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CUL-DAR98.B20-B21    Correspondence:   Gray Asa to Hooker Joseph Dalton  1860.01.05   Gray Asa to Hooker Joseph Dalton
CUL-DAR143.208    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Carpenter W.B  [1860].01.06   Darwin Charles Robert to Carpenter W.B
CUL-DAR185.72    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Bridges T  1860.01.06   Darwin Charles Robert to Bridges T
CUL-DAR185.73    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Bridges T  1860.01.06   Darwin Charles Robert to Bridges T
CUL-DAR261.6.4    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Carpenter W.B  [1860].01.06   Darwin Charles Robert to Carpenter W.B
CUL-DAR261.11.32.ii    Correspondence:   Smith Joshua Toulmin to Darwin Charles Robert  1860.01.06   Smith Joshua Toulmin to Darwin Charles Robert
EH88206084    Correspondence:   Smith Joshua Toulmin to Darwin Charles Robert  1860.01.06   Smith Joshua Toulmin to Darwin Charles Robert
EH88205921    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Carpenter W.B  [1860].01.06   Darwin Charles Robert to Carpenter W.B
CUL-DAR153.163    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Gray Asa  [1860].01.07   Darwin Charles Robert to Gray Asa
CUL-DAR145.194    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Huxley Thomas Henry  [1860].01.09   Darwin Charles Robert to Huxley Thomas Henry
APS-B-D25.L[.60]    Correspondence:   Lyell Charles (Sir [1848], 1st baronet [1864]) from Darwin Charles Robert  [1860].01.10   ALS; 8.25 x6.5 5p. and envelope, add. [Sir C. Lyell/ 53. Harley St./ London/ (W.)], end. [C. Darwin/ Mortality of/ children./ Man originally an/ hermaphrodite./ Blind genus of/ insect with wide range/ Man & Spencer's/ Psychology.]
CUL-DAR146.227    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Lyell Charles (Sir [1848], 1st baronet [1864])  [1860].01.10   Darwin Charles Robert to Lyell Charles (Sir [1848], 1st baronet [1864])
CUL-DAR98.B26a    Correspondence:   Gray Asa to Darwin Charles Robert  [1860.01.10]   Gray Asa to Darwin Charles Robert
CUL-DAR145.195    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Huxley Thomas Henry  [1860].01.11   Darwin Charles Robert to Huxley Thomas Henry
CUL-DAR205.7.149    Note:    1860.01.11   Huxley objects to domestic var[ietie]s not being sterile & I answer in   Text   Image
APS-B-D25.L[.59]    Correspondence:   Lyell Charles (Sir [1848], 1st baronet [1864]) from Darwin Charles Robert  [1860].01.14   ALS; 8.25 x6.5 6p. and envelope, add. [Sir C. Lyell/ 53. Harley St./ London/ (W.)], end. [C. Darwin/ Domestic vars of dog &c not/ as Huxley says far eno'/ to be sterile/ Cave insects common to N./ America & Europe./ Hooker on New Zealand/ not united in post-p
CUL-DAR115.36    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Hooker Joseph Dalton  [1860.01]14   Darwin Charles Robert to Hooker Joseph Dalton
CUL-DAR146.228    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Lyell Charles (Sir [1848], 1st baronet [1864])  [1860].01.14   Darwin Charles Robert to Lyell Charles (Sir [1848], 1st baronet [1864])
CUL-DAR151.99    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Hooker Joseph Dalton  [1860.01]14   Darwin Charles Robert to Hooker Joseph Dalton
CUL-DAR221.4.160    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Cresy E  [1860].01.15   Darwin Charles Robert to Cresy E
CUL-DAR249.74    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Cresy E  [1860].01.15   Darwin Charles Robert to Cresy E
CUL-DAR205.1.69    Note:    1860.01.16   Mr Williams says in Mumps the abortive mammae in Boys are affected   Text   Image
CUL-DAR165.102    Correspondence:   Gray Asa to Darwin Charles Robert  [1860.01.17]   Gray Asa to Darwin Charles Robert
CUL-DAR270.1.13    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Baden Powell  1860.01.18   Letter from Charles Darwin to Baden Powell, Down, Bromley, Kent, 1860 January 18, on natural selection
CUL-DAR270.1.14    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Baden Powell  1860.01.18   Letter from Charles Darwin to Baden Powell, Down, Bromley, Kent, 1860 January 18, on natural selection
