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Results 1-6 of 6 for « +searchid:waller* +manuscript:true +type:item »
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Waller-Ms-gb-00521    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore  1860.01.28   Darwin Charles Robert, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore
Waller-Ms-alb-54.068    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Matthew Patrick  1860.04.09   Darwin Charles Robert, Matthew Patrick
Waller-Ms-alb-67.134    Note:    1861   To Messers. Williams and Norgate.Gentlemen, Send me the "Natural History Review," for 1861, and continue it until further notice. Name Ch. Darwin Address Down, Bromley Kent   Image
Waller-Ms-gb-00522    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Murray John  1877.10.07   Darwin Charles Robert, Murray John
Waller-Ms-gb-00525    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert  Undated   Refusal to give a testimonial of a person applying for a Profession in botany; reasons for this
Waller-Ms-gb-00526    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Wagner, Moritz Friedrich  Undated   Darwin Charles Robert, Wagner, Moritz Friedrich
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