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Darwin, Francis ed. 1887. The life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical chapter. vol. 1. London: John Murray.
sun, but when I first entered on and beheld the luxuriant vegetation in Brazil it was realizing the visions in the 'Arabian Nights.' The brilliancy of the scenery throws one into a delirium of delight, and a beetle hunter is not likely soon to awaken from it, when whichever way he turns fresh treasures meet his eye. At Rio de Janeiro three months passed away like so many weeks. I made a most delightful excursion during this time of 150 miles into the country. I stayed at an estate which is the
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Darwin, Francis ed. 1887. The life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical chapter. vol. 3. London: John Murray.
; , letter to, from Rev. G. Peacock, i. 191. , letters to: relating to the appointment to the 'Beagle,' i. 195, 199, 203, 214, 216; from Rio de Janeiro, i. 235; at sea between the Falklands and the Rio Negro, i. 242; from East Falkland Island, i. 249; from Sydney, i. 264; from St. Helena, i. 267; from Shrewsbury, i. 269; as to destination of specimens collected during the voyage of the 'Beagle,' i. 273. , letters to: 1836 1842, i. 283, 284, 285, 288; on the purchase of a farm in Lincolnshire, i
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Darwin, Francis ed. 1887. The life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical chapter. vol. 3. London: John Murray.
, note on, i. 279. Rhizocephala, iii. 38. Rich, Anthony, letter to, on the book on 'Earthworms,' iii. 217. Richmond, W., portrait of C. Darwin by, iii. 222. Richter, Hans, visit to Down, iii. 223 note. Riding, i. 117. Ridley, C., letter to, on Dr. Pusey's sermon, iii. 235. Rio de Janeiro, letter to J. S. Henslow, from, i. 235. Rivers, T., letter to, iii. 57. Robertson, G. Croom, letter to, with the 'Biography of an Infant,' iii. 234. Robertson, John, review of the fifth edition of the 'Origin' by
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Foote, G. W. 1889. Darwin on God. London: Progressive publishing company.
as powerless as a child even to remonstrate. I suspected that these moans were from a tortured slave, for I was told that this was the case in another instance. Near Rio de Janeiro I lived opposite to an old lady, who kept screws to crush the fingers of her female slaves. I have stayed in a house where a young household mulatto, daily and hourly, was reviled, beaten, and persecuted, enough to break the spirit of the lowest animal. I have seen a little boy, six or seven years old, struck thrice
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Darwin, F. ed. 1889. Charles Darwins liv og breve med et kapitel selvbiografi. Translated by Martin Simon Søraas. Fagerstrand pr. Høvig: Bibliothek for de Tusen Hjem, volume 1.
han da ogsaa en sj mands begreb om st rrelse. Kaptein Beaufort siger, at jeg blir kostberettiget, og da vil det ikke koste mig mere end skibets andre officerer. Vi seiler 10de oktober; vi stanser en uge ved Madeira og gaar derpaa til Rio de Janeiro. Det ansees af alle for h ist sandsynligt, at hjemreisen vil foregaa over de indiske er. Hvad der har f rt kaptein Fitz-Roy til et gunstigere syn paa sagen, er den omst ndighed, at mr. Chester, der skulde f lge med som reisefelle, ikke kan reise, saa at
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Darwin, F. ed. 1889. Charles Darwins liv og breve med et kapitel selvbiografi. Translated by Martin Simon Søraas. Fagerstrand pr. Høvig: Bibliothek for de Tusen Hjem, volume 1.
NYE REISEPLANER. etc. og Rio Plata og Rio Janeiro. Den har ud-m rkede havne, ferskt vand i overflod og godt kj d. Der kunde utvivlsomt vokse simplere gr n-sager der. Men i andre henseender er den et usselt sted. For kort tid siden red jeg over en og vendte tilbage efter fire dages forl b. Min udflugt vilde ha varet l ngere, hvis der ikke hele tiden havde bl st en storm med hagl og sne. Lyng er det groveste br ndsel, der findes, og n sten hele landet er en h ngemyr. At sove ude om natten kunde
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Darwin, F. ed. 1889. Charles Darwins liv og breve med et kapitel selvbiografi. Translated by Martin Simon Søraas. Fagerstrand pr. Høvig: Bibliothek for de Tusen Hjem, volume 1.
