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F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
98 Scincus no Batrachians 115 Honey-bee perhaps Apis caffra 121 Only 3 nocturnal Lepidoptera 133 Antigua Orange-trees all destroyed by coccus p. 117 Ants very destructive to Rabbit Poultry 172 Imported poultry all die 190 Sapindus saponaria not growing in foreign Gardens, raised from sea-drifted seeds.— Gulf Stream occasionally wanders from course brings timbers to Bermuda 191 At Azores trees torn up by roots 2 dead were washed ashore (See Bate) SB2 *A ix; x in 1609; 11,2 Bats; 12; 27 to 38; Read
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
breed my argument * against instinct arising from habit, is not perfect- are neuters of ants ever converted? The instincts of neuters, probably same with those of females of same species anciently NB2 136; 148; 153; 166; 171; 176; 179; 192, 194, 199, 201, 203**, 4, 9; 230; 270; 272; 293 to 98 insect impregn; 322; 332; 336; 357; 361; 371 to 4; 76 to 82; 386; 390; 399; 402; 435; 442; 448; 459; 472; 474; 476; 78; 492; 98; 500; 505 NB3 496 on manner in which Bees form their cells p293 Capital
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
Oct/58/ 71 Winged ants * carried low in nest when it is disturbed 73 Workers try to keep in winged individuals in nest. title page wt Latreille died 6 July 1833 71 1- 2m 73 3-6m 140 18w B 143 lw B 150 4w B 151 lw B 156 5w B 159 Iw B 166 7w B 168 8w B 195 2w B 246 7w B 251 6w B 255 lw B 257 Iw B 259 lw B 345 17w 8 (number of eyes) 347 4m 349 9-10m, 12u Huit , 26m LAUGEL, Auguste Les Problèmes de la nature Paris; Germer Baillière; 1864 [Down, I] LAUGEL, Auguste Science et philosophie Paris; Mallet
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
, political and educational London; Macmillan Co.; 1879 [Down, I] LUBBOCK, John Ants, bees, and wasps 4th edn; London; Kegan Paul, Trench Co.; 1882 [Down] LUBBOCK, John Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura London; The Ray Society; 1873 [Down] NB 01 P LUBBOCK, John The origin of civilisation and the primitive condition of man London; Longmans, Green Co.; 1870 [CUL] beh, h, t, y NB p355 Savages Men cry or weep only slight occasionly copiously - Q Puzzled savage frowning p277 signs of affirmation
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
stream? 133 22-25m 140 25~29m 158 26-24m 165 21-27m 172 28-30m 191 ll-14m/ll-12m 222 8-9m, 14u much\members , 23-27m 248 22-28m 250 10-14m, 27-32m 252 6-22m, 27-22m 256 26-30m 258 2-5m, 6-8m (Hamilton), 12-16m/14-16m 259 3-7m, 2S-22m 262 8-22m 264 3-9m 265 6-9m 266 9-llm/8-14w No - Chicken picking up grain - Sphynx Moth 18-19m/w Wasp-Ants 272 23-31m 273 15-29m 278 27-23m 289 19-24m MORGAN, Lewis Henry Systems of consanguinity and affinity of the human family Washington; The Smithsonian Institute
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
do. 113 Retrograde development 118 F.W. Molluscs no metamorphosis 122 Embryology 129 Period of monstrosity X 174 alternate generations 251 True generation always necessary 280 Parthenogenesis in Wasps 299 do. 293 do. 312 315 317 Embryology 32 8-16m 79 17u quatre formes \13-25m (Fahre), 28-34m (Joly) 84 27-30m 94 21-24m/ l-24w I doubt - will not explain two castes of ants 99 21-30m/18-30w four forms of respiration 100 l-9m, 19-25m 103 l-6m, 8-24m 104 22-32m 107 31-34m 113 23-27m/23w Lernaea 118
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
; 24; 37 Rate at which potato bug travelling; 40; 52 new Habit in insects attacking Wheat 57 8 28-35m 17 3-8m 20 fig.m 21 6-16m 24 14-18m 37 8-14m/9u average\ bribes 40 13-27m 52 3-7m 57 8-12m RILEY, Charles Valentine The cotton worm Washington; Government printing office; 1880 [Down] mg NB 23 wide migration of moths; 34 ants 15 20-24m/21u 23 22-30m, 32-34m, 35-44m 34 l-10m, 17-24m/23u, 24-28m RILEY, Charles Valentine The locust plague in the United States Chicago; Rand, McNally Co.; 1877 [Down
