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A1448    Review:     Argyll, Duke of, Campbell George Douglas. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Edinburgh New Philosophical Magazine, 16, n.s.: 277-85.   PDF
A1449    Review:     Gray, A. 1862. [Review of Orchids and Primula]. American Journal of Science and Arts, second series, 34: 138-44; pp. 419-29. [Silliman's Journal]   PDF
A1450    Review:     Hooker, J. D. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Natural History Review, (October): 371-76.   PDF
A1451    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Journal of horticulture and cottage gardener, 3, n.s., (27 May): 163.   PDF
A1452    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. The ways of the orchids, Intellectual Observer, 1, (May) pp. 387-93.   PDF
A1453    Review:     Masters, M. T. 1862. [Review of Origin]. Vegetable morphology: its history and present condition. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 29, no. 57 (January): 202-218.   PDF
A1454    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Lincolnshire Chronicle (20 June): 3.   PDF
A1455    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Darwin's new work. Sheffield Daily Telegraph (5 August): 6.   PDF
A1665    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Primula]. On the two forms, or dimorphic conditions, in the species of primula, etc. Natural History Review, series 2 (July): 235-43. [U869.987].   PDF
A1824    Review:     [Vaughan, Robert]. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. British Quarterly Review, 36 (July): 243-44.   Text   PDF
A1872    Review:     Barnard, M. R. 1862. [Darwin on Instinct]. Sketches of eminent English authors with extracts from their works. Peter Tidemand Malling (Christiania): 448-52.   PDF
A1949    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Fertilisation of Orchids. The Critic (15 July): 10-12.   PDF
A1983    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Darwin on natural history. Literary Churchman (16 July). [CUL-DAR226_124-125]   PDF
A2149    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of the Memoir] Memoir of Professor Henslow. Saturday Review, 14 (12 July): 58-59.   PDF
A2337    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Dublin Medical Press (3 December): 560.   Text
A2338    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. John Bull (31 May): 12.   Text
A2464    Review:     J. R. G. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Quarterly journal of microscopical science, 2, n.s.: 291.   Text
A2529    Review:     Bentham, G. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Anniversary meeting- President in the chair (24th May 1862). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (1855-1863): lxxxi-lxxxiii.   Text   PDF
A2549    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Primula]. Magazine of horticulture, botany etc. (Boston), 28 (February): 77.   Text
A2576    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of] On the formation of mould. The earth-worm –its use. Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste, 17 (August): 349-350. [From the Scottish Farmer]   Text   PDF
A2580    Review:     Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. On the fertilization of orchids. Intellectual Observer, 1 (3 April): 320-321.   Text
A2581    Review:     Clarke, Lane, L. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Spiranthes Autumnalis. Intellectual Observer, 2 (October): 195-198.   PDF
A2802    Review:     W. H. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Ueber die verschiedenen Einrichtungen, vermöge deren britische und ausländische Orchideen durch Insekten befruchtet werden, und über die nützlichen Wirkungen der Kreuzung. Flora; oder, Allgemeine Botanische Zeitung 58, no. 33 (13 December): 558-560.   PDF
F3442    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1965. [Letters to Asa Gray, M. Wagner and K. Semper]. In Baker, Herbert G., Charles Darwin and the perennial flax: a controversy and its implications. Huntia 2: 141-61.   Text   PDF
F3463    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1912. [Three letters to Patrick Matthew]. In W. T. Calman, Patrick Matthew of Gourdiehill, naturalist. In A. W. Paton and A. H. Millar eds. Handbook and Guide to Dundee and District. British Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 451-57. (CUL-DAR221.4.152)   Text
A2928    Periodical contribution:     Fawcett, H. 1862. On the Method of Mr. Darwin in his Treatise on the Origin of Species. Report of the 31st meeting of British Association for the Advancement of Science (September 1861): 141-3.   Text   PDF
F3577    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1936. [Letters to G. J. Romanes, 1881 and J. W. Salter, 1862]. Maggs Bros. Autograph letters: historical documents…no. 628. London, pp. 32-3.    Text