fund mellem ananas og appelsin-tr r; medens du s ler til dine fingre med skidne bj rneb r, — t nk da paa mig og misund mig mine modne appelsiner. Dette er et stykke gte skryd; thi jeg kunde gaa mange mil i slud, sne og regn for at trykke din haand. Gud velsigne dig, kj re, gamle Fox. Din hengivne Chas. Darwin. Til J. S. Heneslow. Rio de Janeiro, 18. mai 1832. Kj re Henslow! F r ankomsten til Teneriff (vi anl b ikke Madeira) var jeg neppe ud af h ng k ien og led virkelig mere af sj syge, end De k
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Darwin, F. ed. 1889. Charles Darwins liv og breve med et kapitel selvbiografi. Translated by Martin Simon Søraas. Fagerstrand pr. Høvig: Bibliothek for de Tusen Hjem, volume 1.
REISEN. 24-AARS-ALDEREN. „Tusen og en nats eventyr-land. Naturens pragt kan gj re en yr af gl de, og man kan ikke ventej-at en insekt-j ger saa snart skal komme til sig selv, naar nye skatte m der hans ie, bare hanj snur sig. I Rio de Janeiro gik tre maaneder, som de havde v ret tre uger. Jeg gjorde ens pr gtig tur paa 150 mil ind i landet. Jeg opholdt mig paa en eiendom, der ligger paa det opdyrkede lands ydergr nse; bagenfor den er der kun en eneste uigjennemtr ngelig skog. Det er n sten umu
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Darwin, C. R. 1889. The structure and distribution of coral reefs. 3d ed. With a preface to the third edition by Francis Darwin and an appendix by T. G. Bonney. London: Smith Elder and Co.
two years, and yet is completely enveloped by this dense coral.' I presume that the oyster was living when the specimen was procured; otherwise the fact tells nothing. Mr. Stutchbury also mentions an anchor, which had become entirely encrusted with coral in fifty years; other cases, however, are recorded of anchors having long remained amidst coral-reefs without having become coated. The anchor of the Beagle, in 1832, after having been down exactly one month at Rio de Janeiro, was so thickly
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
BOTOFOGO BAY, RIO JANEIRO. CHAPTER II Rio de Janeiro Excursion north of Cape Frio Great Evaporation Slavery Botofogo Bay Terrestrial Planari ; Clouds on the Corcovado Heavy Rain Musical Frogs Phosphorescent Insects Elater, springing powers of Blue Haze Noise made by a Butterfly Entomology Ants Wasp killing a Spider Parasitical Spider Artifices of an Epeira Gregarious Spider Spider with an unsymmetrical Web. RIO DE JANEIRO April 4th to July 5th, 1832. A few days after our arrival I became
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
HYDROCH RUS CAPYBARA OR WATER-HOG. CHAPTER III Monte Video Maldonado Excursion to R. Polanco Lazo and Bolas Partridges Absence of Trees Deer Capybara, or River Hog Tucutuco Molothrus, cuckoo-like habits Tyrant-flycatcher Mocking-bird Carrion Hawks Tubes formed by Lightning House struck. MALDONADO July 5th,1832. In the morning we got under way, and stood out of the splendid harbour of Rio de Janeiro. In our passage to the Plata, we saw nothing particular, excepting on one day a great shoal of
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
necessary to go on one side to avoid them. All distances are inaccurately known. The road is often marked by crosses, in the place of milestones, to signify where human blood has been spilled. On the evening of the 23rd we arrived at Rio, having finished our pleasant little excursion. During the remainder of my stay at Rio, I resided in a cottage at Botofogo Bay. It was impossible to wish for anything more delightful than thus to [page] 28 RIO DE JANEIR
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
CONTENTS CHAPTER I Porto Praya Ribeira Grande Atmospheric dust with Infusoria Habits of a Sea-slug and Cuttle-fish St. Paul's Rocks, non-volcanic Singular incrustations Insects the first colonists of Islands Fernando Noronha Bahia Burnished Rocks Habits of a Diodon Pelagic Conferv and Infusoria Causes of discoloured Sea . . . . . . . Pages 1-18 CHAPTER II Rio de Janeiro Excursion north of Cape Frio Great Evaporation Slavery Botofogo Bay Terrestrial Planari Clouds on the Corcovado Heavy rain
