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F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
Knowledge in Ants 529 Swarm successive years (over; ♦) 3 208-210 Astounding manoeuvre once in life 227 Variation in making Cocoons or home 277 Making exit for moth thread to guide it 287 jaws given for this purpose to be used once 4 p31 Sedentary Spider turned Hunter 2/495 cells longer on one side of comb opposed to Waterhouse.- 2/187 Knight on artificial Propolis - 12 16~19m/18u swallows 13 l-2m 22 24-31m, 25-29m 30 30-32m 31 10-13m, 17m/17-18u ants I lays 32 17-18m/17u* 33 17-18m, 21-22m, 28-29m
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
37 sunny places females in wood e (CD) 307 Short-tailed monkeys, yet arboreal.- a (not CD) 313 range of monkeys separated by a river 347 butterflies with males 100 times more numerous than the female. 347 range of butterflies depending on wind 351 gradation in workers of ants 364 great difference in the castes of worker ants. «s (CD) 204 man essentially same in mind 284 strong sexual characters. Umbrella Bird rudiment in female 349 tubes for caterpillars 357 gradation of instincts SB3 09Î 35
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
Britain 1873 342 Gould, J. Trochilidae 1861 Gould, William English ants 1747 344 Graba Reise nach Färö 1830 Graduate from Cambridge Darwinian theory 1867 345 [page break] xlvii
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
Locard Variations malacologiques 1881 Locke Human understanding 1726 Loiseleur-deslongchamps Céréales 1842 Lombardini Cammelli 1841 504 Loudon (ed.) Encyclopedia of plants 1841 Lovén tchinoUes 1875 506 Low Domesticated animals 1845 Lowne Blow-fly 1870 570 Lowne Teratological series 1872 Lowne Philosophy of evolution 1873 Lubbock Reproduction in Daphnia 1857 577 Lubbock Addresses 1879 Lubbock Ants, bees and wasps 1882 Lubbock Collembola and Thysanura 1873 Lubbock Civilisation 1870 Lubbock
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
1871 Mivart Genesis of species 2nd edn 1871 588 Mivart Elementary anatomy 1873 589 Mivart Man and apes 1873 Moggridge Ants and spiders 1873 Mohl, Hugo Vegetable cell 1852 Mohl, H. Bau und Winden der Pflanzen 1827 590 Mohl, Jules Études orientales 1879-80 594 Mojsvâr Dolomit-Riffe 1878 Mojsvâr Gebirge um Hallstatt 1873-75 Mojsvâr Geologische Übersichtskarte n.d. Mojsvâr Daonella und Halobia 1874 Moleschott Circulation delà vie 1866 Moleschott Kreislauf des Lebens \W7 Moleschott Fubini
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
101 17-18u defect I language , 19-22m 102 l-2m, 3-5m, 16-18m, 19-21m 104 8-llm 109 22-28m 110 4u commonly unaffected , 6-15m, 12-15m, 12-15w 2 cases l -21m 112 3-8m BATES, Henry Walter The naturalist on the river Amazons 2 vols.; London; John Murray; 1863 [CUL, I in both vols.] beh, br, cc, cr, f, gd, h, ig, mm, no, oo, phy, rd, si, sx, tm, v vol. 1 NB p251 SB1 09Î vol.I p. 20; 23; 30x gradn in worker ants; 52; 55; 68; 99 monkeys not breeding; 102; 182.- analogy of Moth Humming Birds; 193 sterile
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
69 BRADY, George Stewardson A monograph of the free and semi-parasitic Copepoda of the British Islands 3 vols.; London; The Ray Society; 1878-1880 [Down] BREE, Charles Robert Species not transmutable London; Groombridge Sons; 1860 [CUL] beh, ce, si, sp, t, ta, v NB 78 Variation accidental as far as good of animal is coned ^ Origin ^ 102 Sp. Th. «^ 132 Origin ^157 Origin «^ 168 good No; 222 Origin; 222 Sp Theory; 252 aphis «^168 Look to - may not different castes of ants be produced by
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