F3602    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1969. [Unrecorded letter on bees in Origin of species, 1862?]. Sotheby & Co. Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents. 3-4 March, 1969. London.   Text
A3002    Book contribution:     Walford, Edward, ed. 1862. Men of the time: a biographical dictionary of eminent living characters of both sexes. A new edition, thoroughly revised and brought down to the present time. London.   PDF
F1716a    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1862. Do bees vary in different parts of Great Britain. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener (10 June): 207.   Text   Image   PDF
F1826    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1862. Bees in Jamaica increase the size and substance of their cells. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener. (15 July): 305.   Text   Image   PDF
F1824    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1862. Bee-cells in Jamaica not larger than in England. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener. (22 July): 323.   Text   Image   PDF
A81    Periodical contribution:     Tegetmeier, W. B. 1862. Darwin on orchids. Register of facts and occurrences relating to literature, the sciences, and the arts (August): 38-9.   Text   Image
F1718a    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1862. Findet bei den Bienen in den verschiedenen Theilen Deutschlands ein Unterschied statt? Bienen Zeitung. 18 (20 August): 145.   Text   Image   PDF
A197    Periodical contribution:     1862. Lancashire and Cheshire Operatives Relief Fund. The Times (29 September): 3.   Image
F1717    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1862. On the two forms, or dimorphic condition, in the species of Primula, and on their remarkable sexual relations. [Read 21 November 1861] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 6: 77-96.   Text   Image   PDF
F1719    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1862. Peas. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 45 (8 November): 1052.   Text   Image   PDF
A1011    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1862. Our ancestry. Punch, or the London Charivari (22 November): 209.   Text   Image
F1720    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1862. Cross-breeds of strawberries. Journal of Horticulture 3 (25 November): 672.   Text   Image   PDF
F1721    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1862. Variations effected by cultivation. Journal of Horticulture 3 (2 December): 696.   Text   Image   PDF
A198    Periodical contribution:     1862. Lancashire distress. The Times (15 December): 5.   Text   Image
F1825    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1862. Penguin ducks. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener 3 (30 December): 797.   Text   Image   PDF
A282    Book:     Lyell, Charles. 1863. The geological evidences of the antiquity of man with remarks on the origin of species by variation. 3d ed., revised. London: John Murray.   Text   Image
F3485    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1883. [Letters to I. Anderson-Henry, 1863]. In J. H. Balfour, Obituary Notice of Charles Robert Darwin. Transactions & Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. 14: 284-8, pp. 286-7.   Text
A212    Periodical contribution:     Trimen, Roland. 1863. On the fertilisation of Disa grandiflora, Linn. By Roland Trimen, Esq., of the Colonial Office, Cape Town: drawn up from notes and drawings sent to C. Darwin, Esq., F.L.S. &c. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Botany) 7: 144-7.   Text   Image
A602    Review:     Lütken, Chr. Fr. 1863. Darwins theori om Arternes Oprindelse 1-3. Tidsskrift for populære fremstillinger af naturvidenskaben: 1-33, 131-162, 217-243.   Text   Image
F1723    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1863. On the existence of two forms, and on their reciprocal sexual relation, in several species of the genus Linum. [Read 5 February] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Botany) 7: 69-83. 1 text figure.   Text   Image   PDF
F1723a    Book:     Trimen, Roland 1863. On the fertilisation of Disa grandiflora. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Botany), 7: 144-147
F1726    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1863. [Unsigned review of] Bates, H. W. The naturalist on the river Amazons - a record of adventures - habits of animals - sketches of Brazilian and Indian life, and aspects of nature under the equator during eleven years of travel. Natural History Review 3: 385-389.
F1726a    Pamphlet:     Darwin, C. R. et al. 1863. Edinburgh, Rules for zoological nomenclature by... H.E. Strickland . . . authorized by Section D of the . . . British Association.
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