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Results 801-850 of 1082 for « +published:true +havetext:true +haveimages:true +type:item »
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A670    Pamphlet:     Gjellerup, Karl. 1882. Aander og Tider - et Rekvium over Charles Darwin. Copenhagen: Schou.   Text   Image
A7    Periodical contribution:     Carpenter, W. B. 1882. Charles Darwin: his life and work. Modern Review. 3: 500-24.   Text   Image
A79    Periodical contribution:     Zacharias, Otto. 1882. Charles Darwin. Vom Fels zum Meer. Spemann's illustrirte Zeitschrift für das deutsche Haus 2: 348-53.   Text   Image
F2031    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. [Extract from a letter on the origin of mammals]. In Savile, Bourchier Wrey. The late Mr. Darwin. Record n.s. 1: 149.   Text   Image
F1416    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. [Extracts from Darwin's draft chapter 10 of Natural selection]. In Romanes, G. J., Animal intelligence. London: Kegan Paul Trench & Co.   Text   Image   PDF
F839    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. The movements and habits of climbing plants. London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
F1362    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. The formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms, with observations on their habits. 6th thousand (corrected). London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
F1364    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. The formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms, with observations on their habits. Seventh thousand. Corrected by Francis Darwin. London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
F1403    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. Role des vers de terre dans la formation de la terre végétale. Translated by M. Levêque. Preface by Edmond Perrier. Paris: C. Reinwald.   Text   Image   PDF
F1404    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. Die Bildung der Ackererde durch die Thätigkeit der Würmer. Translated by J. V. Carus. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. Ch. Darwin's gesammelte Werke. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von J. Victor Carus. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe, vol. 14, part 1.   Text   Image   PDF
F803    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 2nd ed. Revised 3d thousand. London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
F1800    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. The action of carbonate of ammonia on the roots of certain plants. [Read 16 March] Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 19: 239-261, 2 text figures.   Text   Image   PDF
F1801    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. The action of carbonate of ammonia on chlorophyll-bodies. [Read 6 March] Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 19: 262-284.   Text   Image   PDF
F1803    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. Preliminary notice. In Van Dyck, [William Thomson]. On the modification of a race of Syrian street-dogs by means of sexual selection. With a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin. [Read 18 April] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London no. 25: 367-369.   Text   Image   PDF
F2020    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. [Letter to Mrs. Emily Talbot on the mental and bodily development of infants] Report of the secretary of the department. Journal of Social Science, containing the Transactions of the American Association 15 (February): 5-8.   Text   Image
F2260    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1929. Unpublished Darwin letter [to Symington Grieve, 1882]. The Scotsman (18 January): 12.   Text   Image
F1802    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. On the dispersal of freshwater bivalves. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 25 (6 April): 529-530.   Text   Image   PDF
F2525    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. [Letters to Julius Wiesner, 1882]. Charles Darwin. Neue Freie Presse [Vienna] (22 April): 5.   Text   Image
A203    Offprint:     1882. [Admission ticket]. Funeral of Mr. Darwin.   Text   Image
A204    Offprint:     Bridge, J. Frederick. 1882. Words of Anthem composed by J. Frederick Bridge (Mus. Doc Oxon.) for the Funeral of Charles Darwin Esq. Westminster Abbey. [offprint]   Text   Image
A311    Periodical contribution:     Huxley, T. H. 1882. Charles Darwin. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 25 (652) (27 April): 597.   Text   Image
A613    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1882. [Obituary] Charles Darwin. The Nation no. 878 (27 April): 354-5.   Text   Image
A2969    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1882. Funeral of the late Mr. Charles Darwin. Stratford-upon-Avon Herald (28 April): 5.   Text   Image