Insect in Ants-Nest common to the Canaries Isd with wings obsolete Bates says Prelaphidae are blind but some have yet wings fly are f. in Ants-Nests. SB2 Qß Genera marked Woll. so I presumed endemic (list of genera and number of their species; totals calculated) (untranscribed words are numbers of varieties listed under each species) xxxva llxv, 15w, 22w, 34m, 37m, 40w xxxvb 7w, llw, 16w, 21w, 25io, 29w, 39w, 45w xxxvia 4w, 10c var ß , 17w, 18m, 33w, 42w, 45w xxxvib 4m, 16w, 25w, 34w, 42w, 47w
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
Man in the past, present future London; Asher Co.; 1872; trans. W.S. Dallas [CUL] h NB Nothing need be quoted - Nov 1873; All on Man; 120 very good' resume; 142; 156; 266 119 34-37m/37w quote 120 l-4m 142 13-25m 156 12-17m, 25-30m 266 3u Dr. Lisch , 13- 15m, 17-25m BÜCHNER, Ludwig Mind in animals trans, of 3rd edn by Annie Besant; London; Freethought Publishing Co.; 1880 [Down] beh NB 159 on instincts of ants 159 1Ï2a are ie pratensis 36-42m/- , 20-41w yet pratenses taken as pupa 160 10-13m, 41
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
Hermaphrodite Byrozoa F.W. false 573 Salpidae Dichogamous 574 Lamel- libranch generally hermaphrodite 575 Davaine Carpenter seems to doubt their Dichogamy p. 577 Pteropoda require congress of two 589 Planaria do 577 Eggs of Linnaeus can be dried up revivified 590 On Ascaris 64 Million Eggs Q 592 Dorsibranchiate Annelids dioicous, Tubicolae do. being fixed by Water - 595 Myriopoda do. 602 In White Ants, soldiers are Pupae NQ 608 Some Acaridae hermaphrodite water or land? 610 Fallopian Placenta
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
insects Washington; Government Printing Office; 1879 [CUL] beh, gd, mg, oo, phy, tm NF extra-floral glands; moths boring into melons- 84-85; 86-87; 90-91; 97; 89 great powers of flight of moths; sweet juice eliminated -319-320 NB 84 Extra-floral nectar-glands 89 Migration of moths grt distances 117 do distribution 120 do 213 ants destroy enemies of cotton Nectaries 320 to end with Bibliography. 84 10-22m, 41-46m 85 2-12m, 19-26m, 28- 32m, 38-47m 86 4-21m 89 l-16m 117 7-13m/ 13u Argotis annexa 120 27
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
/ ... /23-27m/17-34w He uses expression that it is Metamorphosis - growth within 36m/ ... 26 2-5m, 6-10m/6... , 8-22w all growth may be thus called parthenogenesis for metamorphosis gradates into metagenesis 35 29-35m 53 5-llm 62 3-8m 64 3-7m 75 ll-13m PACKARD, Alpheus Spring (the younger) A guide to the study of insects Salem; Essex Institute; 1868 [Down] beh, sx, tm NB1 124 On Cells of Bees NB2 149; 177- Mutillariae females wingless, but in 2 species females winged; Habits of Ants 177 28-32m 181 20m
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
820 819 VERLOT 24m/w Monster sterile 84 lOu Quarantaine , ll-13m, 16-22m, 16-18u selsimples , 20-21u parisimples , 23-24u si\doubles , l-25w excellently good case illustrating selection of neuter ants 33^lu Cheiranthus\quarantaine 85 10-24m/w old seeds produce double flowers 86 22-26m/22u Camellia /24u 1501 inspection 88 8-15m/8u+/10-13iv Monster inherited Calendula 17-19w Monster do 25-26w Monster do 29-31m, 32-34m 89 2-4m/3w neuter 24-26m 90 14-16m, 25-28m/25w Linaria 92 28-30m/Q 93 19-20w
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
417 not known how new colonies established. 419 very curious evidence how rarely ants of distinct nests intercross. 421,422 Ants protect their Aphides from all enemies - so mutual service. 440 excellent summary of Whole; approves of what I have said of origin of slave-making 441. thinks atrophy of ovaria in Neuter may be due to development of their brains.- 441 trace of castes in neuters very general -about intercrossing 446 Indecision of Mind Struggles between opposed instincts. 14 9-26m, 18
