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Results 1561-1567 of 1567 for « +text:ants »
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A2112    Book:     Armstrong, Patrick. 2004. Darwin's other islands. London: Continuum.   Text
are very few in number: I must except some spiders a small ant, which swarms in countless numbers at every spot and place.'19 The 'snipe' was in fact probably a turn-stone, Arenaria interpres. The land-rail, later identified as Rallus philippen-sis andrewii, is an endemic subspecies, now confined to North Keeling. A fragment of paper kept with Darwin's zoological notes lists the '12 specimens' - flies, ants, a couple of moths and a beetle. In the Voyage he amends the total to thirteen species
A27b    Book:     Freeman, R. B. 2007. Charles Darwin: A companion. 2d online edition, compiled by Sue Asscher.   Text
College London. 1844 FRS. 1860 CD to about Origin and about Geological gossip, 1860, by A.—MLi 175. Anthropological Society 1862 CD Honorary Fellow from foundation. Anthropologische Gesellschafte, Vienna. 1872 CD Honorary Member. Ants 1873 [letter] Habits of ants , Nature, Lond. 8:244 (Bii 177, F1761); introducing a letter from James D. Hague. Ape , cartoonist, see Carlo Pellegrini. Appleman, Philip 1970 Darwin, New York; extracts from CD's works selected by A (F1624). Appleton, Mary American
A27b    Book:     Freeman, R. B. 2007. Charles Darwin: A companion. 2d online edition, compiled by Sue Asscher.   Text
. 1871 CD to M, about habits of ants and about orchids—Carroll 399. 1872 CD to M, about trap-door spiders—MLi 337. 1874 CD describes M as One of our most promising young naturalists —Nature, Lond., 11:114. 1873 Author of Harvesting ants and trap-door spiders, London 1873[-1874], which rediscovered the habits of Atta, described in Proverbs vi. 6. Mojsisovics von Mojsvár, Johann August Georg Edmund, 1839-1907. Hungarian geologist. Vice-Director Imperial Geological Institute, Vienna. [1878-]1879 M
A27b    Book:     Freeman, R. B. 2007. Charles Darwin: A companion. 2d online edition, compiled by Sue Asscher.   Text
Aspects of scepticism, London, which prints the letter. Forel, Auguste Henri, 1848-1931. Swiss entomologist, especially of ants. 1874 CD to F, having read Les fourmis de la Suisse, Zurich—LLiii 191. Forest, The Nickname for Woodhouse, Felton, Shropshire, home of the Owen family. Forms of Flowers 1877 The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species, London (F1277). 1878 2nd edition (F1279). 1884 2nd edition, 3rd thousand (F1281), with new preface by Francis Darwin. 1969 1st edition
A622    Periodical contribution:     Ghiselin, Michael T. 2009. Darwin: A reader's guide. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences (155 [12 February]), 185 pp, 3 figs.   Text   PDF
neuter castes of social insects such as ants, bees and termites. How could such colonies evolve through natural selection when the workers are sterile? Under ordinary circum [page] 2
A622    Periodical contribution:     Ghiselin, Michael T. 2009. Darwin: A reader's guide. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences (155 [12 February]), 185 pp, 3 figs.   Text   PDF
, v. 7, p. 417-418. Darwin, Charles, 1873. Habits of ants. Nature, v. 8, p. 244. Darwin, Charles, 1873. On the males and complemental males of certain cirripedes, and on rudimentary structures. Nature, v. 8, p. 431-432. Darwin, Charles, 1873. Natural selection. Spectator, v. 313, p. 76. Darwin, Charles, 1874. The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs [2nd ed.]. London: Smith, Elder, xx + 278 p.; 1st ed. 1842. Darwin, Charles, 1874. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex [2nd ed
A622    Periodical contribution:     Ghiselin, Michael T. 2009. Darwin: A reader's guide. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences (155 [12 February]), 185 pp, 3 figs.   Text   PDF
: Copernic, 252 p. Churchill, Frederick B., 1972. [Review of Limoges, 1970 and Vorzimmer, 1970]. Victorian Studies, v. 16, p. 257-261. Churchill, Frederick B., 1982. Darwin and the historian. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 17, p. 45-68. Claeys, Gregory, 2000. The survival of the fittest and the origins of social Darwinism. Journal of the History of Ideas, v. 61, p. 223-240. Clark, J. F. M., 1997. 'The ants were duly visited': making sense of John Lubbock, scientific naturalism and the
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