RECORD: Martin, W. 1837. [Observations upon a New Fox from Mr. Darwin's Collection (Vulpes fulvipes)]. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 5: 11-12.
REVISION HISTORY: Scanned by John van Wyhe, transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 6.2008. RN1
NOTE: See the record for this item in the Freeman Bibliographical Database by entering its Identifier here.
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Mr. Martin described a species of Fox brought by Mr. Darwin from the island of Chiloe, respecting which he made the following remarks:—
The animal in question is probably identical with the Culpeu of Molina, especially as the account of its surprise at the presence of man, uncombined with any exertions to escape, as given by Mr. Darwin, agree with the observations of Molina. Still, however, the description of the CuIpeu is too vague to render its identity with the present species a matter of certainty; and as I regard it to be the best and safest plan in all doubtful cases to set the matter in such a light as to prevent if possible any confusion, I shall here describe and name the animal, for which I propose the specific title fulvipes.
VULPES FULVIPES. Vulp. robustus artubus brevibus caudd medioeri; corporis colore cano nigroque cornmixtis; hoc in dorso prævalente: capite sordidè fulvescente, cano irrorato, rostro fusco, Iabiis superioribus ad marginem sordide albis, mento fulifusco, auribus externe castaneis ; brachiis interne, tarsis digitisque fulvis; genis, gulâ, corporeque subtus, sordide, albis; caudâ vellere breviore per tertiam partem indutâ, apice floccoso et fuliginoso.
ft. | in. | lin. | |
Longitude corporis ad basin caudæ … … | 2 | 0 | 0 |
——— caudæ ad apicem velleris …. | 0 | 9 | 0 |
——— rostri ad oculos ………… | 0 | 1 | 4 |
——— tarserum ad plantam digitalem | 0 | 2 | 4 |
Altitudo apud humeros …………… | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Hab. Chiloe.
The Vulpes fulvipes is remarkable for the stout form of the body and the shortness of the limbs: the tail is rather short, and covered with hair of moderate length, except at the extremity, where it forms an abrupt and full tuft tipped with sooty black. The general fur is full, moderately deep, and rather harsh; on the body the colour is hoary mixed with black, the latter being more decided down the top of the back; the head inclines to fulvous, grizzled with hoary. The muzzle and skin are dusky, but the edges of the lips are white: the ears are rather short and of a chestnut brown; the outside of the fore limbs is dusky black freckled with fulvous inner side and toes pale fulvous brown; a dark mark approaching black above the tarsal joint; tarsi and toes fulvous brown. Under parts dirty white. Hair of two sorts, viz. those which constitute a soft
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under vest of a dusky greyish brown, through which pass long hairs of a dusky brown at the base with a black band. followed by a yellowish white band and tipped with black ; a mixture producing the grizzled character of the fur of the body.
The Secretary read a communication from J. O. Westwood, Esq., describing several new species of Insects belonging to the family of the Sacred Beetles.
After noticing the interest which is attached to the family of the Scarabæidæ not only on account of their curious habits, whence they were raised to the rank of objects of worship by the Egyptians, but also from having led to the publication of the Horæ Entomologicæ by Mr. MacLeay, in which an analysis of the Linnæan Scarabæi was given; the author gives an abstract of the classifications of this family respectively proposed by MacLeay, Latreille, (Règne An., 2nd edition), and Serville and Saint Fargeau (Encyclop. Méthod. vol. x.), with a notice of the genera more recently proposed by various authors referrible or allied thereto. From a review of these distributions in conjunction with the natural economy of the insects of which the family is composed, the author is disposed to consider the family as divisible into two natural groups, those with long hind legs and those which have their legs short and conical ; and also that the characters of the genus Scarabæus and subgenus Heliocantharus must either be modified so as to exclude the species which are destitute of a distinct spur at the extremity of the intermediate tibiæ, or that the Ateuchus Adamastor (Enc. Méth.) and the insects subsequently described must be regarded as referrible to the genus Scarabæus, although possessing two spurs at the extremity of the intermediate tibiæ, agreeing in all other material respects with the true Scarabæi.
The following is an abstract of the characters of the insects, the descriptions of which were accompanied by figures exbibiting the various essential organs in detail, and by observations upon the structural peculiarities of the two groups.
Corpus latum, subdepressum. Caput subtrigonum clypeo trilobato, lobo intermedio valdè emarginato. Antennæ clavâ subglobosâ, articulo 7mo magno infernè producto, articulos duos terminales in sinu ejus includente, ultimo 8vo minori. Palpi maxillares breves subfiliformes, labiales abbreviati 3-articulati, articulis magnitudine decrescentibus. Thorax abdomine paullo latior. Tibiæ anticæ magnæ, pone medium intus curvatæ. Tibiæ intermediæ bicalcaratæ.
Ater nitidus lævis, clypei dentibus intermediis duobus obtusis subelevatis, capite anticè punctatissimo, thorace lævissimo, elytris punctis nonnullis minutissimis irregularibus striisque sex longitudinalibus simplicibus fere obliteratis.
Long. corp. 10 lin. Africa Austral. Mus. Hope et P. Walker.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 4 December, 2022