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
day, if I hear a distant scream, it recalls with painful vividness my feelings, when, passing a house near Pernambuco, I heard the most pitiable moans, and could not but suspect that some poor slave was being tortured, yet knew that I was as powerless as a child even to remonstrate. I suspected that these moans were from a tortured slave, for I was told that this was the case in another instance. Near Rio de Janeiro I lived opposite to an old lady, who kept screws to crush the fingers of her
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
frozen soil, 92, 263 on eating fat, 123 on geographical distribution, 139 on polished rocks, 267 Rimsky atoll, 496 Rio de Janeiro, 19 to 39 Botofogo Bay, 19 Plata, 40 Negro, 65, 192 Colorado, 73 Sauce, 112 Salado, 124 S. Cruz, 187 River-bed, arched, 383 River-courses dry in America, 113 Rivers, power of, in wearing channels, 191, 339 Rocks burnished with ferruginous matter, 12 Rodents, number of, in America, 51, 189 fossil species of, 87 Rolor, General, 149 Rosas, General, 73, 116, 149 Rozario, 129
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
of this part of the country is coffee. Each tree is supposed to yield annually, on an average, two pounds; but some give as much as eight. Mandioca or cassava is likewise cultivated in VAMPIRE BAT (DESMODUS D'ORBIGNYI). CAUGHT ON BACK OF DARWIN'S HORSE NEAR COQUIMBO. HEAD, FULL SIZE. [page] 24 RIO DE JANEIR
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
sufficient to awake all orders of animated beings. This shows how nicely the stimulus required to arouse hybernating animals is governed by the usual climate of the district, and not by the absolute heat. It is well known that within the tropics the hybernation, or more properly stivation, of animals is determined not by the temperature, but by the times of drought. Near Rio de Janeiro, I was at first surprised to observe that, a few days after some little depressions had been filled with water, they
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
very trifling anecdote, which at the time struck me more forcibly than any story of cruelty. I was crossing a ferry with a negro who was uncommonly stupid. In endeavouring to make him understand, I talked loud, and made signs, in doing which I passed my hand near his face. He, I suppose, thought I was in a passion, and was going to strike him; for instantly, with a frightened look and half-shut eyes, he dropped his hands. I shall never [page] 26 RIO DE JANEIR
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
movements and habits are indeed in many respects very similar. Following a pathway I entered a noble forest, and from a height of five or six hundred feet, one of those splendid views was presented, which are so common on every side of Rio. At this elevation the landscape attains its most brilliant tint; and every form, every shade, so completely surpasses in magnificence all that the European has ever beheld in his own country, that D [page] 34 RIO DE JANEIR
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
. This she showed in picking up some Portuguese and Spanish, when left on shore for only a short time at Rio de Janeiro and Monte Video, and in her knowledge of English. York Minster was very jealous of any attention paid to her; for it was clear he determined to marry her as soon as they were settled on shore. Although all three could both speak and understand a good deal of English, it was singularly difficult to obtain much information from them concerning the habits of their countrymen;this was
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Anon. 1890. [Review of Journal of researches]. Boston Evening Transcript (14 May): 6.
