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CUL-DAR79.165-166    Draft:    [Undated]   Scrophulariaceae / Digitalis / Draft of Descent 1: 212 n. 27.   Text   Image
CUL-DAR80.B112    Note:    [1870]   Huxley / Vorderhirn — forebrain [captions for an illustration of embryos for Descent]   Text   Image
CUL-DAR81.1    Miscellaneous:    [Undated]   wrapper for items 81: 2- annotated `Scraps Invertebrata Sex Selection'   Image
CUL-DAR81.114    Figure:    [Undated]   List of Figures [for `Descent'?]   Image
CUL-DAR81.35-36    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Smith E.A  [1870]   Darwin Charles Robert to Smith E.A   Image
CUL-DAR81.94-95    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Smith E.A  [1870]   Darwin Charles Robert to Smith E.A   Image
CUL-DAR82.B29    Note:    [Undated]   [list of woodcuts for `Descent']   Text   Image
CUL-DAR82.B36    Draft:    [1870--1871]   Draft of Descent 1: 19; 2: 419 (fragment).The Record of Zoolog Literature edited by Dr Günther vol 2 1865 p. 194   Text   Image
CUL-DAR83.105-117    Figure:    [Undated]   [prints of woodcuts for `Descent']   Image
CUL-DAR88.158    Abstract:    [Undated]   [reference incomplete] `Proceedings of the Zoological Society' 1870: 206   Text   Image
CUL-DAR84.2.1    Miscellaneous:    [Undated]   wrapper for items 84.2: 2- annotated `Scraps / Birds/ Sex[ual] Selection'
CUL-DAR84.2.152    Draft:    [Undated]   of addendum [to Draft of Descent,?]: p. 159   Text   Image
CUL-DAR84.2.180    Draft:    [Undated]   [of Draft of Descent,?] cocks to see which will sing longest & I am assured by Mr Yarrell that a good male will sing till he drops   Text   Image
CUL-DAR85.B136r    Draft:    [Undated]   [rough] [of Draft of Descent,?]: [p??]   Image
CUL-DAR85.B1a    Miscellaneous:    [Undated]   wrapper for items 85: B1b- annotated `Scraps Sexual Selection 1st Chapter Number of Sexes'
CUL-DAR89.166r    Draft:    [Undated]   [of Draft of Descent,?] sheet numbered 92   Image
CUL-DAR89.160    Abstract:    [Undated]   Bonwick `Daily life of Tasmanians' 1870: 109   Text   Image
CUL-DAR96.82    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert to Blore E.W  [1870]   Darwin Charles Robert to Blore E.W
KEW-JDH.2.18-folio-36    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Hooker Joseph Dalton  1870--1900   J D Hooker Royal Society Letters c.1870s — 1900s
F1749    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1870. [Note on Darwin's papers to the Plinian Society 27 March 1827]. In Elliot, W., Opening address by the President. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 11: 1-42.   Text   Image   PDF
F1834    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1870. Rejseiagttagelser (1835-6) af C. Darwin. (Tahiti. - Ny-Seland. - Ny-Holland. - Van Diemens Land. - Killing-Øerne.). Copenhagen: Gad. 1st ed.   Image   PDF
NHM-DC-AL-1/11    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Hartog Heys van Zouteveen H  1870   Letter Darwin Charles Robert to Hartog Heys van Zouteveen H — Dutch Translation — 'Descent'
F1990    Book contribution:     Dawrin, C. R. 1870. [Letter on marine shells in the Amazon]. In Orton, J. The Andes and the Amazon; or, across the continent of South America. New York: Harper & brothers, p. [347].   Text   Image   PDF
F1991    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1870. [Note on the age of certain birds]. In Lankester, E. R. On comparative longevity in man and the lower animals. London: Macmillan, p. 58.   Text   Image   PDF
F2090    Book contribution:     Dohrn, Anton. 1870. [Recollection of a visit to Darwin] "Memories," autobiographical notes, 1895-1909. In Gröben, Christine ed. 1982. Charles Darwin and Anton Dohrn, Correspondence. Naples: Macchiaroli, pp. 93-94.   Text
F22    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1870. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. New edition. London: John Murray.
