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Results 2301-2350 of 2503 for « +published:true +havetext:true +type:item »
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A279    Pamphlet:     Darwin, George and Francis Darwin eds. 1909. Darwin celebration, Cambridge, June, 1909. Speeches delivered at the banquet held on June 23rd. Cambridge: Cambridge Daily News.   Text   PDF
A318    Pamphlet:     Weismann, August. 1909. Charles Darwin und sein Lebenswerk: Festrede gehalten zu Freiburg i. Br. am 12. Februar 1909. Jena: Gustav Fischer.   Text   Image   PDF
A36    Periodical contribution:     Darwin Centenary Number. Christ's College Magazine. vol. XXIII, Easter Term, 1909.   Text   Image   PDF
A490    Pamphlet:     [Shipley, Arthur Everett and James Crawford Simpson eds.] 1909. Darwin centenary: the portraits, prints and writings of Charles Robert Darwin, exhibited at Christ's College, Cambridge 1909. [Cambridge: University Press].   Text   Image
A162    Book:     Seward, A. C. ed. 1909. Darwin and modern science. Essays in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Charles Darwin and of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of The origin of species. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.   Text   Image   PDF
A211    Book:     Geikie, A. 1909. Charles Darwin as geologist: The Rede Lecture given at the Darwin Centennial Commemoration on 24 June 1909. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.   Text   Image   PDF
F644    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1909. The origin of species [in Danish]. Translated by J. P. Jacobsen. Revised by Frits Heide. Copenhagen: Gyldendal.   Text   Image   PDF
F2541    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1909. Letters from Charles Darwin [to R. A. Blair]. Science, 30, 766 (3 September): 303-4.   Text   PDF
A1639    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1909. [Apocryphal retraction by Darwin after his death]. Brief aus dem Jenseits. Kikeriki [Austria] (21 February): 2.   Text
A478    Periodical contribution:     Begtrup, Eline. 1909. Charles Darwin. Hoejskolebladet: 223-230.   Text   Image
A546    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1909. A visit to Darwin's village: reminiscences of some of his humble friends. Evening News (12 February): 4.   Text   Image
A475    Periodical contribution:     Holst, Helge. 1909. Charles Darwin. Frem (Vor Jord): 89-91.   Text   Image
A479    Periodical contribution:     Begtrup, Eline. 1909. Darwinisme. Hoejskolebladet: 389-396.   Text   Image
A470    Periodical contribution:     Breitung, Amand. 1909. Morsomt nyt fra gamle Bekendte og Fraender. Folkelaesning: 655-658.   Text   Image
A313    Pamphlet:     Harmer, S. F. and W. G. Ridewood eds. 1910. Memorials of Charles Darwin: a collection of manuscripts portraits medals books and natural history specimens to commemorate the centenary of his birth and the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of "The origin of species" 2d ed. British Museum (Natural History). Special guide no. 4.   Text   Image   PDF
A34    Book:     Judd, J. W. 1910. The coming of evolution: The story of a great revolution in science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.   Text   Image
A485    Book contribution:     [Litchfield, Henrietta Emma]. 1910. Richard Buckley Litchfield: a memoir written for his friends by his wife. Cambridge: privately printed. [Darwin extracts only]   Text   Image
A596    Book contribution:     [Poulton, Edward Bagnall]. 1910. Darwin, C. R. The Encyclopaedia Britannica. 11th ed. Cambridge: University Press, vol. 7, pp. 840-3.   Text   Image
F3515    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1910. [Manuscript facsimile: 'the percentage system takes no account of relationship of organisms, when all species different']. In T. D. A. Cockerell, The Darwin celebration at Cambridge. The Popular Science Monthly 76 (January): 23-31.   Text   Image   PDF
F1561    Book:     Darwin, Francis ed. 1911. Die Fundamente zur Entstehung der Arten (Zwei Essays von 1842 und 1844). Translated by Maria Semon. Leipzig und Berlin: B. C. Teubner.   Text   Image   PDF
A553    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1911. Darwin's lodgings. Christ's College Magazine Easter Term: 248-50.   Text   Image   PDF
A579    Periodical contribution:     Judd, J. W. 1911. Charles Darwin's earliest doubts concerning the immutability of species. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 88, no. 1292 (2 November): 8-12.   Text
A1094    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1912. Obituary of George Howard Darwin. The Times (9 December): 9.   Text