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
) 308 44u 31 high 309 lu seldom branched , 3u decurrent , 4u covered]sides , ll-15m, 38u yard high , 39u panicled\top , 41u dark] above , 42-43u not decurrent 311 wt Dec 4 1862 Rev. W. A. Leighton says he has tried this repeatedly on V. virgatum with like result X 9-27m, 40~43m, wbe* I suspect end to partial capsule: blow ants incidentally like chloroform on stamens of Picaberg.- 329 35-36m 333 9-22m, 45m 334 4-9m 339 zb vol. 2 NB Maple Rare in Scotland; p337 Great variation in seeds of Spergula
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
Phyteuma = does not get dusted in room X^ (one of Campanulaceae) * Solanaceae * p126 167 Passiflora, stigma not ready during the second day whilst another moving up. (Mention after Barberry) probably night flower 186 Allium in same case with Parnassia 212 Horse chesnuts, probably Dichogam. 240 Kalmia like Barberry, moves on being touched 244 Saxifraga saw fly impregnated SB2Qß 249 Dianthus dichogam, yet stated to be impregnated in close flowers 296 saw ants carry pollen (Nothing to show Dichogamy in
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
SPRENGEL 287 6-8m 289 12-13m, 20-23m, 32x 295 wt\l-19w Repeatedly shows that impregnation is not by mechanical act; such movements appear chiefly to favour insects 25« mechanischer Befruchtungsart 296 26u Ameise , 30w saw ants impregnate 305 7« AuchlDichogamist 307 29x 308 5-6m 309 6X 315 23x, 31-32m, wb hole cut. 316 5m/u häufig besucht , 12x, 28x 317 25-29m, 3x, 32x 319 42-45m/43-44u Staublabstreifen 320 lu++, 13u Bienen , 14-16m/16u sondern! Horn , 24-26m, wb Bites holes 321 32x 323 36-37m
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
Convolvulus, Antirrhynum Nemophila naturally crossing good as I know the 2 former are self-fertile Do on dianthus |«^ some plants Tomatos Pimentos c said never to cross naturally 72 Cases of corellation of colour of flower seed Q» 74 White spotted leaves inherited » partly Q 80 Hose hose primrose sterile 84 Stocks producing mostly double plants quite sterile a few single-flowered plants by which race is propagated, illustrating production of neutral ants. » Used 85 Old seeds positively said to
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
838 837 WALLACE, Alfred Russel Contributions to the theory of natural selection London; Macmillan Co.; 1870 [CUL] beh, fo, h, he, hi, pat, ss, sx, t, ti, v NBl 350; intelligent power 356 359 NB2 113 a female mocking Diademas Butterflies 205 Instincts of nidification ♦ 225 Man 229 mistaken instinct 221 Song of Birds acquired confirmed by Hon Herbert, I suppose in his edition of White - see L. Jenyns ♦ 353 Santals wd not break their parole 204 wt Female Ants leave the nest cannot have seen but
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
varieties in imago from differences in food (Ch. 7) 109 20 parasites on a saw-fly 119 All wood-feeders vary in size. Allude to Wollastons cases of molluscs of 2 sizes Birds in note 147 Ichneumons avoiding vital parts of caterpillars 224 Strange diversity of neuters amongst Ants 232 Slaves + only neuter pupae taken 228 Curious variation see F. Smith Pamphlet 155 on - ch 4. 237 On minute characters very constant through whole order - good sentence 261 On resemblance of some Flies parasites on Bees to
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
-4m, 20-22m 250 25-27m 251 23-25m 254 4-5m 255 29-30m 257 27-28m 258 5-8m, 12-15m, 24-26m 259 22-23m 261 22-24m, 32-33m 270 21-23m, 33-37m 273 27-28m 275 9-22m 278 29-22m 281 6-8m, 25-27m 286 2-5m, 16m 287 27-30m 289 20m 290 2-3m 334 4-8m, 28-29m 335 5-6m 337 24-27m 338 26-20m, 28-30m 341 27-29m 346 27-28m 542 30-39m 543 2« mort I fuite vol. 5 NB p. 305 Leon Dufour has written on stinging instruments of ants p.291 - on antennae differing in male female Cynips in no. of Joints.- 206 23-25m 305 31