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
varies according to number of community. 250 * attend to slightly injured ants - leave badly wounded.- 251. Friendly ants rather perish than attack each other for food. 258 263 allied ants of distant species- 274. In fighting tactics of different species different. 280 association of 2 species 286 On ants recognising each other for a time at last forgetting - Huber error 296 A few ants determine course of others - 301 signal communicated 304. Ants get mad with rage when fighting are calmed by the
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
10 p185 - On the Loves of Ants Aphides 106 4-6m 153 3-4w Reisen omitted 177 ProcMV'/xv p545 3 u ProcAIII , 6 u JournM , 8 u Geol.W / wb Last Paper. vol 4 NB p. 419 Temminck on Indian Archipelago- 62 226 m 186 Richardson! u 1823 , 6 m, 13 m 187 19/20/21 m, 27 m, 30 m, 31 m, Richardson Swainson.V'u 1831 , Richardson, Sivainson Kirby.V'u 1829\ Quadrupeds 419 20 m 532 Waterhouse.25/ 33/34 m 533 58 m 534 85 m 550 Westwood.22 m 551 48/49 m 552 76 m 553 86/95/103 m 554 111/117/118/121/122
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
185 a Rank of Man «s Man How are teeth in Sirenidae - yes they have but not very ample * naked? Man Elephant 216; 243a ManA; 287; 304; 311 to; I apply races only to domestic productions ♦ 383 to 438 History of Believers in modification Say that I shall notice only the m conspic writers - when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue ♦ p.431 - to p. 438 Isidores own argument that species change. ♦ Ä, 441 ; 448; 474, 476; 482, 485, ■sr«^ 488 a - Reference about White Ants important for me; 498
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
battered Bees.) 442. Bourdon workers lay only Males Workers 444. Ants always killed by copulation It seems quite possible that the 1 st row may be formed differently, as they cannot initiateO work with usual number of Bees (over) 66, 67, 69 X Instinct 188 98; 110 Vide PI 4; 120; 141 to 187; 211; 215 219 Instinct bending comb 286 The fallen comb 222 to 226 size of Drone cells.- gradation of size before after. 3 or 4 rows or when Honey abounds (247) Bears on W. Indian cells 234 to c 238 inclination
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
, 5m/u la\ auxiliaires lw different 7m)w* What says 8w F 13x/u certaines]fourmis , 15u on\troupes , 18-20m, wb X it is remarkable any ants preying on keeping slaves of same species 278 22u cendrées 279 2u et\ captivité , 1Ï3« assiégées]assiégeantes 282 7-23m 283 6-9m, 18u cent\pas 284 2-4m, 7m, 9-10m, 12-14m, 19-22m/19-24u±, 23-24m, wb not due not knowing road 285 3-5m/4u fauves , 20u mineuses '/2Ù-24m, wb F. cunicularia 286 3-5m, llu sanguines] roussâtres , 13-16m, 19-22m 297 3-6m/4-10w
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
421 422 HUNTER, John Essays and observations on natural history, anatomy, physiology, psychology and geology and OWEN, Richard The introductory lectures on the Hunterian collection of fossil remains 2 vols.; London; John Van Voorst; 1861 [CUL] beh, es, et, em, he, phy, sx, tm, v, wd vol. 1 NB Add to Hubers case -p.50 Wasps recognizing each other like by ants Expression 144 Relation of lapping sucking with form of lips, so as to expose teeth 185 Oxen compared to Cows Bulls of same breeds with
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