RECORD: Waterhouse, G. R. 1839. Descriptions of Some of the Insects Brought to this Country by C. Darwin, Esq. [Read 2 January 1837.] Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 2: 131-35.

REVISION HISTORY: Scanned by John van Wyhe, transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 6.2008. RN2

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XXIV. Descriptions of some of the Insects brought to this country by C. Darwin, Esq. By G. R. WATERHOUSE, Esq. Curator to the Zoological Society of London.

[Read January 2, 1837.]

The species here described belong to the old genus Haltica and its subgenera, and are all from Australia.

Species 1. Haltica crassicornis.

H. ovata, ænea vel viridis; pedibus, abdominis apice, antennisque ad basin testaceis; capite levitèr punctato; thorace punctulatissimo, foveis longitudinalibus duabus ad basin; elytris punctato-striatis, interstitiis subpunctatis; antennis brevibus, articulis 5 apicalibus nigris, crassioribus.

Long. corp. 1½ lin.

Habitat near Sydney.

Obs.—The antennæ in this species are shorter than is usually observed in insects of this genus: the basal joint is rather long and thick; the second is shorter and thicker than the third: from hence to the apex, the joints gradually increase in width; the last five joints are sensibly incrassated. The antennæ of the females appear to be less thick than those of the males. In form and general appearance this Haltica closely resembles some of the species of the genus Macronema, but the structure of the antennæ and hinder tibiæ (which are not elongated beyond the base of the tarsus) prevents its being associated with that group. It is about the size of Macronema Napi, but of a broader form. I have examined eleven specimens of this species.

Species 2. H. nitida.

H. ovata, lata, æneo-viridis; pedibus abdominisque apice testaceis; antennis testaceis, brevibus, articulis 5 apicalibus crassioribus; corpore supra levi; elytris haud striatis.

Long. corp. 1½ lin.

Habitat King George's Sound.

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Obs.—This species is evidently allied to the last described, having the same short antennæ with the terminal joints incrassated; the hinder tibiæ also, as in H. crassicornis, are curved downwards. It is remarkable for its short and almost perfectly oval form, and its great glossiness. To the naked eye it appears to be devoid of sculpturing, but with the assistance of a tolerably powerful lens we perceive that the head, thorax and elytra are very delicately punctured.

Species 3. H. substriata.

H. longè ovata, testacea; antennis brevibus, capite et thorace impunctatis, hoc foveâ transversâ leviter impresso, prope basin; elytris vix punctato-striatis; femoribus posticis longioribus, corpore subtus piceo.

Long. corp. 1½ lin.

Habitat King George's Sound.

Obs.—This species, like the preceding, would appear at first sight to belong to the genus Macronema. The antennæ are moderately thick at the apex.

Species 4. H. acuminata.

H. longè ovata, ochracea, corpore supra Iævi; elytris versus apicem acuminatis; capite, thorace, suturâque fulvo tinctis; corpore subtus, femoribusque posticis fulvis.

Long. corp. 1½ lin.

Habitat King George's Sound.

Obs.—This species is very closely allied to the preceding; it may, however, be distinguished by the fulvous tint of the body beneath, its different form, and its smooth upper surface, there being no traces of striæ on the elytra; there is a very faint transverse impression on the posterior part of the thorax.

Species 5. H. bicolor.

H. ovata, nitidè æneo-viridis; thorace, capite anteriore, antennarumque basi, testaceis; corpore subtus, pedibusque nigris; tibiis tarsisque piceo-testaceis; antennis mediocribus; thorace lineâ transversali, foveisque duabus longitudinalibus, posticè impresso; elytris punctato-striatis.

Long. corp. 1¼ lin.

Habitat near Sydney.

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Species 6. H. ovata.

H. ovata, brevis, lævis, testacea; oculis nigris; corpore subtus, femoribusque posticis fulvis; suturâ nigrescenti; thorace nonnunquam fulvo.

Long. corp. 1 1/3 lin.

Habitat near King George's Sound.

Species 7. H. variegata.

H. testaceus, fusco-variegatus; abdomine piceo; thorace brevi, punctulatissimo, sulco, transverso foveisque duabus distinctis; elytris punctato-striatis.

Long. corp. 1 lin.

Habitat Van Diemen's Land.

Obs.—From the remarkable colouring of this species, I at first doubted its being a Haltica. The three specimens which I have examined vary a little in colour. The head is brown; the thorax is of a chestnut brown hue; the elytra are yellowish, with the suture and outer margin brown: there are likewise two clouded spots at the base, and an interrupted band in the middle, which extends to the outer margin on each side, but not to the suture.

Species 8. H. labialis.