along the coast to Rio Janeiro, Montevideo, down to and around Tierra del Fuego through the Straits of Magellan, up the Pacific coast as far as Lima, and then back to England. The entire voyage occupied five years and the record of its results by the young naturalist was hailed with the warmest welcome by European scientists. It lacked one thing, however, to make it perfect, and that was illustrations. Photography had not been discovered or invented, and there was no competent draughtsman on
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
, for dinner; coffee in the evening, and fish with coffee for breakfast. All this, with good food for the horses, only cost 2s. 6d. per head. Yet the host of this v nda, being asked if he knew anything of a whip which one of the party had lost, gruffly answered, How should I know? why did you not take care of it? I suppose the dogs have eaten it. Leaving Mandetiba, we continued to pass through an in [page] 22 RIO DE JANEIR
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
sundry small green parrots and a few toucans. I profited, however, by my acquaintance with the Portuguese padre, for on another occasion he gave me a fine specimen of the Yagouaroundi cat. Every one has heard of the beauty of the scenery near Botofogo. The house in which I lived was seated close beneath the well-known mountain of the Corcovado. It has been remarked, with much truth, that abruptly conical hills are characteristic of [page] 30 RIO DE JANEIR
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
made demi-tours d'environ trois palmes. [page] 38 RIO DE JANEIR
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
its hills, and the thick covering of forest even on the almost precipitous flanks. The next day a harbour was discovered, which on this dangerous coast might be of great service to a distressed vessel. It can easily be recognised by a hill 1600 feet high, which is even more perfectly conical than the famous sugar#x2010;loaf at Rio de Janeiro. The next day, after anchoring, I succeeded in reaching the summit of this hill. It was a laborious undertaking, for the sides were so steep that in some
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
, there were only two of the Carabid , four Brachelytra, fifteen Rhyncophora, and fourteen of the Chrysomelid . Thirty-seven species of Arachnid , which I brought home, will be sufficient to prove that I was not paying overmuch attention to the generally favoured order of Coleoptera. [page] 36 RIO DE JANEIR
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Darwin, C. R. 1890. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. First Murray illustrated edition.
fossil of extinct species of, 86, 138 Horse-fly, 180 Horsemanship of the Gauchos, 162, 206 Horses difficult to drive, 115 drop excrement on paths, 125 killed by great droughts, 141 multiplication of, 247 broken in, 160 Hot springs of Cauquenes, 281 Huacas, 394, 396 Humboldt on burnished rocks, 12 on the atmosphere in tropics, 33 on frozen soil, 93 on hybernation, 102 on potatoes, 304 on earthquakes and rain, 375 on miasma, 390, 463 Humming-birds of Rio de Janeiro, 33 of Chiloe, 289 Hurtado, 113
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Darwin, C. R. 1891. La descendance de l'homme et la sélection sexuelle. Trans. by Edmond Barbier. Preface by Carl Vogt. Paris: C. Reinwald.
l'on peut percevorr à plusieuss mètres de distance. Je n'ai remarqué ce bruit, à Rio de Janeiro, que lorsque deux individss se poursuivaient en suivant une_course irréguliére, de sorte qu'll n'est probablement produtt que pendant l'époque de l'accouplement». Quelques phalènss font aussi entendee des sons, le Thecopho~a fovea mâle, par exemple. Dans deux occasion,, M. Buchannn White a entendu un Hylophilaprasinana mâle émettre un brutt rapide et perçant; il croit qu'il le produit comme les cicadés
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Periodical contribution:
Darwin, C. R. [Letters to W. Preyer] in Preyer, William Thierry. 1891. Briefe von Darwin. mit Erinnerungen und Erlaeuterungen. Deutsche Rundschau 17, No. 9 (June): 356-390.
nachdem ersterer in der uneigen=nuessigsten Weise diese einzige Darwinistische Zeitschrift in Deutschland 1877 ins Leben gerufen hatte. Zu ihren Mitarbeitern gehoerten vom Unfang an unter vielen Anderen Ernst Haeckel in Jena, S. Guenther in Ansbach, Friss Mueller in Rio de Janeiro und dessen Bruder Hermann Mueller in Lippstadt, Ludwig Noir in Mainz, L. Pfaundler in Innsbruck, Oskar Schmidt in Strassburg, Eilhard Schulze in Grass, jesst in Berlin, E. Strasburger in Jena, jesst in Bonn, Moriss Wagner
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Briefe von Darwin: mit Erinnerungen und Erlaeuterungen `Deutsche Rundschau' 9: 356-390
nachdem ersterer in der uneigen=nuessigsten Weise diese einzige Darwinistische Zeitschrift in Deutschland 1877 ins Leben gerufen hatte. Zu ihren Mitarbeitern gehoerten vom Unfang an unter vielen Anderen Ernst Haeckel in Jena, S. Guenther in Ansbach, Friss Mueller in Rio de Janeiro und dessen Bruder Hermann Mueller in Lippstadt, Ludwig Noir in Mainz, L. Pfaundler in Innsbruck, Oskar Schmidt in Strassburg, Eilhard Schulze in Grass, jesst in Berlin, E. Strasburger in Jena, jesst in Bonn, Moriss Wagner
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Holder, Charles Frederick. 1892. Charles Darwin: his life and work. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons.