LINSOC-DWC.1.13    Correspondence:   Charles Darwin to Baden Powell  1860.01.18   Letter from Charles Darwin to Baden Powell (1796-1860), thanking Powell for his praise of "On the Origin of Species" and commenting on his writing process for the book and natural selection. Darwin also comments that he had read Baden Powell's work "Philosophy of Creation". Baden Powell was a mathematician and priest for the Church of England. He was an early supporter of evolutionary theory of Darwin and Wallace's ideas around natural selection. [From the collection of The Charles Darwin Trust, formerly kept at Cambridge University Library]
LINSOC-DWC.1.14    Correspondence:   Charles Darwin to Baden Powell  1860.01.18   Letter from Charles Darwin to Baden Powell (1796-1860), relating to his letter to Powell of the same day. Darwin corrects a possible misunderstanding and in an addition he adds some information that he previously forgot to include. Baden Powell was a mathematician and priest for the Church of England. He was an early supporter of evolutionary theory of Darwin and Wallace's ideas around natural selection. [From the collection of The Charles Darwin Trust, formerly kept at Cambridge University Library]
CUL-DAR143.312    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Cresy E  [1860].01.20   Darwin Charles Robert to Cresy E
APS-B-D25.2    Correspondence:   Quatrefages de Bréau (Jean Louis) Armand from Darwin Charles Robert  [?1860].01.21   ALS; 8 x5; 4p.
CUL-DAR147.283    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Quatrefages de Bréau J.L.A de  [1860].01.21   Darwin Charles Robert to Quatrefages de Bréau J.L.A de
CUL-DAR145.196    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Huxley Thomas Henry  [1860.01]21   Darwin Charles Robert to Huxley Thomas Henry
F1704    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1860. Cross-bred plants. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 3 (21 January): 49.   Text   Image   PDF
CUL-DAR115.37    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Hooker Joseph Dalton  [1860.01.22]   Darwin Charles Robert to Hooker Joseph Dalton
CUL-DAR150.207    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Hooker Joseph Dalton  [1860.01.22]   Darwin Charles Robert to Hooker Joseph Dalton
CUL-DAR147.74    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Murray John  [1860.01]23   Darwin Charles Robert to Murray John
CUL-DAR98.B22-B25    Correspondence:   Gray Asa to Darwin Charles Robert  1860.01.23   Gray Asa to Darwin Charles Robert
CUL-DAR50.E21    Note:    1860.01.24   Zoolog Society meeting / Glacial / Mr Sclater exhibited collection of Birds   Text   Image
CUL-DAR147.75    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Murray John  [1860.01.25]   Darwin Charles Robert to Murray John
CUL-DAR145.197    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Huxley Thomas Henry  [1860.01.26]   Darwin Charles Robert to Huxley Thomas Henry
CUL-DAR205.11.114    Note:    1860.01.27   Ch 10 / Gould tells me that Cuculus taitensis[?] migrates from N[ew]   Text   Image
CUL-DAR205.11.98    Note:    1860.01.27   F Smith showed me 2 workers ants with ridiculous difference of Heads   Text   Image
CUL-DAR205.2.187    Note:    1860.01.27   Gould[?] remarked to me how strange it was that swallows were so abundant   Text   Image
CUL-DAR205.7.136    Note:    1860.01.27   About the Crossed Pheasant Gould has enlarged in Birds of Asia under the the several Pheasants. Ch. 9 Jan 27/60/   Image
CUL-DAR45.112    Note:    1860.01.27   Mr Gould tells me he can certainly distinguish Chaffinches of Norway &   Text   Image
CUL-DAR47.13    Note:    1860.01.27   Gould showed me Humming-Bird = viz Chrysuronia oenone   Text   Image
CUL-DAR84.2.189    Note:    1860.01.27   Gould showed me the Heliothrix auriculata (a humming-bird) (same remark   Text   Image
CUL-DAR153.164    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Gray Asa  [1860].01.28   Darwin Charles Robert to Gray Asa
Waller-Ms-gb-00521    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore  1860.01.28   Darwin Charles Robert, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore
APS-B-D25.114    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to ?  [1860.01].29   ALS; 8 x5; 2p., end. [1860/ C. Darwin Esqre/ Jan 30]
CUL-DAR147.76    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Murray John  [1860].01.29   Darwin Charles Robert to Murray John
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