F3275    Book:     Gregorio, Mario A. -Di, ed. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia, vol. 1. Edited by Mario A. Di Gregorio, with the assistance of N.W. Gill. New York; London: Garland.   Text   PDF
170 18-20m T74 40-42m 176 l-3m 177 16-18m, 22-23m 178 2-5m, 30-33m GOULD, William An account of English ants London; A. Millar; 1747 [CUL, pre-B] 2 13w MyrmecO GRABA, Carl Julian Tagebuch geführt auf einer Reise nach Färö im Jahre 1828 Hamburg; Perthes Besser; 1830 [CUL, on B] beh, br, gd, is, mg, sp, tm, v, wd NBA 50 to 67; 62 wild Pigeon; 80; 102; 106; 118; 150; 187; 205 SB 51. The White Raven not fixed (Magillvray 3/ 745) Descript of - other ravens drive away, only at Faroe as pair together
A588    Book:     Armstrong, Patrick. 1991. Under the blue vault of heaven: A study of Charles Darwin's sojourn in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Nedlands: Indian Ocean Centre for Peace Studies.   Text
): One minute elater Blatta Chrysopa (Hemisbius) Moth Diopea one with fissile wings 2 Flies 2 Ants 2 Homopterus 2 1 Hemipterous insect 12 specimens The note appears very little altered, but with one or two further identifications, as a footnote to the Voyage. Again it is quite clear that he was impressed with the poverty of the terrestrial fauna and flora. Throughout his writings on the land plants and animals of the islands words such as poorer , poverty , paucity , few and only abound. The
A588    Book:     Armstrong, Patrick. 1991. Under the blue vault of heaven: A study of Charles Darwin's sojourn in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Nedlands: Indian Ocean Centre for Peace Studies.   Text
of animals, from ants to ostriches! His use of the term in connection with the behaviour of the robber crab of the Cocos Islands is therefore of particular interest. The account of the behaviour of this creature is remarkably detailed. Some aspects of the description were referred to on page 67 (see also Figure 20); some slight repetition occurs here: These monstrous crabs inhabit in numbers the low strips of dry coral land; they live entirely on the fruit of the cocoa nut three. Mr Liesk
A2826    Book:     Ghiselin, M. T. 1991. The triumph of the Darwinian method. 2d ed.   Text
organisms into the structure of his hypothetico-deductive systems and so obtained a means of testing his theories. *  Cf. F. A. Beach, The Snark was a Boojum, The American Psychologist, V (1950), 115-124. Darwin's importance is often overlooked by workers in this field. He used this same approach—tracing out the variations in behavioral phenomena through the genealogical tree—in his work on insectivorous plants. In The Origin of Species he treats the slave-making habits of ants and the manner of comb
A2826    Book:     Ghiselin, M. T. 1991. The triumph of the Darwinian method. 2d ed.   Text
complex instincts appear to have been gained in a wholly different manner, through the natural selection of variations of simpler instinctive actions. Such variations appear to arise from the same unknown causes acting on the cerebral organization, which induce slight variations or individual differences in other parts of the body....We can, I think, come to no other conclusion with respect to the origin of the more complex instincts, when we reflect on the marvelous instincts of sterile worker-ants
A2112    Book:     Armstrong, Patrick. 2004. Darwin's other islands. London: Continuum.   Text
), Diptera (flies), Hemiptera (bugs), Hymenoptera (ants, bees, wasps) and Orthoptera (grasshoppers) were collected, probably many of them by using a sweep-net in the vegetation high on the island. He wondered 'from what district or centre of creation future comparison might show that the organized beings of this archipelago must be attached.'10 He ascended to the summit of Saddle Mountain, the highest hill on the island. He estimated it at 2,000 feet (610 m) (modern maps show it at 2,700 feet
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