F2536    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. Letters. In Jones, H. F. 1912. Samuel Butler's lost dialogue: On the origin of species. The Press [Christchurch, New Zealand] (1 June): 9.   Text
A259    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, Francis. 1912. FitzRoy and Darwin, 1831-36. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 88 (12 February): 547-8.   Text   Image
A239    Book:     Peile, John ed. 1913. Biographical register of Christ's College 1505-1905 and of the earlier foundation, God's House 1448-1505. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. vol. 2.   Text   Image
A482    Periodical contribution:     Fabre, Henri. 1913. My relations with Darwin. The Fortnightly Review n.s. 94: 661-675.   Text   Image
A657    Book contribution:     Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich. 1913-14. [Darwin's Library]. In Origin and geography of cultivated plants, trans. Doris Love. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 255, 422.   Text
F645    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1913. The origin of species [in Danish]. Translated by J. P. Jacobsen. Revised by Frits Heide. Copenhagen: Gyldendal.   Text   Image   PDF
A554    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, Francis. 1914. [Obituary of] William Erasmus Darwin. Christ's College Magazine 29: 16-23.   Text   Image
A1095    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1914. Obituary of William Erasmus Darwin. The Times (12 September): 11.   Text
F3385    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1914. [Letters to John Lubbock and Lubbock's recollections of Darwin]. In Horace Gordon Hutchinson, Life of Sir John Lubbock, Lord Avebury. 2 vols. London.   Text   PDF
A830    Periodical contribution:     Warming, Eugen. 1915. Nedstamningslæren. Udvalget for Folkeoplysningens Fremme. Copenhagen.   Text   Image
F1553.1    Book:     Litchfield, H. E. ed. 1915. Emma Darwin, A century of family letters, 1792-1896. London: John Murray. Volume 1   Text   Image   PDF
F1553.2    Book:     Litchfield, H. E. ed. 1915. Emma Darwin, A century of family letters, 1702-1896. London: John Murray. Volume 2   Text   Image   PDF
A262    Book contribution:     Darwin, Francis. 1916. Memoir of Sir George Darwin. In Scientific Papers by Sir George Howard Darwin. Cambridge vol. 5: ix-xxxiii.   Text
F1592.1    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 1.   Text   Image   PDF
F1592.2    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
F2165    Book:     Woolner, Amy. 1917. Thomas Woolner, R.A. sculptor and poet: his life in letters. New York: E.P.Dutton & Co.   Text   PDF
A300    Book:     Darwin, Francis. 1917. Rustic sounds and other studies in literature and natural history. London: John Murray. [Darwin family recollections only]   Text   Image
A834    Periodical contribution:     Breitung, Amand. 1917. Overraskelser fra Abeteoriens og Udviklingslærens Omraade. Karl Schønbergs Forlag.   Text   Image
F2481    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1917. [Letter to F. J. Muniz]. A letter of Ch. Darwin in Argentina. Nature (14 June): 305-306.   Text   Image
A2094b    Book:     Hooker, J. D. 1918. [Recollections of Darwin]. In L. Huxley ed., Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker. London: John Murray, vol. 2.   Text
A702    Periodical contribution:     Champion, George C. 1918. Notes on various South American Coleoptera collected by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle, with descriptions of new genera and species. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine 54: 43-55.   Text   Image   PDF
A488    Book:     Nash, Wallis. 1919. A lawyer's life on two continents. Boston: Richard G. Badger, the Gorham Press. [Darwin reminiscences only]   Text   Image
A265    Book contribution:     Darwin, Francis. 1920. Recollections. In idem, Springtime and other essays. London: John Murray, pp. 51-69.   Text
A283    Pamphlet:     Darwin, Francis. 1920. The story of a childhood. Edinburgh: Privately printed.   Text   Image
A481    Periodical contribution:     Huxley, Leonard. 1921. The home life of Charles Darwin. R.P.A. Annual [Rationalist Press Association] pp. 5-9.   Text   Image
A93    Periodical contribution:     Hickson, S. J. 1921. On Some Alcyonaria in the Cambridge Museum. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 20: 366-73.   Text   Image   PDF
A874    Book:     Huxley, Leonard. 1921. Charles Darwin. London: Watts.   Text   Image   PDF
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