A486    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1882. [Obituary] Charles Robert Darwin. Punch (29 April): 203.   Text   Image
A247    Periodical contribution:     Grant, A. 1882. Obituary: Charles Darwin. The Academy 21 (521) (29 April): 306-7.   Text   Image
A667    Periodical contribution:     Fish, D. T. 1882. [Obituary] Charles Darwin. Garden, an illustrated weekly journal of gardening in all its branches 21 (29 April): 302.   Text   Image
A520    Periodical contribution:     Richter, Hans. 1882. Hanns Richter bei Darwin. Signale für die musikalische Welt [Leipzig] 4, No., 32 (May): 497-9.   Text   Image
A118    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1882. Obituary: Charles Darwin, M. A., F. R. S. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography, New Monthly Series 4 (5) (May) 314.   Text   Image
F2009    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. [Letter to New York Entomological Club]. In Henry Edwards, Obituary. Charles Robert Darwin F.R.S. Papilio. Organ of the New York Entomological Club 2, no. 5 (May): 81.   Text   Image   PDF
A85    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1882. [Obituary] The late Mr. Darwin. The Times. 3 May: 10.   Text   Image
A645    Periodical contribution:     Marti, José. 1882. [Obituary of Darwin] Darwin ha muerto. La Opinión Nacional Caracas (17 May): p. 1.   Text   Image
A82    Periodical contribution:     Fiske, John. 1882. [Obituary of] Charles Darwin. The Atlantic monthly 49, Issue 296 (June): 835-845.   Text   Image
A110    Review:     Anon. 1882. [Review of] Darwin's Formation of Vegetable Mold Through the Action of Worms. The American Naturalist 16(6) (June) 499-500.   Text   Image
A83    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1882. [Obituary of] Darwin. Manufacturer and builder 14, Issue 6 (June): 123.   Text   Image
F1949    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. [Letter to William Watson] In Watson, W., A letter from Mr. Charles Darwin. The Academy 21 (527) (10 June): 417.   Text   Image   PDF
A713    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1882. Carlos Darwin. El Club de Matanzas No. 11 (16 June): 88.   Text   Image
A569    Periodical contribution:     James, Joseph F. 1882. [Obituary of] Charles Robert Darwin. The journal of the Cincinnati society of natural history 5, no. 2: 71-77.   Text   Image   PDF
F1973    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. Mr. Darwin and revelation. Pall Mall Gazette (23 September): 2.   Text   Image   PDF
F2485    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1882. [Fragment of an 1881 letter to F. M. Balfour]. Memorial to the late Professor Balfour. Cambridge Independent Press (4 November): 5.   Text   Image
A304    Periodical contribution:     Lewins, Robert. 1882. Mr. Darwin and Professor Haeckel. Journal of Science, and Annals of Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Industrial Arts, Manufactures, and Technology (Ser. 3) 4: 751-752.   Text   Image
A499    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1883. Darwin's handwriting. The Field Naturalist p. 78.   Text   Image
F3481    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1883. [Letter to Baruch Jakob Placzek]. In Placzek, On ancient observations on the flight of pigeons. [Read 1 May 1883.] Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archæology 5 (1882-3): 111-13, p. 112.   Text   Image
A676    Pamphlet:     Steenstrup, Johannes C.H.R. 1883. Darwinismen i Danmark, eller Det mærkværdige Aar. Dagbladet.   Text   Image
A106    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, A. R. 1883. The Debt of Science to Darwin. Century Magazine 25, 3 January: 420-432.   Text   Image   PDF
A314    Pamphlet:     Miall, L. C. 1883. The life and work of Charles Darwin: a lecture delivered to the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, on February 6th, 1883. Leeds: Richard Jackson.   Text   Image   PDF
A497    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1883. Mr. Charles Darwin on infant development. The Field Naturalist pp. 5-7.   Text   Image
A498    Periodical contribution:     Geldart, E. M. 1883. Anecdote of the late Charles Darwin. The Field Naturalist p. 21.   Text   Image
A234    Pamphlet:     Aveling, E. B. 1883. The religious views of Charles Darwin. London: Freethought Publishing Company.   Text   Image
F1432    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1883. Preface. In Müller, H., The fertilisation of flowers . . . with a preface by Charles Darwin. Translated by D'Arcy W. Thompson. London: Macmillan, pp. vii-x.   Text   Image   PDF
F1434    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1883. A posthumous essay on instinct. In Romanes, G. J., Mental evolution in animals. With a posthumous essay on instinct by Charles Darwin. London: Kegan Paul Trench & Co., pp. 188-189, 196, 198-199, 355-384.   Text   Image   PDF
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