F226    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1870-1871. Journal of researches [in Russian]. Translated under the editorship of A. N. Beketov. St. Petersburg: Cherkasov.
F675    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1870. Die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Züchtung, oder Erhaltung der vervollkommneten Rassen im Kampfe um's Daseyn. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. 4th ed.   PDF
F657    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1870. L'origine des espèces par sélection naturelle ou des lois de transformation des êtres organisés. Traduction de Mme Clémence Royer avec préfaces et notes du traducteur. Troisième édition. Paris: Victor Masson et fils; Guillaumin et Cie.   Image   PDF
F818    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1870. De la fécondation des orchidées par les insectes et des bons résultats du croisement. Trans. by Louis Rérolle. Paris: C. Reinwald.   Text   Image   PDF
F935    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1870. Discourse to the Plinian Society. In Elliot, Sir Walter, Opening address by the President. Transactions of the botanical Society of Edinburgh 11: 1-42 [Footnote p. 17]. [See 1749]
F936    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1870,1871. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. London: John Murray. 2 vols.
UCL-PEARSON-10.3    Draft:    [1870--1871]   Draft of Descent, chap. 1 folio 16, chap. 5 folio 1, chap. 6 folios 1-2.   Text   Image
F3517b    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1992. [Draft of Descent, folio 21]. Sotheyb's. Darwin's century: The Jeremy Norman Collection. London Friday 11th December 1992. London, p. 58.   Image
WM-1247    Photo:    [1870]   Photograph, Charles Darwin
F2166    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1870. [Testimonial]. In Thomson, Charles Wyville. 1870. Regius professorship of natural history in the University of Edinburgh. Copy of application from Professor Wyville Thomson, LL.D., F.R.S., L. & E. &c., &c.; with testimonials, p. 10.   Text   Image
F2429    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1870. The origin of species [in Swedish]. Translated by A. M. Selling. Stockholm: L. J. Hiertas Forlags Expedition.
F2471    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1870. I diversi apparecchi col mezzo dei quali le orchidee vengono fecondate dagli insetti. Translated by Giovanni Canestrini and Lamberto Moschen. Casa editrice: Turin, Utet, s.a.
F2472    Book:     Darwin, C. R. [1870]. Le diverse forme dei fiori in piante della stessa specie. Translated by Giovanni Canestrini e di Lamberto Moschen; Turin: Unione Tipografica Editrice.
A1288    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1870. Charles Robert Darwin. Appleton's Jrnl., vol. 3: 439-41.   PDF
A1464    Review:     Anon. 1870. [Review of Orchids]. Purpose evidenced in adaptations. Dublin University Magazine, 75, (February): 208-09.   PDF
A1646    Periodical contribution:     Bennett, A. W. 1870. The theory of natural selection from a mathematical point of view. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 3 (10 November): 30-33. (R156[b]); Mr. Wallace's reply to Mr. Bennett, (17 November: 49-50).   PDF
A1647    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1870. Darwin before the French Academy. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 2 (11 August): 298.   PDF
A1648    Periodical contribution:     Brace, C. L. 1870. Darwinism in Germany. North American Review, vol. 110, (April): 284-99.   PDF
A1649    Periodical contribution:     Cope, E. D. 1870. On the Hypothesis of Evolution. Lippincott's Magazine of Literature, Science and Education (July: 29-41); (August: 173-80); (September: 310-19.   PDF
A1650    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1870. Sur le transformisme. Revue Scientifique de la France et de l'etranger, Paris, vol. 7, (30 July): 545-60.   PDF
A1758    Periodical contribution:     Farrar, F.W. 1870. Philology and Darwinism. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science (24 March): 527-29.   PDF
A1759    Periodical contribution:     Wright, C. 1870. Limits of Natural Selection. North American Review (October): 282-311.   PDF
A1760    Review:     Sanders, Alfred. 1870. [Review of Variation]. On Mr. Darwin's Hypothesis of Pangenesis as Applied to the Faculty of Memory: Abstract and Comments. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London, 8, (19 April: cxlvi-clii); 1, no. 2, (October: 144-49).   PDF
A1826    Review:     Sharp, D. 1870. [Review of Origin]. [The Difficulties of Natural Selection]. Nature, 3, (24 November): 67.   Text   PDF
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