Bahia, was Rio de Janeiro, and while here Darwin went on an extended trip into the interior, going over ground which no naturalist of his attainments had passed before. The country was rich in promise, and, being made up of forest and clearing and abounding in lakes and streams, specimens were everywhere found. The birds engaged his attention, especially the white cranes and egrets, while in the forests he was particularly attracted by the luxuriant vegetation and the wonderful and beautiful
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Holder, Charles Frederick. 1892. Charles Darwin: his life and work. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons.
of animated beings. This shows how nicely the stimulus required to arouse hibernating animals Is governed by the usual climate of the district, and not by the absolute heat. It is well known that within the tropics, the hibernation, or more properly aestivation, of animals, is determined, not by the temperature, but by the times of drought. Near Rio de Janeiro, I was at first surprised to observe, that, a few days after some little depressions had been filled with water, they were peopled by
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[Reminiscences of Mr Darwin on the Beagle]
Darwin on the Beagle]
first entered Rio Janeiro. It was decided to make a display of smartness in shortening sail before the numerous men-of-war at the anchorage under the flags of all nations. The ship entered the harbour under every yard of canvass which could be spread upon her yards including studding sails and afloat on both sides, the lively sea breeze which brought her in being right aft. Mr Darwin was told to hold to a main royal sheet in each hand and a top mast studding sail tack in his teeth. At the order
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Darwin, Francis ed. 1892. Charles Darwin: his life told in an autobiographical chapter, and in a selected series of his published letters [abridged edition]. London: John Murray.
de Janeiro, letter to J. S. Henslow, from, 134. Rogers, Prof. H. D., 230. Romanes, G. J., account of a sudden attack of illness, 326. letter to, on vivisection, 290. Roots, sensitiveness of tips of, to contact, 318. Royal Commission on Vivisection, 288. SEEDS. Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh, 14. Society, award of the Royal Medal to C. Darwin, 162; award of the Copley Medal to C. Darwin, 259. Royer, Mdlle. Cl mence, French translation of the 'Origin' by, 246; publication of third French edition
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Darwin, Francis ed. 1892. Charles Darwin: his life told in an autobiographical chapter, and in a selected series of his published letters [abridged edition]. London: John Murray.
the 'Beagle,' 116. , letter to, from Rev. G. Peacock, 115. , letters to: relating to the appointment to the 'Beagle,' 121, 122; from Rio de Janeiro, 134; from Sydney, 138; from Shrewsbury, 139; as to destination of specimens collected during the voyage of the 'Beagle,' 140. , letters to: 1836-1842, 144; sending him the 'Origin,' 209. Herbert, John Maurice, 19; anecdotes from, 105, 106, 108; letters to, 109; on the 'South American Geology,' 154. Hermaphrodite flowers, first idea of cross
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Reminiscences of Mr Darwin on the Beagle. Manuscript in the Mitchell Library, Sydney, FM4/6900/.
in future was the quick reply of the kind-hearted naturalist. Though Mr Darwin knew little or nothing of nautical matters, he one day volunteered his services to the First Lieutenant. The occasion was when the ship first entered Rio de Janeiro. It was decided to make a display of smartness in shortening sail before the numerous men-of-war at the anchorage under the flags of all nations. The ship entered the harbour under every yard of canvass which could be spread upon her yards including
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Wallace, A. R. 1895. Natural selection and tropical nature: Essays on descriptive and theoretical biology. London: Macmillan.
but they are also very plentiful in old settlements in which fruit-trees and shrubbery offer suitable haunts. In the vicinity of such old towns as Malacca and Amboyna in the East, and of Para and Rio de Janeiro in the West, they are especially abundant, and comprise some of the handsomest and most remarkable species in the whole group. Their aspect is altogether different from that presented by the butterflies of Europe and of most temperate countries. A considerable proportion of the species
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Wallace, A. R. 1895. Natural selection and tropical nature: Essays on descriptive and theoretical biology. London: Macmillan.
