica one with a smaller distinct sp. of Elater to what I saw this morning. Near nest of Formica rufa, where whole ground covered with ants where I shd have though no other insect cd have existed, myrmica on the fern; but I saw 2 of F. rufa rambling about plants. I looked at a good many oldish plants no secretion no ants. Excretion during early rapid growth → [27v
CUL-DAR29.3.35    Note:    [Undated]   One minute Elatus[?] / Keeling (list of insects observed)   Text   Image
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online 12 One minute Elater 1 Gryllus 1 Keeling Blatta 1 Chrysopa (Hemobius) Morta Diopæa 1 - one with fissile wings 1 2 Flys 2 2 ants 2 2 Homopterous 2 1 Hemipterous 1 (12 species) 1
CUL-DAR49.162    Note:    [Undated]   It is important & hostile fact no bees on Keeling Islets — flys — ants   Text   Image
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online [162] It is important hostile fact no bees on Keeling Islets - flys - ants. Noctuidæ - possibly minute insects - no birds. Thrips In one flower there was much variation. - are there any Monoœcious or Diœcious Plants there?- Nettle. Bees from Extreme Artic region to Tropic
CUL-DAR73.19    Abstract:    [Undated]   2 / [reference incomplete] `Mem du Museum' 3: 407   Text   Image
Darwin Online 19 Memoires du Museum. Tom. 3. Sur les insectes vivant en Societé p. 407. In the family of Bees those which form the genre des nomades lay their eggs in the nest of other bees — so cuckoo habit! p. 408. The neuters of the Amazonian ants (which make prisoners) have jaws for fighting which make it impossible for them to work. one ant takes 2 species prisoners. — In the Termites the neuters are soldiers, the immature ones doing all the work. — How remarkable it is (like case of
CUL-DAR80.B116    Abstract:    [Undated]   [copy or translation of] `[reference incomplete]': 76   Text   Image
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online 116 They also like to eat ants; in order to catch them, they place a hand turned up upon the [illeg] , till the hand is covered, then carry it quickly to their mouth and lick the ants off. If great care is not taken, they lay waste the fields and gardens. But they do not go into the plantation without a scout, but if he has given them the sign of safety, the whole band forces its way into the garden or enclosed field and leave nothing standing. At
CUL-DAR48.A37    Note:    [Undated]   In F[ormica] rufa the largest workers are rather more than twice as big   Text   Image
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online [A37] In F. rufa the largest workers are rather more than twice as long as the smaller ones: I arranged a set making a perfect gradation between the largest smallest. - I am inclined to think that a larger proportion of the smaller ants stay at home work on the nest. In F. sanguinea in worker 1/2 size of other its antennæ were 3/4 of length. No difference in jaws No difference in jaws of small large workers in F rufa F. rufa has wonderfully different
CUL-DAR69.B32    Note:    [Undated]   When I speak of night-flowering plants smelling sweetly only at night -   Text   Image
. Braz from the f leaf- cutting ants. [B32v
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