H. ovata, testacea, ore nigro, suturâ fuscescente; thorace levitèr punctato; lineâ transversâ foveisque duabus, in parte posteriore; elytris punctato-striatis, interstitiis lævibus.

Long. corp. 2/3 lin.

Habitat near Sydney.

Obs.—Less than Haltica nemorum.

Species 9. H. picea.

H. picea; thorace impunctato, in parte posteriore lineâ transversâ profundè impresso, et foveas duas exhibente; elytris punctato-striatis; pedum quatuor anticorum tibiis antenna-rumque basi, piceo-testaceis.

Long. corp. ½ lin.

Habitat King George's Sound.

Obs.—Less than the last species.

Species 10. H. bivittata.

H. sub-ovata, nigra; elytris strigâ flavidâ longitudinali.

Long. corp. 2/3 lin.

Habitat near King George's Sound.

Obs.—This species very closely resembles H. nemorum, but is

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of a smaller size and shorter form; the thorax is more thickly punctured, and the antennæ and legs are totally black.

When I first saw this insect, I imagined that it was identical with our turnip fly, and that it had probably been introduced into Australia with turnip seeds, &c.; but upon comparing several specimens, brought over by Mr. Darwin, with our species, I found they invariably differed as above-mentioned.

The species next described has but ten joints to the antennæ, and the apex of the posterior tibiæ is prolonged beyond the base of the tarsus: in fact it possesses the characters of the sub-genus Macronema (Megerle).

Species 1. (11.) Macronema scutellata.

M. cærulea, sub-ovata et lata; thorace elytris angustiori; antennarum articulis tribus basalibus testaceis; corpore subtus nigro; tibiis tarsisque brunneis; scutello æneo; capite impunctato; thorace punctato; elytris punctato-striatis, interstitiis lævibus.

Long. corp. 1¼—1½ lin.

Habitat near Sydney.

Obs.—This species is rather less than the Macronema napi; it is of a shorter and broader form, and the thorax is narrower in proportion to the elytra.

The remaining species here described belong to Latreille's subgenus Dibolia. They depart from the more typical Halticæ in having the head placed vertically, nearly hidden by the thorax, very broad (generally equal in width to the thorax); the thorax and elytra being nearly of equal width, end of a somewhat cylindrical form; and in having the tibiæ furnished with a tooth-like process in the middle externally. The antennæ are very slender; they somewhat resemble the Eumolpi.

Species 1. (12.) Dibolia ænea.

D. ænea vel æneo-viridis, subtus nigra; pedibus, palpis antenisque testaceis, femoribus fuscescentibus; capite fere thoracem latitudine æquante, et punctulatissimo; thorace posticè latiori, punctulatissimo; elytris profundè punctato-striatis; interstitiis lævibus.

Long. corp. 1 lin.

Habitat near Sydney.

Obs.—This species is about the size of Dibolia Cynoglossi.

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Species 2. (13.) D. æneo-nigra.

D. æneo-nigra, subtùs nigra; antennis ad basin, tibiis tarsisque testaceo-piceis; capite thoracem latitudine æquante, leviter punctulatissimo; thorace punctato; elytris punctato-striatis, interstitiis lævibus.

Long. corp. 1 lin.

Habitat near King George's Sound.

Obs.—This species is the same size as the last; the head is broader, and its form more nearly approaches to cylindric.

Species 3. (14.) D. pygmæa.

D. æneo-viridis; antennis tarsisque testaceis; tibiis fusco-testaceis; capite vix thoracem latitudine æquante, impunctato; thorace punctulatissimo; elytris punctato-striatis.

Long. corp. ½ lin.

Habitat near King George's Sound.

Obs.—This is a very minute species, scarcely more than half the size of H. nemorum.

Species 4. (15.) Dibolia ochracea.

D. ochracea, suprà æneo-lavata; capite thorace angustiori, hôc punctulatissimo; elytris punctato-striatis.

Long. corp. 5/6 lin.

Habitat King George's Sound.

Obs.—This species is nearly as large as D. Cynoglossi: the æneous tint is indistinct.

Species 5. (16.) D. subænea.

D. ochracea, æneo-tincta; capite thoraceque æneo-fascis, femoribus posticis corporeque subtùs fuscis; capite et thorace punctulatissimis; elytris punctato-striatis, interstitiis subpunctatis.

Long. corp. 1¼ lin.

Habitat King George's Sound.

Obs.—This species somewhat resembles the last in colour: it may, however, he easily distinguished from either of the foregoing by its large size. The sculpturing of the upper parts is more delicate than in D. ochracea. The head, thorax and elytra are of nearly equal width.

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