that he had known that identical path to be in constant use by the ants for twenty years. Thus we can account for the fact mentioned by Mr. Bates, that the underground galleries were traced by smoke for a distance of seventy yards in the Botanic Gardens at Para; and for the still more extraordinary fact related by the Rev. Hamlet Clark, that an allied species in Rio De Janeiro has excavated a tunnel under the bed of the river Parahyba, where it is about a quarter of a mile wide! These ants seem to
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Darwin, C. R. 1902. Observations géologiques sur les iles volcaniques: explorées par l'expédition du "Beagle" et notes sure la géologie de l'Australie et du Cap de Bonne-Espérance. Trans. by A. F. Renard. Paris: C. Reinwald.
en apparence, emp t s dans des roches cristallines m tamorphiques. Je mentionne ce fait parce que j'ai trouv pr s de Rio-de-Janeiro un fragment anguleux nettement termin , long de 7 yards et large de 2, constitu par du gneiss contenant des grenats et du mica dispos s en couches, et emp t dans le gneiss porphyrique stratifi commun dans cette contr e. Les feuillets de ce fragment et ceux de la masse englobante suivaient exactement la m me direction, mais ils plongeaient sous des angles diff rents
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Darwin, C. R. 1902. Observations géologiques sur les iles volcaniques: explorées par l'expédition du "Beagle" et notes sure la géologie de l'Australie et du Cap de Bonne-Espérance. Trans. by A. F. Renard. Paris: C. Reinwald.
gneissique la roche pr sentant cette particularit . Il est int ressant de constater que les collines d nud es et coniques, qui paraissent tre form es par des couches grands plis, ressemblent en petit d'une mani re frappante aux collines de granite gneissique de Rio-de-Janeiro, et celles du V n zu la qui ont t d crites par de Humboldt. Ces roches plutoniques sont coup es, en un grand nombre d'endroits, par des dikes de trapp, j'ai trouv en un m me point dix dikes parall les s' tendant de l'est
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Darwin, C. R. 1902. Observations géologiques sur les iles volcaniques: explorées par l'expédition du "Beagle" et notes sure la géologie de l'Australie et du Cap de Bonne-Espérance. Trans. by A. F. Renard. Paris: C. Reinwald.
R tinite. 71 (Dikes de) 79 Rio de Janeiro (Gneiss de) 162 Robert (M). Sur des couches observ es en Islande 116 Rogers (Les Professeurs). Sur des lignes de soul vement courbes. 154 Sainte-H l ne (Ile de). 89 (Crat res de soul vement de) 113 Saint-Paul (Rochers de). 39 153 Salses (Comparaison des), et des crat res de tuf 137 San Thiago (Ile de). 1 (Crat re de soul vement de). 113 (Effets produits par une mati re calcaire sur la lave ). 122 Scrope (M.P.). Sur l'obsidienne. 77 Sur la pr sence de la
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Darwin, Francis & Seward, A. C. eds. 1903. More letters of Charles Darwin. A record of his work in a series of hitherto unpublished letters. London: John Murray. Volume 1
referred to is on page 52. 2. Dr. Johann Friedrich Theodor Müller (1822-97): was born in Thuringia, and left his native country at the age of thirty to take up his residence at Blumenau, Sta Catharina, South Brazil, where he was appointed teacher of mathematics at the Gymnasium of Desterro. He afterwards held a natural history post, from which he was dismissed by the Brazilian Government in 1891 on the ground of his refusal to take up his residence at Rio de Janeiro (Nature, December 17th, 1891
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Darwin, C. R. [1907]. L'origine des espèces: au moyen de la sélection naturelle ou la lutte pour l'éxistence dans la nature. Translated by E. Barbier. Paris: Schleicher Frères.
spécimens recueillis sur toute la côte depuis Rio de Janeiro jusqu'à l'embouchure de la Plata, soit une distance de 1100 milles géographiques, et tous ces spécimens appartenaient à cette même classe de roches. Dans l'intérieur, sur toute la rive septentrionale de la Plata, je n'ai pu voir, outre des dépôts tertiaires modernes, qu'un petit amas d'une roche légèrement métamorphique, qui seule a pu constituer un fragment de la couverture primitive de la série granitique. Dans la région mieux
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Darwin, C. R. 1909. The origin of species [in Danish]. Translated by J. P. Jacobsen. Revised by Frits Heide. Copenhagen: Gyldendal.
