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F1548.2    Book:     Darwin, Francis & Seward, A. C. eds. 1903. More letters of Charles Darwin. A record of his work in a series of hitherto unpublished letters. London: John Murray. Volume 2   Text   Image   PDF
A1287    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1903. [Darwin's religiously tolerant agnosticism]. Sunderland Daily Echo (29 June): 2.   Text
A421    Periodical contribution:     Meinertsen, H. P. 1903. Skabelsen. Hoejskolebladet: 29-31.   Text   Image
A273    Periodical contribution:     Wallace, Alfred Russel. 1903. The dawn of a great discovery "My relations with Darwin in reference to the theory of natural selection". Black and White 25 (17 January): 78.   Text
A426    Periodical contribution:     Lützhoeft, Holten. 1904. Udviklingslæren og Folkeskolen - en Replik. Vor Ungdom: 436-439   Text   Image
F1552.1    Book:     Litchfield, H. E. ed. 1904. Emma Darwin, wife of Charles Darwin. A century of family letters. Cambridge: University Press printed. Volume 1.   Text   Image   PDF
F1552.2    Book:     Litchfield, H. E. ed. 1904. Emma Darwin, wife of Charles Darwin. A century of family letters. Cambridge: University Press printed. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
F3607    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1904. [Unrecorded letter]. Catalogue of the Collection of Augustus Toedteberg (of New York City). Rare and Valuable Autograph Letters. The Anderson Auction Co. 5 West 29th. ST., New York.   Text
A425    Periodical contribution:     Blume, Astrid. 1904. Den Kristne Boernelaerdom - Nogle Bemaerkninger i Anledning af Vilh. Rasmussen: 'Udviklingslaeren og Folkeskolen'. Vor Ungdom: 440-443   Text   Image
A427    Periodical contribution:     Rasmussen, Vilhelm. 1904. Udviklingslaeren i Folkeskolen. Vor Ungdom: 337-351.   Text   Image
A744    Periodical contribution:     Warming, E. 1904. Udviklingslæren i Nutiden. Dansk Tidsskrift. 785-801.   Text   Image
A1285    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, Francis. 1904. Darwin and Greek. The Times (29 December): 9.   Text
A423    Periodical contribution:     Christjansen, Peder. 1904. Om Udviklinglaeren på Hoejskolen. Hoejskolebladet: 1373-1376   Text   Image
A424    Periodical contribution:     Alkaersig, Soeren. 1904. Udviklingslæren paa Højskolen - Svar til Gaardejer Christjansen, Holmsland. Hoejskolebladet: 1501-1508   Text   Image
A444    Periodical contribution:     Blume, Astrid. 1905. Udviklingslaeren og Folkeskolen - Repliker. Vor Ungdom: 194-195.   Text   Image
A447    Periodical contribution:     Rasmussen, Vilhelm. 1905. Udviklingslaeren og Folkeskolen - Afslutning. Vor Ungdom: 246-248.   Text   Image
A237.1    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1905. My life: A record of events and opinions. London: Chapman and Hall. vol. 1.   Text   Image   PDF
A445    Periodical contribution:     Lützhoeft, Holten. 1905. Udviklingslaeren og Folkeskolen - Repliker. Vor Ungdom: 195-200.   Text   Image
A446    Periodical contribution:     Rasmussen, Vilhelm. 1905. Udviklingslaeren og Folkeskolen II. Vor Ungdom: 70-80.   Text   Image
A237.2    Book:     Wallace, A. R. 1905. My life: A record of events and opinions. London: Chapman and Hall. vol. 2.   Text   Image   PDF
F3495    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1905. [Recollection of and words attributed to Darwin, "Painless surgery"]. In Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge sketches. Boston: E. P. Dutton and Co., p. 309.   Text
A2956    Periodical contribution:     X.Y.Z. 1905. [Recollection of Darwin]. Men and movements. Daily News (London) (17 August): 12.   Text
A431    Periodical contribution:     Breitung, Amand. 1905. Udvikling og Selvdannelse. Folkelaesninger: 536-538.   Text   Image
A433    Periodical contribution:     Breitung, Amand. 1905. Udviklingslaeren og den bibelske Skabelsesberetning. Folkelaesninger: 700-703.   Text   Image
A435    Periodical contribution:     Breitung, Amand. 1905. Udviklingslaeren og den bibelske Skabelsesberetning. Folkelaesninger: 781-783.   Text   Image
A437    Periodical contribution:     Breitung, Amand. 1905. Udviklingslaeren forenelig, men ikke jaevngyldig med Kristentroen. Folkelaesninger: 845-848.   Text   Image
