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Results 251-300 of 809 for « +place:london +published:true +type:item »
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F1832    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. Physiognomy. In Notes and queries on Anthropology, for the use of travellers and residents in uncivilized lands. (Drawn up by a Committee appointed by the British Association for the Advancement of Science.) London: Edward Stanford, pp. 12-13.   Text   Image   PDF
F275    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. The structure and distribution of coral reefs. 2d ed. London: Smith Elder and Co.   Text   Image   PDF
F1768    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. Recent researches on termites and honey-bees. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 9 (19 February): 308-309.   Text   Image   PDF
F1769    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. Fertilisation of the Fumariaceæ. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 9 (16 April): 460.   Text   Image   PDF
F1770    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. Flowers of the primrose destroyed by birds. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 9 (23 April): 482.   Text   Image   PDF
A1005    Periodical contribution:     Thiselton Dyer, W.T.; Gladstone, J.H.; Archer Briggs, T.R.; Key, H.C.; Seabroke, G.M.; Stebbing, T.R.; E.T.S. 1874. [Replies to] Flowers of the primrose destroyed by birds. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 9 (30 April): 509.   PDF
A1006    Periodical contribution:     Newton, A.; Festing, E.R.; Anon; Buxton, A.F.; Hart, W.E.; J.M.M.; M.T.M.; Beasley, C.H. 1874. Flowers of the primrose destroyed by birds. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 10 (7 May): 6-7.   PDF
F1771    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1874. Flowers of the primrose destroyed by birds. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 10 (14 May): 24-25.   Text   Image   PDF
A80    Periodical contribution:     Müller, F. 1874. The habits of various insects. (Forwarded by Darwin) Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 10 (11 June): 102-3.   Text   Image   PDF
A191    Periodical contribution:     1874. [Darwin proposed as Rector] University Intelligence: St. Andrews. The Times (27 November): 10.   Text
F3494    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1883. [Letter to Octavius March, 1875]. In H. C. March, Darwinism and the evolution of man. 2d ed. enlarged and revised. London: John Heywood, p. 23.   Text
A532.3    Book:     Busk, G. 1875. Catalogue of marine Polyzoa in the collection of the British Museum, Part III. Cyclostomata. London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History).   Text   Image   PDF
F836    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. The movements and habits of climbing plants. 2d ed. London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
F945    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. London: John Murray.
F1916    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. [Letter to Haeckel published in "History of Creation"]. In Schmidt, O., The doctrine of descent and darwinism. London: Henry S. King & Co. 2d ed, pp. 132-3.   Text   Image   PDF
F1217    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. Insectivorous plants. London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
F1218    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. Insectivorous plants. London: John Murray.   PDF
F1219    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. Insectivorous plants. London: John Murray.
F2111    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1896. [Recollections of Darwin and correspondence with Romanes, 1875-1881]. In E. D. Romanes ed., The life and letters of George John Romanes. 6th impression. London: Longmans, 1908.   Text
F398    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray. 6th ed.; fifteenth thousand.   Image
F880.1    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. The variation of animals and plants under domestication. London: John Murray. 2d ed. vol. 1.   Text   Image   PDF
F880.2    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1875. The variation of animals and plants under domestication. London: John Murray. 2d ed. vol. 2.   Text   Image   PDF
F1249    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom. London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
F1275    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Report of the Royal Commission on the practice of subjecting live animals to experiments for scientific purposes; with the minutes of evidence and appendix. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office [Darwin's evidence on p. 233-4].   Text   Image   PDF
F1276    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Digest of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on the practice of subjecting live animals to experiments for scientific purposes: with an alphabetical list of witnesses. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office [Darwin's evidence on p. 34].   Image
F1276a    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Digest of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on the practice of subjecting live animals to experiments for scientific purposes: with an alphabetical list of witnesses. London: Smith Elder, Vivisection. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Royal Commission. [Darwin's evidence on p. 182].
F401    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray. 6th ed., with additions and corrections. [First issue of final definitive text]   Text   Image   PDF
F837    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. The movements and habits of climbing plants. 2d ed. London: John Murray.
F1221    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Insectivorous plants. London: John Murray.
F276    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of South America visited during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Beagle'. 2d ed. London: Smith Elder and Co.   Text   Image   PDF
F31    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle etc. London: John Murray. Eleventh thousand.
F1811    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Fritz Müller on Brazil kitchen middens, habits of ants, etc. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. 13 (17 February): 304-5.   Text   Image   PDF
F1772    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Cherry blossoms. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 14 (11 May): 28.   Text   Image   PDF
F1773    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1876. Sexual selection in relation to monkeys. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 15 (2 November): 18-19.   Text   Image   PDF
A701    Book:     Günther, Albert. 1877. The gigantic land-tortoises (living and extinct) in the collection of the British Museum. London: British Museum, iv + 96 p., pls. I-LIV.   Text   Image   PDF
F1277    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1877. The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
F948    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1877. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. Twelfth thousand, revised and augmented. (final text). London: John Murray.   Text   PDF
F801    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1877. The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. London: John Murray. 2d ed.   Text   Image   PDF
F1951    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1877. [Letter on Stock Dove]. In Kingsley, Fanny E., ed. Charles Kingsley: his letters and memories of his life. London: Henry S. King & Co. vol. 2: 135-6.   Text   Image   PDF
A1007    Book contribution:     Galton, Francis. 1883. [Letter to Darwin by A.D. Austin] Inquiries Into Human Faculty and Its Development. London: Macmillan, p. 226.   Text
F1776    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1877. [Letter of thanks]. In Harting, P., Testimonial to Mr. Darwin-Evolution in the Netherlands. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 15 (8 March): 410-412.   Text   Image   PDF
F2003    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. et al. 1877. [Memorial] Zoology of the 'Challenger' Expedition. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 16 (14 June): 118.   Text   Image   PDF
F2003a    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. et al. 1877. [Memorial] Zoology of the 'Challenger' Expedition. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 4th ser. 20 (July): 79-80.   Text   Image   PDF
F1926    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. et al. 1877. [Memorial to Earl Carnarvon on the proposed South African Confederation by the Committee of the Aborigines Protection Society]. The Times (23 July): 10.   Text   Image   PDF
F1778    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1877. The contractile filaments of the teasel. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 16 (23 August): 339.   Text   Image   PDF
F1781    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1877. Fritz Müller on flowers and insects. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science 17 (29 November): 78-79.   Text   Image   PDF
F1812    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1877. Fertilisation of Glossostigma. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. 17 (27 December): 163-4.   Text   Image   PDF
F1279    Book:     Barrington D `Phil Trans' 1773: 164
F403    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1878. The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray. 6th ed.; twentieth thousand.   Image
F1251    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1878. The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom. 2d ed. London: John Murray.   Text   Image   PDF
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