Tyskland tilsammen. Denne Egn er ikke bleven omhyggelig undersøgt, men efter Rejsendes en- stemmige Vidnesbyrd er Granitstrækningen meget stor. Von Esch- wege giver Saaledes et detaljeret Gennemsnit af de Klipper, der strækker sig fra Rio de Janeiro 260 geografiske Mile ind ad Landet til i en lige Linie, og jeg selv rejste 150 Mil i en anden Retning, og saa ikke andet end Granitklipper. Talrige Stykker, der var sam- lede langs med hele Kysten, fra nær ved Rio Janeiro til Mundingen af La
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Poulton, Edward Bagnall. 1909. Charles Darwin and the Origin of species: addresses, etc., in America and England in the year of the two anniversaries. London: Longmans, Green, and Co.
We may first observe that the remarkable feelings induced by such experiences are very far from unpleasant, as we should expect them to be on the theory which refers them to the apprehensions and dangers of our primitive ancestors. Thus, on May 18, 1832, when the first impressions of a Brazilian forest were freshest in Darwin's mind, he wrote to Henslow, telling him of an expedition of 150 miles from Rio de Janeiro to the Rio Macao. 'Here I first saw a tropical forest in all its sublime
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Poulton, Edward Bagnall. 1909. Charles Darwin and the Origin of species: addresses, etc., in America and England in the year of the two anniversaries. London: Longmans, Green, and Co.
, 277. Rhodesia, S.E., 130. Rhopalocera Ajricae Australis, R. Trimen, 228 n. 1. Riley, C. V., on variable protective resemblance, 109. Rio de Janeiro, 35. Rio Macao, 35. rock-thrush of Guiana, 140. Romanes, G. J., on Darwin's experiences of 'the sublime', 34; Darwin to, 38, 258. Rothschild and Jordan, on two Danaine genera, 158; on synonymy of Papilionidae, 152 n. 1, 182 n. 1; on classification of Papilionidae, 178; on structural distinction of American Pharmacophagus, 181. Rowe, Arthur W., on
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Darwin, Francis & E. Hamilton Acton. 1909. Practical physiology of plants. Cambridge: University Press.
Cambridge Biological Series A Treatise on the British Freshwater Algae. By G. S. West, M.A., A.R.C.S., F.L.S., Lecturer in Botany in the University of Birmingham. Demy 8vo. [New edition in preparation A Manual and Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns. By J. C. Willis, M.A., Sc.D., Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Rio de Janeiro. Third edition. Crown 8vo. lew. 6fl'. Field. Taking this handy volume and a local flora, the traveller or student may do an enormous amount of practical
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Periodical contribution:
Judd, J. W. 1911. Charles Darwin's earliest doubts concerning the immutability of species. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 88, no. 1292 (2 November): 8-12.
work at this time, namely, Botofogo Bay, near Rio de Janeiro, and Maldanado, near Monte Video.8 In doing this he could not fail to be greatly struck by the peculiarities of the fauna, with its sloths, ant-eaters, and armadilloes. From the journals both of Fitzroy and Darwin, we learn that questions concerning the several species of armadilloes and their geographical range were at this time engaging their attention.9 It fortunately happened that, during the autumn of 1832, the Beagle was delayed
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Periodical contribution:
Darwin, Francis. 1912. FitzRoy and Darwin, 1831-36. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 88 (12 February): 547-8.
the first time, has wandered by himself in a Brazilian forest. At Bahia, too, he began his speculations on the geology of South America (loc. cit., p. 12). Porto Praya is in St. Jago, already referred to in No. 5. No. 7. April 28, 1832. Rio de Janeiro. Darwin is a regular Trump. On May 18, 1832, Darwin wrote18:— The Captain does everything in his power to assist me, and we get on very well ; and again, I am very good friends with all the officers. No. 8. August 15, 1832. Monte Video. Mr. Darwin