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Results 1-44 of 44 for « +allfields:whipple +manuscript:true +type:item »
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Whipple-store-75.13    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Carpenter William Benjamin  [1847]   Darwin Charles Robert, Carpenter William Benjamin
Whipple-Wh.3788.1    Correspondence:   Darwin Charles Robert, Smith James, Beck Robert  [1847]   Letter from Smith & Beck explaining the use of the 1/8 inch objective lens.   Image
Whipple-Wh.3788.7    Draft:    1871--1872   draft sections and notes (2 pp) for Expression   Image
CUL-DAR251.4689    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin George Howard  1899.06.27   Whipple Robert S to Darwin George Howard
CUL-Add9368.1.16524    Correspondence:   Whipple Elizabeth M to Darwin I née Farrer E C  [1900].12.14   Whipple Elizabeth M to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-Add9368.1.16528    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin Er  1906.03.19   Whipple Robert S to Darwin Er
CUL-DAR262.14.8    Printed:    1909   Invitation card to 'at home' Trinity Fellows' garden; by Darwin family. Addressed to Mr and Mrs Whipple.   Image
CUL-Add9368.1.16529    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin H  1910.03.30   Whipple Robert S to Darwin H
CUL-Add9368.1.16523    Correspondence:   Whipple Elizabeth M to Barlow E N née Darwin  1910.08.23   Whipple Elizabeth M to Barlow E N née Darwin
CUL-Add9368.1.16526    Correspondence:   Whipple Helen to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1918.05.30   Whipple Helen to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-Add9368.1.16525    Correspondence:   Whipple Elizabeth M to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1918.06.11   Whipple Elizabeth M to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-Add9368.1.16532    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1921.09.30   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-Add9368.1.16530    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin H  1925.10.29   Whipple Robert S to Darwin H
CUL-Add9368.1.16531    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin H  1928.02.07   Whipple Robert S to Darwin H
CUL-DAR239.18.93    Correspondence:   Darwin Ida née Farrer Emma Cecilia from Whipple R S  1928.09.22   Darwin Ida née Farrer Emma Cecilia from Whipple R S
CUL-DAR239.18.93    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1928.09.22   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-DAR239.18.251    Correspondence:   Darwin Ida née Farrer Emma Cecilia to Whipple R S  1928.09.28   Darwin Ida née Farrer Emma Cecilia to Whipple R S
CUL-DAR239.18.251    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S from Darwin I née Farrer E C  1928.09.28   Whipple Robert S from Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-DAR239.19.4    Correspondence:   Darwin Ida née Farrer Emma Cecilia from Whipple R S  1928.09.30   Darwin Ida née Farrer Emma Cecilia from Whipple R S
CUL-DAR239.19.4    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1928.09.30   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-DAR239.18.90    Correspondence:   Darwin Ida née Farrer Emma Cecilia from Whipple R S  1928.10.01   Darwin Ida née Farrer Emma Cecilia from Whipple R S
CUL-DAR239.18.90    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1928.10.01   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-DAR239.16.1    Correspondence:   Darwin Ida née Farrer Emma Cecilia from Whipple R S  1928.10.19   Darwin Ida née Farrer Emma Cecilia from Whipple R S
CUL-DAR239.16.1    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1928.10.19   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-Add8904.3.967d    Printed:    1928.10.26   Obituary of Darwin H `Cambridge Review': 48--50
CUL-DAR239.18.128    Correspondence:   Lang Thomas to Whipple R S  1928.10.28   Lang Thomas to Whipple R S
CUL-DAR239.18.128    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S from Lang T C  1928.10.28   Whipple Robert S from Lang T C
CUL-Add9368.1.16533    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1928.12.06   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-Add9368.3.605    Printed:    1929.01.00   Sir Horace Darwin, a tribute `Journal of Scientific Instruments' 6: 10--16
CUL-Add9368.1.16534    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1930.05.12   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-Add9368.1.16527    Correspondence:   Whipple Helen to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1931.02.22   Whipple Helen to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-Add8904.1.6599--6600    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Barlow J A N  1933.09.29   Whipple Robert S to Barlow J A N
CUL-Add9368.1.16535    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1938.06.09   Whipple Robert S to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-Add9368.3.161    Printed:    1945   The Whipple Collection of instruments and books. Engineering, clix, nos. 4129 (2 March), pp. 161-63; 4132 (23 March), p. 223; 4113 (10 November), p. 374.
CUL-Add8904.1.6598    Correspondence:   Whipple Helen to Darwin I née Farrer E C  1945.02.24   Whipple Helen to Darwin I née Farrer E C
CUL-Add9368.1.16536    Correspondence:   Rees-Thomas Ruth F née Darwin from Whipple R S  1946.09.06   Rees-Thomas Ruth F née Darwin from Whipple R S
CUL-Add9368.1.16536    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Rees-Thomas R F née Darwin  1946.09.06   Whipple Robert S to Rees-Thomas R F née Darwin
CUL-Add8904.1.6601    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Barlow J A N  1947.01.03   Whipple Robert S to Barlow J A N
CUL-DAR262.14.13    Correspondence:   Whipple Robert S to Howarth O J R  1947.03.08   Whipple Robert S to Howarth O J R   Image
Whipple-Wh.3788.4    Note:    Undated   brief note on the use of the micrometer (2)   Image
Whipple-Wh.3788.5    Note:    Undated   a page of notes on the preparation of specimens.   Image
Whipple-Wh.3788.6    Note:    Undated   a piece of thick paper note in Darwin's hand detailing the results of a "bean experiment"   Image
Whipple-Wh.3788.2    Note:    Undated   A disbound booklet in Darwin's hand on illumination and the manipulation of specimens. Instruction Manual for the Compound Microscope supplied by the firm of James Smith and Richard Beck   Image
Whipple-Wh.3788.3    Note:    Undated   note on the use of the micrometer (1) "Microtome When 2 inch object glass is used pull out tube 2 inches & use either 1/100 or 1/200 of inch micrometer. It makes no difference which of its 2 eye-pieces are used If 2/3 inch object glass is used pull out tube 3 1/2 / 10' of an inch.-"   Text   Image
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