A428    Periodical contribution:     Sommer, Otto. 1905. Amand Breitung: Udviklingslæren og Kristentroen. Dansk Ungdom: 110-111   Text   Image
A439    Periodical contribution:     Breitung, Amand. 1905. Skabelseslaeren og Forandringerne. Ufuldkommenhederne, 'Fejlene' i Naturen. Folkelaesninger: 153-155   Text   Image
A429    Periodical contribution:     Hansen, Andreas. 1905. Udviklingslaeren og Kristentroen. Dansk Ungdom: 145 - 147   Text   Image
A440    Periodical contribution:     Breitung, Amand. 1905. Skabelseslaeren og Forandringerne. Ufuldkommenhederne, 'Fejlene' i Naturen. Folkelaesninger: 165-167   Text   Image
A441    Periodical contribution:     Breitung, Amand. 1905. Skabelseslaeren og Forandringerne. Ufuldkommenhederne, 'Fejlene' i Naturen. Folkelaesninger: 182-183   Text   Image
A1114    Book contribution:     Stephen, L. 1906. [Recollection of Darwin]. In F. W. Maitland, Life and letters of Leslie Stephen: 300-1, p. 445: 488-9.   Text
F299    Book:     Darwin, C. R. [1907]. The structure and distribution of coral reefs. London and Felling-on-Tyne: Walter Scott (Scott Library no. 64).   Text   Image
F668    Book:     Darwin, C. R. [1907]. L'origine des espèces: au moyen de la sélection naturelle ou la lutte pour l'éxistence dans la nature. Translated by E. Barbier. Paris: Schleicher Frères.   Text   PDF
A104    Periodical contribution:     Harker, A. 1907. Notes on the rocks of the "Beagle" Collection. Geological Magazine 100-106.   Text   Image   PDF
A1340    Book contribution:     Nevill, Ralph ed. 1907. [Recollection of Darwin]. Leaves from the note-books of Lady Dorothy Nevill. London: Macmillan, pp. 239-240.   Text
A4    Book:     Rutherford, H. W., 1908. Catalogue of the library of Charles Darwin now in the Botany School, Cambridge. Compiled by H. W. Rutherford, of the University Library; with an Introduction by Francis Darwin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.   Text   Image   PDF
A1110    Periodical contribution:     Sully, J. 1908. Reminiscences of The Sunday Tramps. The Cornhill Magazine, vols. XXIV, (January to June): 79, 86.   Text
F3379    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1908. [Letters to Herbert Spencer and J. D. Hooker, 1858, 1860, 1866, 1867]. In David Duncan, The life and letters of Herbert Spencer. London, pp. 87, 98, 125, 150.   Text   PDF
A281    Pamphlet:     1908. The Darwin-Wallace celebration held on Thursday, 1st July, 1908 by the Linnean society of London. London: Printed for the Linnean Society.   Text   PDF
A331    Book:     Poulton, Edward Bagnall. 1909. Charles Darwin and the Origin of species: addresses, etc., in America and England in the year of the two anniversaries. London: Longmans, Green, and Co.   Text   Image
A35    Pamphlet:     Shipley, A.E. [1909]. Charles Darwin. [Cambridge, Privately Printed].   Text   Image
A288    Pamphlet:     Hovey, Edmund Otis ed. 1909. Darwin memorial celebration. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 19, no. 1, Part 1 (31 July): 1-40.   Text
A297    Book:     Darwin, Francis & E. Hamilton Acton. 1909. Practical physiology of plants. Cambridge: University Press.   Text   Image   PDF
A473    Periodical contribution:     Bramsen, Alfred. 1909. Natur og Opdragelse - Betragtninger i Anledning af Darwinismens Jubilaeum. Det Ny Aarhundrede: 823-832   Text   Image
A241    Periodical contribution:     Bryce, James. 1909. Personal Reminiscences of Charles Darwin and of the Reception of the "Origin of Species". Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 48 (193) (September): iii-xiv.   Text   Image
A2816    Periodical contribution:     [Frederick Belding Power]. 1909. Biographical sketch of Charles Darwin and the Darwin commemoration at Cambridge.   Text   PDF
A593    Periodical contribution:     Murray, John. 1909. Darwin and his publisher John Murray. Science progress in the twentieth century: a quarterly journal of scientific work & thought. 3: 537-542.   Text
F1481    Book:     Anon. 1909. Order of the proceedings at the Darwin celebrations held at Cambridge June 22-June 24, 1909. With a sketch of Darwin's life. Cambridge: University Press.   Text   Image   PDF
F1512    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1909. Charles Darwin Selvbiografi. Translated by Frits Heide. Copenhagen: Gyldendal.   Text   Image   PDF
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